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Posts posted by sharatan

  1. I went back there friday night and noticed all the SLADE reissues from the same label.


    Last time I was in Vintage Vinyl (maybe 2 years ago now, I don't remember exactly) I saw White Lion's FIGHT TO SURVIVE on CD there. I was like "Woo, I didn't know this had been reissued!" -- took a closer look and there was no record label name on it, no bar code, and the printing on the covers (front and back) looked fuzzy. For all I know it could've been some weird imported thing and it may be legal in whatever country it came from, but it looked fishy to me so I left it.


    Although since then my cassette of that particular title has crapped out so I kinda wish I'd picked it up anyway. :doh:



    http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...em=290313838840 :bowdown:

  2. welcome, your tastes have the variety of a grocery store but hope that soon you will find what's best for ya....if ya have a couple of oz+nz vinyls i'm still missing drop me a PM....actually one aussie single+ one nz ep....

  3. Peace And Silence (US) - Fathom That (Nordic, 1995)



    I have this in my iPod but I'm still seeking for this one in CD format.


    I've heard some good words but never listened to it so it was a blind purchase! I hope it's good.



    Oh, yes. It's good. You'll definitely love it.


    Tis' some excellent Seattle hard rock, I was surprised with the obscure Nordic re-issue,I have the original release on Primal from 1993...




  4. So it is done and if all works well ready for KIT if not after KIT (as last year for Death Dealer). Here a first rough cover of the THRUSTER-M.I.A. to be released on FILS DU METAL.


    LP will be limited to 500 handnumbered copies, First 100 copies come with the ORIGINAL "Back in time/Excellorater" 7" and those 100 are in colored vinyl. Attention: The Collector's edition of 100 copies will be about 10 € more expensive because of the Original 7" which was a collector's piece until now and which I had to buy from the band. So be prepared for this.


    From the musical side you all know, unbelievable great US power metal with best guitars and vocals. LP contains the 9 tracks from the "M.I.A." album that the band recorded in 1987 professionally but never released officially.

    The two tracks from the 7" are not included on the LP.


    A lot of more infos and detailled pricing to follow the next days!(FDM)




    check their website at:





    thruster used to open for the mighty CJSS in their cinti days....the single is so and so but the demo slays supreme!


    ähem George, do you know if they also did a CD release for this amazing gem??? I don't wanna start again to collect vinyl :whistle:



    cd's MISSING in ACTION for the moment....if ya need i'll send ya the demo, brotha....



    edit: i didn't ask if ya need a copy of the single, it's out of question i guess.... :christmas:

  5. sorry if ya troo pissed, brotha.... :christmas:


    I could never be pissed at one so tr00.


    ....it's just a game, it's just a game you say, but it's for you...it's not a game, it's not a game we play, it feels so true..... :guitbannana:

  6. So it is done and if all works well ready for KIT if not after KIT (as last year for Death Dealer). Here a first rough cover of the THRUSTER-M.I.A. to be released on FILS DU METAL.


    LP will be limited to 500 handnumbered copies, First 100 copies come with the ORIGINAL "Back in time/Excellorater" 7" and those 100 are in colored vinyl. Attention: The Collector's edition of 100 copies will be about 10 € more expensive because of the Original 7" which was a collector's piece until now and which I had to buy from the band. So be prepared for this.


    From the musical side you all know, unbelievable great US power metal with best guitars and vocals. LP contains the 9 tracks from the "M.I.A." album that the band recorded in 1987 professionally but never released officially.

    The two tracks from the 7" are not included on the LP.


    A lot of more infos and detailled pricing to follow the next days!(FDM)




    check their website at:





    thruster used to open for the mighty CJSS in their cinti days....the single is so and so but the demo slays supreme!


    ähem George, do you know if they also did a CD release for this amazing gem??? I don't wanna start again to collect vinyl :whistle:



    cd's MISSING in ACTION for the moment....if ya need i'll send ya the demo, brotha....

  7. One of the great band names! Haha. When my bro and I first heard of this band we thought it was so funny that we attached "goat" to nearly every word in our conversations for quite a while. It became a long time running gag. "Would you like some GOATmeal cookies? How about some GOATmilk?" etc.


    Yea, we were weird kids. :lol:



    there's nothing wrong with some fresh goat milk though.... :tumbsup:

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