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Everything posted by RockChick

  1. you must be watching the German version Sounds like the British version I saw... But then again, I probably know less British "celebrities" than Aussie ones. All I know of British celebrities are those delicious large breasted ones like Keeley Hazel, Lucy Pinder, that gorgeous blonde girl who has short hair now and Jordan... oh and that one above looks to be a good sort. Do you even have any other celebrities there? We have at least 50k more than you lot, after your only one 'famous' person got eaten by a shark or whatever fish it was that fucking bit him!! But I never said we had any celebrities from here... even I outrank the likes of Nicole Kidman, Mel Gibson, Huge Ackman etc. Who? I really couldn't care less and I only bother because work is fucking me off so much today and any escape's a good one, but isn't Hugh Grant pretty much the "finest" English export there is? As I've always said - like it or not, and I hate to say it, but America really should be the only country making TV shows or movies because neither Australia or England contribute anything worthwhile. Aussie stuff ; poorly acted and often poorly made... even if shot in nice scenery the shows are usually just bad. And extras/background girls are often more attractive than stars. English stuff ; poorly acted, amazingly ugly people everywhere you look, can't speak properly and subtitles are often required, scenery is shitty miserbale and grey and the shows/movies are actually, somehow, even worse than Aussie shows. But we may as well be discussing what's better out of urine and excretion. It just doesn't matter. I'm not discussing either , I'm winding you up 'Ugly boy' Don't hate me because I'm handsome. Just think, if you'd been born outside of the UK you might have had a chance too! You've got to admire some people's optimism - it's a real strength of character when, no matter what you're faced with in the mirror each morning, you can tell yourself you're handsome. I happen to think that men in the UK are way cool (like the weather) - you only have to look Nick, Jez and Wotty to see that. Anyway it's a well known fact that one of the major attractions of an Aussie holiday is to witness the largest population of dodgy looking people on the planet. Touché baby - bring it on xx
  2. Jumping Every Evening Prevents Scurvy Z I P P Y
  3. Not sure you boys want a girlie hanging with you - I might stop you scoring all the hot stuff !!
  4. There's a definite lack of male totty so I may have to agree with you on that one !
  5. Licking Yoghurt Pots Feels Heavenly G Y K O R
  6. Ticklish Women Are Terribly Sexy J I G S T
  7. Hey, J...., eh .. RockChick, watch your fuckin' language !! Don't push me - the way I feel at the moment you might get a slap round the legs 1,000 fuckin apologies I forgot to 'fuck' in my last post. Permission granted to slap my fuckin legs Other fucking bits? Don't fuckin push it Mister
  8. Hey, J...., eh .. RockChick, watch your fuckin' language !! Don't push me - the way I feel at the moment you might get a slap round the legs 1,000 fuckin apologies I forgot to 'fuck' in my last post. Permission granted to slap my fuckin legs
  9. Hey, J...., eh .. RockChick, watch your fuckin' language !! Don't push me - the way I feel at the moment you might get a slap round the legs
  11. A certain fuckin person I work with is going to get a fuckin slap before the day is out. Stupid fuckin bitch !!
  12. Three piercings in my right ear, two in my left and four tats.
  13. I'm a super cool 36 - just the right age to make my man still feel young !!
  14. Even More Proof Of Foolishness G R R R R
  15. Heavenly Images Make Men Naughty J I G G Y
  16. Zany Extras Release Orgasmic Sighs T F W V A
  17. Young Agile Beauties Bother Aristocrats P E D V K
  18. You posted 20 fucking packages, Why? Clearing out some CDs that were cluttering up my spare room !
  19. Just had to go the fucking Post Office. The main one was closed for lunch so I drove all the way to the next fucking village only to find that fucker closed as well. Had a fag and a bar of chocolate and went back and waited for the original one to open. Fuckin caught cold in my car. Finally the fucker opened and I was beaten to the desk by a mad fucking hippy chick who then proceeded to post 20 (I repeat 20) fucking packages. 20 minutes later finally got back to fucking work. URRRRRRGH !!!
  20. Feeling Underwear Needs Playful Undressing B P C O F
  21. Large Arse Needs Delicate Stroking B A L L S
  22. Sexy Vixens Visit Vikings Monthly P T F M O
  23. Aardvark Kissing Prevents Warts T T O V
  24. Tell them to get fucked Geoff..... The way today went I really, really wanted to but it was kind of random and came from out of nowhere and if I'd bitten back it would just have made it about 14,000 times more awkward. Fuck some people don't think shit through, though... Save it for another fuckin' time........ Nasty fuckin' comments usually come from people who feel fuckin' inadequate in your presence and its the only fuckin' defence they have. Enjoy the fuckin' power !!
  25. AHOY me son of a biscuit eater - what be ye talking about? Wanna shiver me timbers?
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