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Posts posted by Ponen

  1. On 11/5/2020 at 3:18 PM, Geoff said:

    This is a pretty killer release in my eyes. In a lacklustre year, it stands out significantly. A lot of great songs, but the big stand out for me is 'Cold Words.' Holy shit, what a killer tune. 

    I also love 'Renegades of Love,' 'Denial' and 'My Hideaway.' But there's no weak spots here - it's mostly pretty awesome. The last song - that ballad - will be the only non-keeper for me on the album. It's not a bad song, but it's pretty meek after a high energy melodic rock record to finish on that note, imo. 

    But yeah ,really good album and probably finishes the year in my top 5 with ease. 

    Just listened to this album for the first time, what a song Cold Words is!! One of the best this year. 

    The rest are pretty good too except one two songs. 

    For some reason, I kept forgetting about this new release. Very fine album indeed. 

  2. It's become quite a common issue of songs being dropped by Spotify from our playlists without informing us. Has it happened to you also? Last week I had created a playlist comprising of 100+ songs and two days later I found out more than 25 songs had disappeared from the list. 

    I read in their community site that it could be that licencing agreements with the artist/label, or ownership of rights must have changed or some other issues. Ok but what I don't understand is if they have removed a song from my playlist due to one of the reasons mentioned, then why is it that the song still exist on Spotify?!!!..and I am also able to add it again. It shouldn't exist on Spotify anymore, right? Baffles me. Also, I added 2 songs from Loverboy's Just Getting Started album to my playlist. One disappeared later. Again, if it was due to one of those licencing or agreement reasons then why werent both the songs removed, why only one. Sucks!! 

  3. 2 hours ago, Nightrain said:

    I'm a fan but this one is definitely the weakest so far. I truly love 'How We Live', a sensational track. I dig 'Don't Fool Yourself' as well but Glen are you sure it's the best of the bunch ? i think they got better songs off their discography.

    'Save Me From Myself' and 'Done With Me' also deserved attentions, but the rest are just subpar compared to Vega's true quality, don't you guys think ?

    Yep, pales in comparison to their other albums. Their debut, What The Hell and Stereo Messiah are the best imo.

  4. 2 hours ago, CureTheSane said:

    Got around to this one and had a few spins.
    Stand outs for me are

    Grit Your Teeth
    Man On A Mission
    Consequence Of Having A Heart
    Battles Ain't A War
    Save Me From Myself
    How We Live

    Only songs I don't like that much are the first two and maybe the last one, wouldn't call them fillers, but just not for me.

    Overall I really like it, as mentioned earlier, this is my first time listening to this band.

    If you liked this then you should check out the rest of their discography. You won't be disappointed. Awesome band.

  5. 1 hour ago, Aordave89 said:



    Great track - Everything you would want from Creye. Not re-inventing the wheel but such a solid young Melodic Rock band. 
    New chap on vocals sounding good. 
    Looking forward to the album! 

    That's very nice. This album might possibly turn out to be the real giant killer haha. Personally, I thought most of the albums from the heavyweights didn't quite live up to expectations this year so am really looking forward to this one. 

  6. 4 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Any news if an album will come from the two new songs? 

    This is what I could find on the internet..


    2020-Present: Dog YearsEdit

    On May 18, 2020, The Night Game announced a record project called "Dog Years" that would be released in eleven singles. The first, "Magic Trick," was released May 29, 2020, and its music video debuted on YouTube on June 23, 2020. The second single, "One Phone Call," reached the airwaves on July 10, 2020.

    • Thanks 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Geoff said:

    Fuck me, that is incredible. Love the absolute shit out of that. What a cool song. Man this guy is cool, lol. What a talent. 

    Yeah it is. Definitely in contention for 2020 best song. And the cinematography is just as good.

  8. It's a good album. As mentioned by everyone, a good run of 4 songs and one two good ones in the second half. But its not just TMF, none of the heavyweights has blown me away with their new releases. I know we should be happy in this day and age that we are getting to enjoy our kind of songs that we grew up listening to, but how I wish these great bands would once again recreate the magic of their earlier albums. Speaking of which, I think HEAT was about as closest as possible but was ultimately letdown by a few fillers. If I have to rate all the albums from the heavyweights this year then it would be somewhat like this -

    Harem Scarem>HEAT>TMF>Vega>One Desire.

    Haven't heard Revolution Saints yet.


  9. After a couple of listens, I think it's a very nice album. But you don't expect The Midnight to deliver below par albums. Though none of the songs are on par with their earlier masterpieces like Lost Boy or Sunset or Synthetic, but as an album it's better than their last two releases, with more songs and more songs with vocals on this one. Love it.

  10. On 10/10/2019 at 1:20 AM, Stefan said:

    More synthwave stuff 'Go All Night'.

    Me likey.



    Asbolute grower.

    Saw Glen mentioned about this band on another thread a week back, so decided to give the entire album a listen. Man now am in love with this song! When I heard it the first time last year i found it to be quite catchy, but nothing great. One of those songs that you totally ignore at first and falls in love the second time round. One of my faves of 2020.

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