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Posts posted by JC_AOR

  1. Been playing this one a bit and I really am enjoying the album. Some excellent tunes on here all with that distinctive Loverboy style. I can't imagine too many fans of the band will be disappointed though going off earlier comments maybe I am wrong. Not up to the standard of 'Just Getting Started" but regardless I think it's a worthwhile release.

  2. I have been a huge fan of RM over the years with both Paid Vacation and MOBE in my list of best albums of all time, and his first 3 albums not far down that list as well. Like I said previously RM is generally lumped in the soft rock / adult contemporary box but in fact he has as many upbeat rock songs in his catalogue as he does soft sappy ballads. With that in mind, when there is news of a new RM album, most RM fans expect a rock album with a some ballads and lighter moments mixed in. The latest album doesn't deliver this and I think that is why many fans are disappointed. It is by no means a bad album and in fact it has some really nice songwriting and areangements. However despite this, the new album is in my opinion too soft and uninspiring. It is just boring and I would have to agree with Andrew that it is the worst RM album to date. A real shame but I'm glad Jez and some others are enjoying it.

  3. RM has always been pretty soft. Does this surprise you??

    Absolutely, this latest album is miles softer than any of his other albums. Just check out any of his 80's and 90's albums...sure they have their share of soft ballads etc but there are plenty of great AOR styled rock tracks among them as well.

  4. Overall a good album and some excellent tracks. There's a lot of variety here. ...AOR, hard rock, a country influenced song and even a tune that sounds like it came off an Aerosmith album. I hear similarities to Brett Walker and Bryan Adams as well. I like it but I suspect some might feel the album doesn't have cohesion or doesn't flow well. There are enough good tracks here to make it worth a listen though.

  5. A nice album, only played it once so far but I love the vocals and a good variety of song styles too. 'Strangers' is the highlight for me so far. More spins are needed before making a final judgement though.

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