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Posts posted by sharatan

  1. i'm happy for mr.james and mr.terry, especially coz they follow their passion without succumbing to the usual leechers, liars, betrayers, rumourmongers.....etc etc etc.....however, i must state that i'm not jealous of your findings...... :lol: practically, i'm only looking for 2 cds...they were 4 but after receiving mp3s of 2 of them i was hugely disappointed by the music on them and i deleted them from my list....

  2. Both are from the UK, I've never heard that Excalibur, I don't think they play the same type of music, and I don't see how they could be better! but if they are I need to get ahold of that Excalibur, cause this Excalibur is tight, melodic, well produced, and just a tits overall album!



    actually it's the same band,sounding different! that's why i put " "! :christmas:

  3. Just picked up all 4 of these suckers at Nightmare Records for $13.99 each....also snagged Axton 'Bad Desire' while I was at it......by the way they have a 15% off coupon as well NMRISBACK!....rock on....



    thanx for the info. i followed this and i ordered 2 of them. they should have an option of shipping the cds WITHOUT the j.cases. ah,well....thankfully the dollar was kinda cheapo today(just finding a self excuse... :christmas: )



    i knew that it was too good too be true. nightmare maybe own a personal p.office but they suck! first and last purchase from their shitty site. instead of getting a copy of high noon i got 2 copies of pistol dawn.surely, they're masters at choosing names for their site.....


    That sucks. Are they going to exchange it for you?

    I've only ordered from them once and got everything I ordered just fine and very fast.



    man, they have a strange sense of humour.....they wanted me to ship it back etc etc etc and then send me the right one.....ahahahaha....i didn't even had the stamina to reply him back.....thanx to dc+++ etc etc shit like this will never happen again(although the majority of them will be just useless mp3s..deleted after first listening :christmas: )

  4. With all this scare of the swine flu, It would be a good idea to use Hand sanitizer. I've been doing it for quite some time now. Spending hours looking through the used bin at record stores. You don't know what you could be bringing home with you besides a neat little find. Drugstores sell the little bottles that you can keep in your car.



    ha, don't trade with guys from columbia or venezuela except a fery few occasions(and only when vinyls are sealed :christmas: )....

  5. lets make a small poll 'bout a band i worship all these years...can't wait to meet, hopefully, again troy bros this hot long summer in Paphos.....only official releases, no singles, no live cds, no boots, no bests of, no side projects, to choose from....forever in time, forever p.mantis. serious music for the soul and mind! with their trademark short leads,like riffs, still going strong! the days till "sanctuary" are near....

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