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Posts posted by gener8tr

  1. Okay, I gave this one a spin last night and tried to listen with an open mind.


    It's not a bad album at all... Certainly not as bad as Destination Anywhere which I honestly believe is the worst album recorded in the history of music. That said, it is CERTAINLY a modern style "Country / Rock" album with some pop influences and for anyone to say they don't hear any "Country" means they're not listening :) It has plenty of twang and two-step your thang which guarantees success with the late 30's and early 40-something Soccer-Mom's.


    Does it completely suck: NO


    Is it classic old-school Bon Jovi in any way, shape or form: NO


    Now, as far as sound quality goes (which I am a stickler)... much like nearly all current releases, this one is maximized and compressed with peak values registering off-the-charts and does not make for a pleasant listen on a nice home system. In short, it was mixed LOUD AS HELL!

  2. If they had continued to release Slippery when wet and New Jersey style albums, they wouldnt have a career like they have now, so who are we to judge?



    I agree, but it's obvious they're thrown out a big F**K YOU to all of their 1986 fans in favor of the new-breeders. I hope for Jon's sake these new fans are buying their 30th. copy of Lost Highway in 20 years like I've done with Slippery. Thanks for the middle finger, Jon, I appreciate it. :)

  3. I don't collect for resale value as I have absolutely no intention of selling any of my CD's. However, as a collector I do enjoy adding items that are considered rare even if I don't particularly enjoy the music itself. I am also one of those OCD collector's always looking for MINT condition discs and inserts and accept nothing less, even if it means I spend more than I should (as I often do).


    Collecting CD's is much the same as collecting anything else. Contrary to popular belief, serious stamp collectors would NOT rather have a photocopy of a $500.00 stamp than the actual stamp itself. Same goes for me with my music CD's. I don't want a CD-R of YALE BATE - BUSINESS OR PLEASURE, I want the real thing (and I don't even care for the band all that much).


    It's a hobby, and no one should be criticized for any anything they collect. I think Barbie-Dolls are 100% idiotic, but I'm guessing there are more than a few collectors out there with $100,000.00 collections. To each there own.

  4. Y'know there's still some unreleased bonafide gems from the 80s and I have been pursuing these guys for a year. The master was finally delivered today and holy smokes - this could be one of the top releases of 2007. I have been very fortunate to release some amazing bands on the label (Defcon , Mariah , Staxx , Stranger , XL New York , Weapons etc...) and this band just solidifies why I am doing this....


    Ladies and Gentlemen for the first time EVER meet the phucking phenomenal band - ISOM




    Hearts On Fire




    This makes me VERY happy... Using the MASTER and not some lesser source.


    I am not trying to beat a dying horse here, so please don't take this the wrong may and make a voodoo doll from my hair and light me on fire, Sam. Obviously you know a lot about the music biz, so PLEASE do all of us who actually care about sound quality a favor and DO NOT maximize and compress this recording in order to increase volume. Good music deserves a good mastering, and from the sounds of it, I REALLY like this band. Please do it justice and lay down the tracks exactly as they were recorded to tape back in the day.


    My only other question (I know, I've asked it a million times)... Is this going to be a silver-press? If so, where do I pre-order.

  5. Wow, excellent 10-page read!


    One thing the majority of you have missed, or at least not commented on is SOUND QUALITY. I know most metalheads don't care or maybe can't tell if a CD has been compressed and maximized to the point of ear-bleeding levels, but I do and I can.


    Can of of you bootleggers on this site tell me how you "master" a CD? Do you simply flat transfer from a vinyl source? Probably not, too many clicks and pops.


    What about from a tape source. Probably not, it's not LOUD enough.


    Direct CD-R from a CD source? Perhaps if an original CD source is available.


    In any case, I'd like to know how you do it, because most of the bootlegs I've heard aren't worth owning at any price.

  6. WOW!


    As stated in a related thread I cannot believe this is happening.


    I've known Lon for at least 7 years from our duels on ebay in the early days (like 1999). He and I always got along great and even provided each other with a few discs free of charge.


    My only worry, and I am not necessarily pointing fingers, but if I remember correctly Lon was involved with the ex-wife of none other than Manny Comras. Remember that swindler from back in the day? I never had any problems with her (in fact, I received a couple of really nice titles from ebay a few years ago), but where there's smoke there is fire. Any insight on this.


    Again, this sucks and I hope Lon is actually as much a victim as everyone else. I'd hate to think otherwise :(

  7. Does anyone know if Adrenalin Road of the Gypsy has ever been released on disc?



    Not the entire album, only the single. I have the LP, and it's great!


    You guys who are desperately searching the world for those rare and elusive CD's really need to do yourselves a favor and invest in a turntable. Honestly, nothing is rare on vinly (unless it's a MONO Beatles LP) and the sound destroys the CD 9 out of 10 times (on a good TT). No need to argue that here or this thread will quickly become 20 pages. Just take my word for it!

  8. Imagine every CD with an OBI and having to pull each one out to see the artist/title/etc. No just reading the spine!! Makes a 30 minute visit to the record store into a 2 hour ordeal!! But who said being a kid in a candy store was easy???




    That's what it's like for me everytime I go cd shoping over here. I always make sure I leave the wife at home because I can be in a store for hours. I really love it when I pull out cd and it is an awesome find. I actually getting good learning some of the Hiragana and Katakana characters for some of my favorite bands.



    Disk Heaven Japan are good people... Never delt with the person (call name) you speak of, Koogs, but if he is connected with Disk Heaven Japan drop them a line and I'm sure everything will work out fine.

  9. Wow Dave , you really got me there. I falsely advertised that it was the first time Mariah had ever been available in any format even though they had a demotape that was never sold publicly.


    I'll never recover from it. I am doomed.


    Can you believe this guy?


    I agree. Seems like Dave's spending too much time trying to nitpick every little thing Sam does, and not nearly enough time getting releases ready from his own label. Seems extremely childish and jealous to me.



    I think Dave's delivery was a bit dramatic. I doubt very seriously Retrospect was trying to pull the wool over anyone's eyes on this one.


    However, 80smetalcollector, the website could be updated to read: "This is the first time this recording has been offered for sale to the public. A demo tape was released in miniscule numbers in 1992 in the hopes of landing a recording contract. Said demo tape has been known to surface on ebay from time to time (in case any of you hard-core collector's are interested)."


    Perhaps the correction will be made, perhaps not. That's not too much to ask, however, since it is the truth and there are collector's out there who actually care about these things.

  10. I've often said any album the Leps would have released between Pyromania and Hysteria would have been HUGE. Something in the late summer of 1985 timeframe. A bit harder than Hysteria, a bit glammier than Pyro. A meshing of those two would have sold 20 million!


    There was a drastic change in the face of music between 1983 and 1987. Gone were most of the NWOBHM bands, and in came the hair-metalers. I think Def Lep did a good job of changing with the times, but I still like Pyro WAY more than Hysteria. Hysteria is just a bit too polished for me (I can't believe I said that). Something along the lines of Bon Jovi's - 7800 would have been nice. Yeah, 1985 could have been a huge year for them!

  11. Honestly, I really don't care what Sam or his company think, say or do as it's really is no concern of mine. I'm not a member of some long-forgotten 80's metal band who's either getting paid legitimately or screwed in the ass by Retrospect. I will never enjoy any of the legitimate recordings he has released (and I'm sure a great deal of them are legit), nor will I be disappointed with inferior artwork or cheap green-backed CD-R's as I will never purchase anything from the Retrospect label.


    HOWEVER, I don't like being lied to, and I do not believe for a moment Sam or his company is being 100% honest. In fact, I believe they intentially use deceit to profit from others. As I've said before, calling a Russian bootleg a "European Import" is like being "kind of pregnant." Come on, there is no gray area there. You either are or you're not... whether we're refering to pregnancy or the truth.


    Just be honest, that's all I ask. Do you have a legitamate contract with Sweet Teaze and permission to press their "Do It Till It Hurtz" album or not? That's not a difficult question to answer, and not too much for me to ask.


    Thanks and have a great day!

  12. I just wanted to publically thank Sam for the warm and generous PM sent to my attention this afternoon after I posted in one of the other Retrospect threads. I now fully undestand why there are areas on this site with 5+ pages of responses regarding you and your company.


    I only hope that one day I, too, can make CD-R's and sell them to unsuspecting individuals for outrageous amounts of money. Or better yet, sell Russian bootlegs on Ebay described as "European Releases."


    You're the man, Sam... it's all your world, Dude! :bowdown:

  13. Well , it's a case of tough shit for you Gener8tr.


    The bands are getting paid.


    The cd's are being sold.


    The customers are happy.


    It's a winning combination.



    First time back in a while and I see you responded.


    Quote me on this: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA." I see in other thread you boys got busted for bootlegging by at least one band.


    I thought you said "The bands are getting paid." FUCKING LIAR! :axe:

  14. You know, I came back to this thread today because I heard through the grapevine that RR was actually pressing "some" CD's on silver-backed discs, and I was going to eat some crow... Then I read this.


    Professional-Grade Printer?  You think Sam has these cd's done in the basement on a PC? 


    Fair enough , a few of the covers didn't come out as nice as he hoped , but there's no way of telling how it will come out BEFORE going to press.


    Youre kidding, right? Your artwork comes out shitty and what you're saying is "Oh well, how were we to know?"


    Actually your exact quote was "a few of the covers didn't come out as nice as he hoped , but there's no way of telling how it will come out BEFORE going to press."


    Well, if that's the case then you EAT IT and start over! You don't pass along inferior product to the innocent consumer. My God, at $20.00 each (or whatever the cost is) for a cheap CD-R, I'm sure there was a bit of wiggle room to correct OBVIOUS mistakes.


    Terrible response, dude, and up 'till now I've never said a bad word about Sam or his company, but that thought process is unacceptable.


    Sorry, JLP, I know they're your boys and that's cool with me becuase you and I have always got along like brothers, but come on...

  15. I've said it before, but I'll say it again... I don't know why Sam continues to use green or blue-backed CD-R's?


    He's got some DAMN-NICE titles that I would like to add to my collection, but I can needle-drop a CD-R and make sub-par quality inserts myself for mear pennies.


    Mercury Records doesn't release Def Leppard on CD-R... Retrospect shouldn't release BOSS on CD-R.


    Use silver-backed discs and a professional-grade printer and I'll jump on that train as quick as anyone!

  16. Hittman - S/T

    Rage - Perfect Man

    Damien - Stop This War

    Stone - No Anesthesia

    Jack Bruce - Somethingels


    I'm not sure if the $44 I paid for these is gonna be worth it, but the covers sure look cool.



    If those are original pressings you basically stole them! I've seen the Damien CD sell for close to $100.00 back in the day, and Hittman used to sell for more than $40.00.


    I know prices have come WAY down, but like everything else, the market is cyclical. Look for CD pricing (for collectors) to skyrocket again someday, much like the vintage audio equipment market is doing as we speak.

  17. Yep , I scored a few of Aldrumz releases myself.  Saved myself a whole bunch of cash from having to buy those ridiculous $80 originals.



    Not trying to argue with you my friend, but anyone intentionally selling bootlegs on-line to unsuspecting buyers is a piece of shit in my book.


    If you want to buy boots, CD-R's, whatever, in order to save some money, good for you and fine by me. However, if someone tries to peddle that crap on me disguised as an original it's a whole different story.


    The Mona Lisa is a God-awful ugly painting, but I'd certainly hang the original in my house. NO F**ING WAY I'D HANG A RE-PRINT.


    Now that's my two-cents.

  18. I just checked out Sam's site, and it really looks great... Not to mention, he has a TON of really great stuff I'd like to put in my collection this very minute.


    However, I still can't get past the CD-R thing. JLP, we've addressed this before, but is there ANY chance Sam will ever release this stuff on regular silver-pressed discs? I swear I'd probably buy 15 titles or more right now if he did... I'm sure many others would follow. It's not "just" about the music to me... It's the entire package. I'm a collector as well as a fan; I think many of you agree?


    Just a thought, certainly not a slam.

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