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Posts posted by simo



    I'm back. Temporarily.


    Where are you going? Or are you hanging out in Finland? Is there a summer in Finland?






    Just hanging out in Finland. Visiting our summer cottage (1 hour drive from home) and doing some work on our house. I just got back from my fathers funeral (he died a couple of weeks ago), he lived in the western part of Finland. About 400 km away. :(


    Sorry to hear that, how are you doing?

  2. I always thought Nasty Habit had a lot of potential as a sleaze / 80s band which unfortunately they never managed to fully showcase on record, be it due to subpar production or still being too young and not fully developed as a band yet. So it's unfortunate we'll never see what could have been if they had kept at it and perfected their sound on another Nasty Habit album


    Having said that, I don't dislike the new direction they went in. Different style for sure but it's catchy and nicely done

  3. Where do I start....... Portugal. The Man from Alaska have been around for a number of years, released 7 albums between 2006 and 2013, sometimes only taking 8 or 9 months between two albums. Their latest record ''Woodstock'' which was released this month took a little longer, 4 years to be exact.


    Singer has a ''girly'' voice and the band's output is a very eclectic mix of styles ranging from pop, rock, psychedelic elements, electro and lately also incorporating a bit of rap / hip hop as well. It's hard choosing a couple songs to post cause their style varies so much from one album to the next but I'll try. I liked them a little better before they signed with Atlantic in 2011 but that's just my own personal preference.


    They're also a good live band, seen them 5 times and will again this September. Here are some videos you can check out:













    Top Gun 2 just got the green light.

    looking forward to it, however it's hard to capture that atmosphere of the 80's, and music was such a big part of creating it...


    For example a few years ago I was looking forward to the remake of Footloose, only to be let down by that one.



    Is Cruise in it??


    Yeah I agree the music to Top Gun almost made that film.


    Absolutely, it won't be ''the same''. Cruise will be in it, actually he is the only confirmed actor so far :D

  5. As long as discussions are good and being kept alive I don't care if it's men or women posting. I have accepted the fact that (at least in this genre) the majority of listeners happen to be men, not sure why but that's just the way it is

  6. A coworker of mine has this thing where he leaves out the H when saying words with TH. I'm in Switzerland so nobody's English is perfect, no problem with that but his thing becomes funny everytime he's on the phone and says ''third''..... makes it sound like turd HAHAHA :D


    So when he refers to this company called Third Point... turns into Turd Point


    Or twenty turds instead of twenty-third LOL


    I crack up every single time and people at the office ask what's wrong but I can't tell them


    Baywatch (2017)


    Holy shit! This film is hilarious!

    Saw it again, last night. Friends hadn't seen it, and I figured the laughs would still be strong enough to warrant going once more. I was right. The film is outrageous.


    Damn, I need to see this. Also on the list: Chips!


    Both times I've seen Firehouse I've walked out. Zero connection with the crowd.


    The 'turn up to get a pay cheque' is spot on.

    Wow really? When I saw them in a small club (a couple 100ish people) they were great! Talking to the crowd fist bumps and high fives from CJ.


    That's because one time they were in the UK and the other was in the US :D


    I don't know, living in Switzerland I see the difference when I go to a concert in another country. Totally different atmosphere

  9. Allo mate! An Aerosmith fan who's fave album is Rocks.....bang on, best album ever! :)

    Why though? :D :D How could it be with a song like ''Last Child'' on it among others and that production? LOL jokes aside, I think this is one of the cases where you had to ''be there'' to get it. I remember many years ago being obsessed with Guns N' Roses and Slash and getting Rocks because I read it was Slash's favorite album and I was underwhelmed to say the least

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