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66 mustang

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Posts posted by 66 mustang

  1. another new episode tonight. The first two shows were really good and the ratings were very strong for Sci-Fi. This is after the mini-series and everyone knew what to expect. I think the rating's will stay strong. If they hadn't of liked the mini-series i don't think they would have tuned into the series premier and held on for the whole two hours. Here is hoping that viewer ship continues to grow and a second, third and fouth season comes to pass

  2. Good review. Actually by watching the series Lowdown the Boomer on Caprica is a Cylon also. The twelve model's of Cylons all are not "human"(i think). You have the the 4 human one you have seen so far. The #6, Boomer, The guy they found in the ammo station in the mini-series and the guy they stranded in the ammo station in the mini-series. You have the Cylon Raider which is another model. (No pilots in this one). You have the old mechanical Cylons, the "toster" style which were refferenced to in the mini-series as still "being around. they have their uses" you have the new mechanical Cylon's. That is 7 i can think of so far.



    Speaking of Firefly, I have wondered about it. Thought about buying the DVD many times but I just didn't know anything about it. Thanks for that tid-bit also.


    speaking of Human Cylons, anyone remember that in Galactica 1980 their was "human Cylons" in that show? What a nightmare.

  3. AS MUCH AS I LOVE THE ORIGINAL SERIES, the thing I'm going to love about the new series is that it isn't gloss and shine. it is gritty and not happy. the new cylon ships look great and one thing that people want to see will happen. Richard Hatch will have a part on the show, may become a reoccuring roll. it has been suggested Dirk Benidect take on the roll of Commander Cain of the Pegusis, that would be cool.





  4. i guess it was my fault for misunderstanding what the comment was.

    Geoff was talking about how he sometimes makes bulk post because he dosn't have time most of the time and he gets in what he can. I thought that someone commented about his bulk posting.


    "The Man post in the comments section that I am becoming quite the nuisance"


    so that is where i misunderstood. I never saw the comment, just tried to put 2 + 2 together and i guess i came up with 5 this time

  5. we on this board have been guilty in the past of "bashing" new posters for posting so much in the comment section. We go to the "new comment" section and see one person all down the page and we have lost it in the past. calling them names, getting upset with them for posting so much. I hope that is in the past. we all had a discussion in another post and we all posted like a mad man or woman when we found the site. We just wanted to give our views on the bands and cd we knew about. I have said it before and I will say it again now, when i found the baord i went bezerk and posted like crazy in the comment section. lucky for me that was before you could see the newest comments or i would have been on the "evil" list.

    What I'm saying is post away and if anyone takes offence that is their problem, not your's my friend. That is why the site exist and if people get upset with that then they need to look at themselves to see why that gets under their skin.

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