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Posts posted by Gibbo

  1. Sea Of Sand ... an old WWII movie, set in the days just before the battle of El Alamein ... particularly poignant for me as the final scene includes the artillery barrage that heralded the start of the Allied offensive ... my Grandad was manning one of the guns involved in that barrage ...


    Love those old WWII movies...my dad never cared for them though...probably had something to do with the fact that he drove a tank through most of Europe during the war...

    My Brother in law fought in Vietnam,he will watch any war movie or doco but won't watch anything regarding Vietnam.

    My uncle served with the US Air Force in Vietnam ... he died earlier this year :( Like my Grandad, he never spoke of his experiences ... I'm tahankful everyday that there are men like them who are willing to put their lives on the line for us ...

  2. Sea Of Sand ... an old WWII movie, set in the days just before the battle of El Alamein ... particularly poignant for me as the final scene includes the artillery barrage that heralded the start of the Allied offensive ... my Grandad was manning one of the guns involved in that barrage ...


    Love those old WWII movies...my dad never cared for them though...probably had something to do with the fact that he drove a tank through most of Europe during the war...

    Yeah, my Grandad never talked about it ... it's only since he died that I've found out about the things he did ... stuff like how he ended up in Berlin at the end of the war, and was airlifted out just before the Russians closed their half of the city ... :(

  3. I like BFMV's 'The Poison', but other than that they're very much a one-trick pony ... I'd recommend Five Finger Death Punch, who (IMHO) are one of the less annoying and more talented bands in the Funeral For My 30 Second Horizon vein ... Stone Sour are okay, too (certainly far better than Slipknot!) :)


    Yeah, I've heard FFDP before and I gotta say, they don't personally do anything for me. Not quite as catchy, or shall we say "melodic" are the others you mention. Mark and I have similar modern rock tastes, though, and I know he favours them a bit.


    I like Stone Sour and wonder why they don't appear to more people here. I guess it's just because no one really has heard them or is willing to give them a go? I only wonder because it's basically pure hard rock / metal they play, and the "modern" part is just a mixing of words.

    I know a lot of people who are put off by the Slipknot connection ... which is a pity 'cause Stone Sour are actually very good ... like you say, more pure HR/metal than 'shouty blokes with more piercings than talent' ...

  4. I like BFMV's 'The Poison', but other than that they're very much a one-trick pony ... I'd recommend Five Finger Death Punch, who (IMHO) are one of the less annoying and more talented bands in the Funeral For My 30 Second Horizon vein ... Stone Sour are okay, too (certainly far better than Slipknot!) :)

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