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Posts posted by whiplash1972

  1. I think the Radio Active Cats is probably one of the better "el cheap-os" you can find out there...good bluesy rock n roll in the same vein as Great White,with a wicked cool neon green case(if you get it with an original case). :banger:


    *Waiting on Flame - S/T to arrive....snagged it on eBay for 99 cents! :headbanger:

  2. Ok, I'll go first here...anyone who's seen my posts in the comments section here knows that I'm NOT really into AOR, so this'll probably be VERY interesting! :P My top 10 in no particular order:


    Toto - Pamela

    Survivor - Burning Heart

    Styx - Renegade

    Rick Springfield - Rock of Life

    Journey - Seperate Ways

    Journey - Signs of Life

    Jefferson Starship - No Way Out

    Lou Gramm - Ready or Not

    No More Johnny - Keep On Dreaming

    White Wolf - She

  3. :lol: Pissy mood passed over now........


    But we're still doin' Corabi....


    A WONDERFUL Friend sent me some of his other stuff.....


    LOVING "Foxy Lady" right now!!!!


    Damn........that man gets in to it, doesn't he???? :o:lol: :lol:



    That's Corabi with ESP (Eric Singer Project) doing that one,and yes, Corabi can tear some shit up when he gets cranking! :banger:


    The ESP disc is one disc full of cover songs that I really enjoy! :headbanger:

  4. Let's see, listened to these all day at work:


    AdrianGale - Under the Hood (Not feeling the love on the live tracks! :P )


    Firehouse - Prime Time (Good stuff,harder than normal for them; not quite as good as their first coupla discs)


    McQueen Street - 2 (Loving it! Picked up right where they left off!)



    Listening to these at home:


    House of Lords - S/T :headbanger:


    Autograph - Buzz (Interesting....VERY light, but pretty good)

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