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Posts posted by nyoilers

  1. 17 hours ago, Leykis101 said:

    Oh I know, I found it very entertaining, i said the most enraging shit I could think to say to libbys, then literally watched my friend list drain by about 1000 people in a week, it was great, I dont worry about that on here, cause in the end, at least from what ive seen, no matter how mad certain people from other countries try to get me, I simply switch the AOR board and everybody is instantly my friend again, never any hostility or rage do I feel with anyone on this site, now I cant tell you it's mutual, matter of fact, it's probably not, but FB is a cesspool, and you may as well go play in the cesspool.

    When a 74 year old man runs against a 77 year old man there are no winners.Imagine 2024 if 78 year old Trump runs against 81 year old Biden.:crazy:

    • Haha 1
  2. On 1/28/2021 at 6:20 AM, Leykis101 said:

    I think you mean, including but not limited to Israel, right? Arent you lovin this bro?? he's blown my mind in 1 week, im sold, those people didnt need jobs working on the pipeline, fuck em, black people dont have jobs so those people shouldnt either, what kind of heartless scumbags dont let every single person who wants to come in, come in? I mean we dont need to know whos here, what diseases they could catch coming in, cause fuck it, Coronas already here right?? we dont want those 3rd world people coming and possibly catching all the corona thats here right? and since global warming is the 1st and foremost threat we are up against, Im just completely relieved they got down to brass tax on that one, and suddenly free speech went to becoming the battle whine to the call to stiffle, America is now really the laughing stock of the world, and it's Trumps fault.

    I don't want you to mistake me for being pro-trump.I wouldn't piss in his mouth if his lungs were on fire.

    That being said I'm soo over this election and basically ignoring as much as possible but your comment struck a note because I remember being unfriended on Facebook(Oh The Horror !!! ) because someone I know was ranting about giving money to foreign countries so I said Israel gets about $1 billion a day and it was we need Israel,middle east,are anti-muslim blah blah blah .

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