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Posts posted by CureTheSane

  1. 19 hours ago, nyoilers said:

    Dr.Seuss is dead.Who gives a shit?

    I see this as a ploy by his estate to make money.

    Here's a marketing strategy-Let's call these 6 books that nobody has ever heard of racist,stop printing them and then all of a sudden everybody wants to buy these books.

    The second highest paid dead celebrity behind Michael Jackson.

    And we have a winner.
    Sad that I participated in the scam :(

    • Like 1
  2. 18 hours ago, Darkstone said:



    Is this the same Son? It sounds like you've done well nurturing his musical tastes.

    Keep it up!

    The link is for "Pretty Maids - Please Don't Leave Me", BTW.

    haha, yeeah.
    Did I get my wires crossed some other time and quote the wrong song?
    Was definitely So Savage The Heart, although he did like the Pretty Maids song as well.

    Another one he loved, and I mentioned this on a different music forum years ago and copped a lot of shit was Buckcherry's Lit Up.
    He had no idea what the lyrics were about and it wasn't like I let him bellow it at the shopping centre or whatever.
    Swearing is weird with kids.
    I never swore in front of any of them until they were adults (aside from the odd slip up)
    But music gets a little hall pass.
    Hell, free to air TV started allowing 'shit' to be said at 7pm like 10 or so years ago.

    Hard to define a standard for these things when it seems so acceptable.
    These days the c word is like shit was when I was growing up.

    Kids these days just throw it around. Mine don't (in front of me at least lol)

    • Like 1
  3. 3 minutes ago, Darkstone said:

    You're about my vintage, so I'm sure you can remember the same shit with the Enid Blyton "Noddy" books and "Golliwogs".

    Sure, and I support them not being allowed.
    Same with chico lollies. I get it, theya re pretty racist.
    Maybe red skins if they are in the US as well.
    Coon choose - no, should not have changed, it is the surname of the inventor.

    I really should be the judge for what should and should not be cancelled.
    I think I'd do well.

  4. On 3/2/2021 at 2:52 AM, Dead Planet said:

    Loved the first one but wasn't overly impressed with release #2 although it has some good songs.....if I were picking back to back great releases by the band I would have to choose Slippery When Wet and New Jersey as both were excellent....

    First is an amazing debut.

    Second is what was left over from the first IMO.
    Although there are a few great tracks, like you said, it pales.

    • Like 1
  5. Take The Dog Off The Chain is easily their best song and is also an excellent musical example of nearly perfect hard rock.

    I remember my son in first year of school.
    Kids had to get up and sing a song in front of the class to 'open up' a bit.

    His teacher approached me after school...
    Kids got up and sung baa baa black sheep, happy birthday etc
    He got up and bellowed So Savage The Heart, with his hand on his chest and at top volume.
    Wish I could have seen that :)

    • Like 1
  6. 19 hours ago, Geoff said:

    I'm just some dumb guy, and no one will ever know either way, but I don't for a single second believe they would have made one ounce of difference if they'd been compulsory from the start. Maybe one or two less cases or something minute like that, but I even doubt that.

    I just invite people to sit down, analyse a typical day and think how a mask may or may not prevent them from getting the virus, or spreading it. 

    Don't the "experts" say they're only "useful" for about two hours anyway? If that's the case, how many people do you think are swapping their masks every two hours? The one I have in my pocket I've had for about 2 months. 

    If I have to wear a mask I use the same one I've used since this thing started.
    Tend to agree that they don't do much.

  7. 4 hours ago, Darkstone said:

    Here's one to give you all a laugh. From the subject to the self righteous responses.




    Yeah, I posted on Facebook that I hadn't seen the books so I have no idea if they were offensive or not.
    Going by the report in the clip, it's really not that bad.
    It's actually the issue I have with Aboriginals in Australia.
    Every fucking time they are on TV they are in makeup, with boomerangs and didgeridoos and dancing around.
    How are they not to be stereotyped that way?

    Why is White Chicks still on Netflix?
    Can't have it both ways.

    Either way, surely a better way out of this Dr Seuss shit would be to change some of the images and text a little.

    Interesting that tose view people basically all said that the books shouldn't be removed.
    Again, can't make a stance with a foot on either side of each argument, just because it's old and Dr Seuss...

  8. 7 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    so I guess the question to ask is...would there be a much worse spread of the virus if no one was wearing a mask?

    Yes, that is the question.
    and the WORLD fucked it up but dismissing masks when all this started.
    Then they went back when they had good supplies and said, "um, yeah, wear them"

    Anyway, they may well have had a significant impact.
    Personally I believe that they do have an impact in reducing spread, but not as much as they'd like you to believe.
    Look at NSW vs Victoria.
    NSW only made  masks mandatory once I think, for maybe a week or 2.
    Yet their spread was far far far less than our when masks were mandatory everywhere, inside and out.

    What really reduced covid in Australia is that we are an island, and are far more able to control people in and out of the country.

    • Like 1
  9. 23 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Gotta agree with Darkstone here. It doesn't really matter what else happened - the fact that the police are using their time to enforce this mask garbage in Australia is a complete waste of time. I don't wear one - never have - and have been asked several times on the train to put one on, by patrolling police officers. And it aggravates me but I do it because I'm not there to cause a scene. 

    But why in this christ forsaken fucking country do we have police patrolling trains looking for people not wearing masks? In a state that has not had a covid case for over a month, and in a place (a train) where as far as I understand it, a covid case has never, ever, once been passed on? 

    I absolutely can't stand people just going along with it thinking everything's all cool and thinking we'll all get this vaccine and everything will be normal again. This mask rubbish has absolutely nothing at all to do with people's safety or "stopping the spread." Stop the spread of what? 

    Now I drive along the road all day and I see braindead fucking deadshits driving along by themselves in their car wearing masks, or walking along empty suburban streets (not shopping centres) wearing a mask. In parks... the fear they've been drilling into everyone has blended itself with a healthy dose of stupidity and everyone who hasn't thought to actually think for a second is just going along with it. It's like half the population has just resigned to the fact that we're going to be wearing masks for the rest of our lives. The same stupid fucking things we were all told from the beginning actually serve no purpose. 

    Anyway, rant over. 

    I have actually tried contacting several departments of government asking what the fuck is going on with this mask nonsense, but a response I am yet to receive, bar one auto-reply that infuriated me even more. 

    Guess what?
    Lockdowns resulted in much less crime.
    Less crime, less paperwork, more time on their hands.
    Most cops I've chatted to have happily admitted that they don't want to be wasting their time asking people about masks.
    Hell some of them said they won't fine people for using a mobile phone in a car if stopped at the lights. They said that was up to each cops discretion.

    Anyway, the internet is full of these videos where it has been convenient edited to remove the snorts (pig), or the calling out and ranting before the 'innocent poor bloke' bit starts.
    I mean this guy is actively an anti masker and has contributed to this dudes podcast or whatever it is.
    He likely went out roaming around until he was eventually bailed up.
    Probably because he was looking so suss.
    Sure that's pure speculation, but these people are tossers.

    And Geoff, not surprised you haven't worn a mask, you live in NSW.
    Shit is very different down here.
    Only last week we got back to not having them compulsory in some indoor places, but still are in shopping centres gyms, etc
    But nightclubs are open again, but don't need masks lol


  10. On 2/24/2021 at 3:26 PM, Darkstone said:

    If anyone thinks this BULLSHIT! Isn't about fear, power and control, then they're kidding themselves. 

    This was in the State of Western Australia. The other side of the country for me, but I gotta say, this is the thin edge of the wedge.

    The first interaction this guy had with the officer was bad enough, but the follow up from the detectives was disgraceful. 




    What a load of rubbish that was.

    All he had to do was ID himself and produce his certificate.
    He just didn't want to comply so now he's suing the police? the government?
    His agenda became clear during the clip. He's just a protestor who probably said a lot of shit before he started filming or conveniently edited it out.
    Even if he didn't, the creation of the clip to 'prove' he was running is laughable, and it's just some passive resistance that failed.
    Even the cop said he was gritting his teeth during the clip, an example of what we didn't see that may have aggravated the cops on both occasions.

    It's pretty simple, carry a mask with you.
    You don't have to wear it.
    If a cop taps your shoulder, he's gonna ask if you have a mask.
    You say, oh shit, I forgot and put it on. End of story.

    OR you can get your phone out and start some shit...

    • Like 1
  11. Not for the first time, Mike has a new song for the Eurovision Song Contest...

    Internationally recognised solo artist and songwriter MIKE TRAMP presents his brand new single “Everything Is Alright” – an honest number written directly from the heart – and is pleased to announce that returning home from his own Odyssey he will take part in the competition to find the Danish entry for the Eurovision Song Contest. 

    Having won the Danish Song contest in 1978 with Mabel and represented Denmark in the Eurovision Song Contest later that same year Mike will return just over four decades later on the same stage and in the context that kick-started his career with his message for Denmark and all countries of Europe in these dark times. After all the years and a lifetime of experience, it feels right to be back.

    “In 2021, I can be 100% true to myself and not have to put on any mask – I am who I am. All 8 songs are there to win, but the moment you deliver and sing a song without compromising on yourself, only in that moment can you leave the stage as a winner – no matter what the jury thinks.” – Mike Tramp

    Songs and lyrics continue to pour out of Mike under lockdown and the release of this brand new previously unreleased track continues the tradition of two decades of heartfelt and personal work which also reaches out and connects on a human level with others. These troubled times have caused everyone to look both at the world and inwards to assess where we have come to and who we are. 


  12. Many here won't be into this, but stick it out to the chorus...

    From Loudwire....|

    Pop Evil issued a pair of songs earlier this year in advance of the pandemic and it appears as though things are back on track for a new album release. In fact, the band has just issued the pulsing new single "Breathe Again" in advance of their upcoming sixth album, Versatile.

    Heavy, distortion-fused guitars give this Pop Evil song some extra bite, while singer Leigh Kakaty's uplifting vocal powers the chorus. And while following on the heels of the early 2020 releases "Work" and "Let the Chaos Reign," it appears that the band is off to a solid start for their upcoming release.


    For Pop Evil, the album wait is almost over. The band spent the winter of 2019 working on their new set and will finally see the album arrive via eOne at a still-to-be-announced date in 2021. But for now, fans can stream the new song "Breathe Again" via the platform of their choosing here.



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