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Metal T

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Posts posted by Metal T

  1. 6 hours ago, Glen said:

    so glad I already live in a country which has no guns whatsoever.

    Strange thing is in all my 52 years on this planet I've never been threatened on a street, never felt unsafe in my home or burgled, and my kids have never felt unsafe at school or had to do silly shooter drills.

    I therefore see no reason for any citizen to own a gun (except for recreation like hunting or shooting ranges, which basically no one does in the UK 🤣🤣)

    Literally no one I know owns a gun, talks about guns or even thinks about guns.

    Just seems like a much better society to live in imo. 🤷‍♂️

    Congratulations!  Do you feel better now that you've got that off of your chest?

  2. 12 hours ago, Geoff said:

    Loving this. I've actually never heard of this band before, and therefore non of their tunes... well, except, of course, the Plunkett tune. More on that later. The one strange thing, though, is that the band pic looks incredibly familiar. I know a lot of the "hair metal" dudes can end up looking pretty similar, but I really feel like I've seen the band pic before, but not heard the tunes. Maybe they featured in one of my old print magazines from back in the day?

    Either way, I love stuff like this. Lap it up like sex candy, in fact. 'Raw edge' is a bit of a throwaway live addition, but the rest is all very enjoyable. Love the opening riffage of the first two tunes - very cool. 

    Favourite tune has to be the super melodic / commercial 'Make Me Believe' - yum. 

    Further to all this, though, that Next Of Kin version of Plunkett's 'Heavy Pettin' - is that a one-off, or does anyone know if there are more Next of Kin recordings? I'd assume not, or they'd be here, but my goodness would I love to hear more of that if it exists. 

    Good question,i was wondering the same thing whether Eric Kellogg's  'Next Of Kin' band had any other recorded material out there - if so Id definitely wanna hear more too.

    'Heavy Pettin' is a great tune...Steve's original was awesome too.

  3. Parts of California are already paying $8.00 currently...

    Better be a price to pay in November for the agony that's purposely being inflicted on this country.

  4. As much as I agree w/ what Alphamale said...I do have to say that bands like Def Lep' should continue on as long as they d@mn well feel like.Who the f--k am I to tell them or any other band how long  they should do whatever or make their $ ?....I hear the endless Vince Neil'...Don Dokken'...Jon Bon Jovi' stuff...:these guys can't sing they suck blah blah they should just retire".....etc People still go to the shows...they still draw a crowd....good for them!

    • Like 5
  5. 6 hours ago, Geoff said:

    My unpopular opinion is that you're apparently not allowed to just like music from a certain era. It is an absolute must that you must like all kinds of shit before the music you actually like because someone was born before the guys you like and picked up a guitar before them. The argument fucks me off every time I hear it, lol. Absolutely ridiculous use of a human mind and "logic." 

    As for saying Eddie Veddar is horrible, I thought we were looking for unpopular opinions? ;) Couldn't imagine a soul here would disagree with that. 

    I've seen a few here mention that they  like Vedder / Pearl Jam...but hey that's their issue not mine.

    I get what you're saying on the other thing.From my view I look at it as a 'respect' thing vs 'like'.If i'm being honest I listen to 'Kingdom Come' a heckuva lot more often then Led Zep'.....Deep Purple,Led Zep.Queen,Rush,Stones etc,,I'm not a big fan but for being pioneers,they do get my hat tip'  - if that makes any sense.

  6. 14 hours ago, Glen said:

    always funny to read non journey fans talking about the bands songs / albums

    LOFL,you do the same thing with VH....:wacko:

    Anyway it always cracks me up reading comments on the main site where people talk up bands like 'Danger Danger and 'Wildside'  like they're freaking Led Zeppelin or something......what a laugh!

    • Haha 1
  7. Joe Biden and cabinet are some of the most worthless slugs we have seen in 240+ years as a country..it is truly worse then I can ever had imagined it would be.Now with gas prices soaring and inflation flying these scumbags in both parties have seen fit to give Ukraine 40 Bill more of YOUR money......major civil unrest coming soon to a theater near you.

  8. Oh geez...I thought some people here at HH had some measure of what resembled at the very least was an 80 IQ......I was wrong.Joe Biden has been f**king lying for going on near 50 years in government.Trump was in office for 4 years and accomplished more then the last several presidents combined.If Biden would have left in place the imigration,energy and tax polices we had in place prior to his arrival  his approval rate would be soaring - Democrats do NOT want to solve these issues they want them to perpetually campaign on.


    I wish I had a dime for every time the old slug Biden has called America an institutionally racist country.......some president.F**k him and the horse he rode on...




    • Like 3
  9. 3 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    40-year high in inflation but let's send another billion to Ukraine.

    It's estimated that nearly 1 mil illegal invaders have tried to cross our southern border in the last 6 months...and yet all these effing morons in gov't (some even on the (R) side) can do is continue to pour endless tax dollars into eastern Europe (Ukraine/Poland)….Now i'm hearing that we're getting some more refugees here soon...

    Three more years of this scumbag in office and the USA will be a definitive banana republic.

    • Like 1
  10. Gas prices out of control...inflation is high...Biden and Co. trying to start another War...and yet in 2022 you're useless,impotent good-for-absolutely-nothing US gov't has decided we need an 'ANTI LYNCHING LAW'.....:rofl2:

    F**k Joe B!den!


    • Like 1
  11. I've listened to this all the way through twice.You'd think if they're going to debut a new song w/ their new singer they'd give the guy a lot better tune to sing.The music is nothing special and the song itself lackluster.I hope for SR fans sake that there are better tunes on the cd than this.Still I think anything short of Bach coming back just isn't going to suffice for their diehards.

    • Like 1
  12. I don't think Vinnie has seriously played a guitar in like at least 30 years...his late wife seemed to confirm this in a comment she made when she was asked years ago.People should choose to remember the guy from his Kiss and VVI days...it's been pretty apparent for awhile that what he does now (selling price-inflated gear,t-shirts,autographs and cds) is basically done to just survive, pay bills and put food on the table.

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