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Posts posted by nyoilers

  1. On 12/30/2020 at 9:23 PM, Dead Planet said:

    The vaccines are supposed to be 90%-95% effective but I suspect that once there are millions of people vaccinated, that percentage will drop and  you could still get it and pass it on and we still don't know how long the vaccines will remain effective so wearing masks and social distancing should continue until there are no more incidents of the virus...at least that is what I expect the health authorities to say...I still expect the virus to become endemic which means masks and social distancing will be around for the foreseeable future...

    Exactly ! 

  2. On 12/28/2020 at 8:14 PM, CureTheSane said:

    Yes, true, but also telling.
    These are people who WORK IN THE MEDICAL FIELD
    with all types of information at their disposal to assess, review and judge.
    They ain't gonna take it to make everyone feel better, they will do so after considering everything with their medical expertise.

    To me, the whole anti vax thing is as stupid as, well, anti-vaxxers.
    I've never had time for those who refuse to immunise their kids, and realistically, they should carry over to people who refuse this approved vaccine.
    There are a million counter arguments, one was made earlier with paracetamol.
    But they are all a waste of time, as it becomes cult like and impossible to reason with.

    So instead, I say to those who choose not to be vaccinated, good luck, and I hope you don't get the virus and die, or pass it on to more vulnerable loved ones.
    Sadly, I don't see the media as being a big culprit in generating this hysteria, it seems to be largely self inflicted :(

    Yes to what you wrote.And while there are probably some people who for health reasons can't get vaccinated ,the ones who don't want to for other reasons need to realize that most of us are tired of wearing masks,social distancing,etc...Once I get vaccinated I'm not gonna want to wear a mask anymore to protect people who don't want the vaccine.Might sound selfish but the vaccine is going to be free to anyone who wants it.

  3. 10 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    Didn't want to throw this out there but I'm in my third week in the hospital battling covid.

    I am starting to feel better but it hasn't been easy.

    That sucks ! Get well soon and get out of the hospital

  4. I get a good laugh out of people who say that they don't want to be the guinea pigs and let other people take it first to see how they react to it.Well,most people in the medical field are getting vaccinated first so if they have a bad reaction basically we're all screwed :lol:

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  5. 3 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

    Where did you get that idea?

    My boss is foaming-at-the-mouth anti-Trump and she doesn't want the vaccine until it has a proven track record. My mother is died-in-the-wool vote blue and she wants nothing to do with the vaccine for at least 6 months.

    Nothing to do with political ideology.

    From all of the polls that I've seen pretty much say that democrats are more apt to take the vaccine than republicans.Regardless by the time it gets down to us common folk it'll be 6 months and we'll know pretty much its track record so your mother and boss will be be covered in that aspect.

  6. 18 minutes ago, Dead Planet said:

    That is an understatement...if they don't turn it around whoever plays them in the playoffs will have a cakewalk....

    I hope that the Titans get them 

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