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Posts posted by Gibbo

  1. Makeup to Breakup: My LIfe in and Out of KISS by Peter Criss


    Finished this one today. Great read. Cat Man doesn't pull any punches when it comes to his old band mates, but at the same time he admits that he was a total f*ck up for a lot of years. Some great stories here. Probably the best KISS related book I've read (and I've read a f*ck load of 'em) lol.gif

    Strange. I've only read bad reviews about this one. Maybe I'll give it a try one day. :)


    I liked it better than Ace's and Gene's books by a mile.

    I enjoyed Gene's book, but wasn't at all impressed with Ace's ... reckon I might give this one a try ...

  2. I bought Public Enemy's 'Fear Of A Black Planet' when I was an impressionable youth, and I can listen to Eminem without vomiting blood, but most rap leaves me cold ... it's just not my thing ...



    OUR musical tastes are viewed in much the same way ... ;)

  3. I still occasionally listen to artists like Belinda, Tiffany, Stacey Q, Samantha Fox and E.G. Daily and even own cd's from the last three on my list.


    Mate, that's a bit of a shocker. She looked cracking topless, but as a pop star? Noooooo!!!




    Mmmmm, Samantha Fox. My bedroom wall was covered in her posters when I was in high school. She was HOT!!!

    Really? Never saw it, myself. I always preferred Linda Lusardi ;) Am I right in thinking that young Samantha plays for the other team these days?

  4. The Birthday Massacre - Pins & Needles

    The Birthday Massacre - Walking With Strangers

    The Donnas - Bitchin'

    Both fantastic bands!


    I'd never heard of The Birthday Massacre until a week or so ago (actually on another metal forum). I liked what I heard on YouTube so I ordered those two CDs.

    Ah ... a better apparoach than mine ... I picked up Pins & Needles simply because I liked the cover :) I'm glad I did ...

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