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Posts posted by JLPRocks

  1. "Going through the motions"....."tribute".......really?.......no way. I'd love to hear tribute bands sound as proficient as Harnell on this. I'm not even the biggest Harnell fan and can say that this is more than adequate to carry the torch. I honestly don't see the 'going through the motions'.....the range....the tone....all of that was present. What did you expect him to be doing...spitting out the words with fire?! lol


    Either way....I agree with AM that I'm more interested in hearing new material, but this was pretty damn good.

  2. Geoff... stop being a twat. :lol:


    Not everyone listens to music the way YOU do. As I have said here many a time, lyrics and words mean far less TO ME than to others. I can listen to praise/worship Christian rock back to back with satanic Black metal and not skip a beat. For me it is about the sound and melody.


    Heck, even with music sung in English, I pretty much ignore the lyrical content. It's all about the SOUND for me. The actual words being sung pass in one ear and out the other, only rarely registering in terms of comprehension. The only time it comes into play is if there is extreme cursing or filth and I have to be aware of the content not for my own sake but for those around me who might hear it, and the listening/working environment I am in at the time.


    You don't agree with that way of listening, or even understand it, fine. But insulting people by claiming the only reason anyone would ever listen to music in a language they don't understand is for the "look at me factor" is being a dick.


    You don't like foreign language music. We get it.


    This is no different than those who put guitar work and solos far higher on the importance list than those who consider vocals or vocal harmonies to be of primary importance. It's an aesthetic choice. You value English lyrics and the ability to understand them far more than others do.


    Neither way is right or wrong... it's just different ways of experiencing and enjoying music.


    How do the cool kids here do it......"backed" 100%


    I rarely care what the lyrics to a song are......and listen to music exactly the way Dan does. One of my favorites, Enya sings in her own damn language or gaelic...a LOT......lol...and I love her music as much if not more so than anything else! lol


    To each their own...and, yeah....and stop taking your contempt for the world out on innocent music lovers, who are much like yourself and like a lot of similar stuff! lol

  3. There are a lot of releases that I still listen to.....but Hardline "Double Eclipse" is an album that I keep coming back to and can listen to many of the tracks, if not the whole thing. But there are a lot for me.....


    Of the recent releases....I really have to agree with Loverboy's "Just Getting Started"....that album is just one of the best modern releases from one of 'our' bands from back in the day.

  4. Whoah.......this is definitely shocking to me. Like so many others here, I spent numerous hours on the phone with James discussing music, him being a car salesman, etc. I haven't spoken to him in some time, but he was definitely one of the most passionate people in our 'collectors circle'. I am truly saddened to hear this...........


    Rock on, James.....and keep the rock alive wherever your soul takes you.

  5. Wow. Guys, this is good. I'd say it's similar to Miracle Mile. The album never gets too heavy, it's certainly on the lighter side, but not soft. It's simply very well assembled. I'm a backer, yet for the past two years I wasn't expecting much from this. But I'm elated to say I'm pleasantly surprised. I'm throwing this on the thighPod, and I'll play it all week to get a better feel.


    You and I agree on a lot of things, and our tastes seem to be quite similar. But....when I read that you said that this was similar to "Miracle Mile"....Guardian's BEST and most rawkin' affair, I had to sit back and read that again. No way.....no shape.....no form is it like Miracle Mile.....lol

  6. Geoff....thanks for the posts. The second and third songs (vids) are pretty good, and I get what you mean by mellower.......will check out the album to see what it's like. I enjoyed their previous stuff quite a bit......not sure I'll like this as much (cuz it may be too mellow for me), but will definitely give it a chance. Thanks!

  7. I agree.....Shinedown are not even in the same league as some Modern Hard Rock bands, it's just that they're more commercially available...and....it's 'cool' to like Shinedown. It's 'safe' to like them....(I think they're 'ok').


    Nickelback are a band I can enjoy listening to and own all of their releases, but I wouldn't consider them at the top of the heap for Modern Rock either. Like Dan said, nothing groundbreaking, but good hard rock stuff here. And I can enjoy and live with that.....

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