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Posts posted by AlphaMale

  1. 9 minutes ago, heavyharmonies said:


    Umm... this thread has been wandering off and back on topic forever. It will come back. Chill.

    I was just trolling. LOL

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  2. Andrew Dice Clay said it best.... "I don't know how a guy can look at another guy's hairy ass and say... oooh, I want that!".

    How can a man not love Titties???

  3. My best friend is vaccinated and boosted. He was scheduled to have nasal surgery a few weeks ago, in which he had to go to 3 hospitals for bloodwork, pre-op, and to see his regular doctor. But the day before his surgery, he got covid and the flu at the same time. He was extremely ill for 4 days, thinking he was dying. Nobody he works with gave it to him and nobody he knows gave it to him. You would think at this point hospitals/doctors' offices would be safe but it's safe to assume one of these places is where he contracted Corona and influenza. 

    He didn't test negative for covid until about 7 or 8 days later. 

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