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Metal T

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Posts posted by Metal T

  1. The thread isn't even a year old...…158 is a lot.

    Don't use YT,Facebook,Twitter etc...don't have time to watch political videos and I've never posted one on HH.Don't need to post videos or links to make a point.Not slagging those do - that's their prerogative.Outside an occasional meme,not much else for me.

    Also have never posted a political topic at HH..i'm swearing most of the political sh!t off as I've completely had it w/ the endless,unproductive arguing and other assorted stupidity.Politics has it's place in the Flamefest for those that want it.


  2. In the spirit of good will / friendship I'll say this,because maybe it should be said or said more.As much as I might hate another member's politics etc..or they despise mine.Personally I do NOT hate ANYONE on this board...some people disagree and don't share the same worldview or don't see things through the same scope.. - It is what it is.


    • Like 5
  3. 4 hours ago, Glen said:

    jeez, mate. When will you ever learn that I'm conservative which is pure right. 

    However, the difference with me is, if Labour were in power in the UK I wouldn't be blaming them for high inflation as I realise there is pretty much nought you can do at present except pray that market conditions improve,  supply chains work themselves out, the tosser Putin ends his disastrous war 

    'Putin' lol....


    If TRUMP were in office right now w/ all the inflation etc...he'd be getting crucified beyond belief and blamed for EVERY BIT OF IT and the leftist scum in America (which sadly includes the overwhelming majority of mainstream US media) would likely be on the 3rd impeachment by now....you're about as 'conservative' as Freddy Mercury and George Michael were hetero.

    All you guys do is spew American-left-winger talking points all over the board....keep postin' and i'll keep laughin'!B)

    • Haha 1
  4. 11 hours ago, Glen said:

    they are going to release millions of barrels in the short term from the federal reserve. 

    Anyway none of this will control food or energy prices which are the main issue 

    Inflation is a global issue at the moment, no country has got all the answers 

    Tapping the reserve doesn't provide jack sh!t for relief at the pumps for us...all it does is further deplete our reserve which we may need in the future in case of a REAL WAR.Same with all the damn weaponry were sending over to Ukraine.It takes years to replace some of these armaments.

    No one said it wasn't a global issue but our current inept,impotent slug admin is making ours worse....get it now?

  5. 5 hours ago, AlphaMale said:

    And now weeks of hearings on January 6 while inflation and gas prices are spiraling out of control. These douchebag democrats have zero shame.

    The Jan 6 Committie resembles a  Commie-style-tribunal sh!tshow...there will be one helluva price to pay in November.

    A storm from hell is coming...there is a very good chance that the (R) could have a super majority Jan 2023....we'll see.


    • Haha 1
  6. 4 hours ago, auslander said:

    Glen seems to have forgotten, in his pro-UK posts, that the US gun laws are in place originally due to the tyranny of his very nation and their crazy royals! Maybe stop it with your tyrannical monarchy first Mr Glen!!!

    Yes, trolling 😉

    Not really,you're absolutely right.Worthless Brit redcoats were the reason we had to begin with.

    Well,they came over and got their asses collectively kicked.

  7. 9 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Every law abiding gun owning American should pray that something happens to slow down these mass shootings because eventually the majority of Americans are going to get to a tipping point where they will not only accept restrictions and bans but they will demand them....

    And what happens in the US always affects what happens here in Canada....for example our idiot PM using the Texas massacre as an excuse to bring more gun restrictions.....

    What a load of horse sh!t!

    They can demand anything they like if they don't like the 2nd amendment they can feel free to try and do a convention of states to remove it,good luck with all of that!

    Worry about your own PM tyrant..stop freaking preaching to us.

  8. 10 hours ago, heavyharmonies said:

    Yes, the "red flag laws". About half of the states have them. The problem with those laws is that they are based on the premise of confiscating someone's weapons based upon third-party reports and what someone MIGHT do in the future. The due process implications are murky. The thresholds and implementations vary greatly from state to state, and the burdens of evidence are frequently ignored under the premise of "better safe than sorry".

    Also, like fake reports of rape, domestic violence, etc., they can be abused by someone with a grudge and it is darned near impossible for the accused to recover. They are put in a position of having to prove that they didn't or won't do something; you can't prove a negative. There are cases where falsely accused people who have had their guns confiscated fight for years to get them back. Technically, if someone has their guns confiscated based upon a false report, you've just violated their Second Amendment rights. Now what?

    They also can be used by the state against people engaging in wrongthink, i.e., "extremists" if you post something on Reddit/Twitter/Instagram/etc. See the case of Lucas Gerhard in Michigan as an example of egregious governmental overreach; his life has been dstroyed.

    As much as I favor state's rights, this is another are where I would prefer there to be a national standard rather than state by state.

    However, all things considered, red flag laws are preferable to outright bans IMO. I don't agree with them, but they are the lesser of two evils. But at the end of the day, should there be a national red flag standard implemented, I don't believe that will stop the government from still trying to ban guns. It's the "nose under the camel's tent" concept: it's one thing if the limitations stop there, but we know they won't, so why agree to any proposed limitations knowing that they will just proceed further anyway?



    Also, red flag laws are not a magic bullet (pardon the pun):


    As I mentioned earlier, it doesn't matter how strict the laws are if you're not going to bother enforcing them. Then all you're doing is restricting the rights of law-abiding citizens... which is IMO what the Left actually wants. It's outright ban/confiscation under the guise and illusion of public safety.

    No way in eternal HELL should Guns be left up to a national standard.Do you wanna a useless slug like Chuck Schmuer (D) (as in D'BAG) dictating your gun rights? They pull that crap and you will see another shooting civil war as sure as the sun rises in the east.

    Abortion and f@g marriage should also be left to the states....

  9. Over 8 million abortions were preformed in the UK  (1967-2014)...Glen I assume is ok with that? 

    But those d@mn guns gotta go...lol Ok !

    In response to earlier comments,we have plenty of so called 'common sense' gun regulations in place and they haven't stopped any shooting..,and were expected to have more?  Good Luck!

  10. Some of us find the whole King and Queen sh!t over in the UK pretty goofy,yet you don't see us running around the board b!tching about...Guns are part of the American landscape like apple pie and basesball - they ain't going nowhere.

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