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Posts posted by Nightrain



    I love all of their releases. I cannot wait to hear this!!



    Let's spam their f/book page with messages of re-releasing/re-recording "Early Years"!



    What's wrong with the 'Early Years' as it is? I agree it would be awesome to hear all those songs re-recorded, but I also love the untamed nature of early HS at their hungriest. Love that album.



    Maybe he meant re-recording them as it is if they can't get the license to re-release it ? just like Mood Swings II, not much changing except for the acappela stuff

  2. I rated 'Jaded' and 'Killing Me' a 10, so yeah backed on those two being the best tracks here.

    As of 'Eden', well I like it too, deserved a 9.25, for me the worst track is probably 'Black Rain', and i think 'Hurt' is not as good as the rest, but this album is a true monster, well worth the purchase!


    Listening this full now... :guitar:


    Early veredict: great, but... a bit below Armageddonize IMHO, only a bit.


    (Your mileage could vary, obviously).


    Listening (and enjoying) this for second day full... :guitar: :guitar:


    The "problem" to me, maybe, is that the formula is beginning to be a bit repetitive (as some of you discussed posts ago in fact). Here quite tracks have too similar structure and rythm: Vertigo, Never Look Back, No Way Back, Killing Me, Jaded, Born To Lead, For Better Or For Worse,... All are pure music bliss, don't misunderstand me, just too samey. I find the tracks in Armageddonize more varied and distinctive. Also The Downfall Of Eden to me is Battlegrounds 2.


    That said, all are great and done with absolute perfection, so I can forgive it this time. But for the next one they should add some innovations to the mix, I think (but not in excess, of course).


    Apart of this minor whining, serious candidate to Album of the Year with Tokyo Motor Fist's, no doubt.



    Maybe because Erik is involved with so many projects now, his songwriting handprint were found everywhere and quite easy to remember,

    anyway, still a solid album as usual, maybe will rated well above 90%




    Night Flight Orchestra - Amber Galactic


    May 19th.


    Super excited :)

    One I always forget about.

    Don't worry, so does every one else. ;)


    Any of you guys remember Care Of Night? Probably not, but I was curious about why their name had disappeared from all lips, so I actually went to the Facebook and found out a member had left the band - I think the bass player?


    But, in better news, they did say they were working on new songs. What that means in terms of any potential new album, I have no idea. But hopefully we hear from them again.

    They also lost their guitarist. That sucked. I thought he was one of the more tasteful guitarists of 2015.



    yeah i love Care of Night but sadly they're always be remembered as second rate Work of Art,

    and even WoA themselves maybe not making too much money from selling record, so maybe not much happening for them CoN dudes except it's a 'hobby thing'

  5. With hundreds of new artists releasing album every year and probably half of em or more aren't that good, let's save some listening time to throw a recommendation of which one should we check out first. Please state an album that you think are worth an 80% or more (or 4 stars and above) that just released their debut, or at least they weren't inactive for about 5 years and just released a sequel


    We're still early in 1st quarter but one name I could think of right now is SWEET MARY JANE - Winter In Paradise.

    TOKYO MOTOR FIST also should be included but they're Ted and Steve, old farts, so maybe shouldn't count :D



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