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Posts posted by shamus

  1. You do know there's an in-between though right?


    Even in my 'hater' comment I wrote "I thought the smutty lyrics were a lot of fun and a fresh angle with some great music."

    and "I don't think they should stop with the pussy songs, but an album for "any other melodic rock act" music would be pretty cool."


    I'll still like some of their music, and I'll still see them live again when they tour here.

    Not clamoring for a mainstream record, just think it could be really awesome.

    They should only ever do that of course if they feel right doing it, which they maybe never will.


    I hope there's some great stuff on Lower The Bar

    Thought She's Tight was a reasonable cover, but nothing too fresh on the original

    And Anything Goes is just a bunch of words thrown together to create a pretty average song to me.

    Will see what the rest is like :)


    Sure there is an in-between but as I mentioned in an SP thread either here or on MR, they are celebrating the absurdity of that whole sunset strip hair metal scene by taking it to the nth degree. In-betweeners would include songs like Death to All But Metal, The Burden of Being Wonderful and Party Like Its the End of the World; anything less risque and you wouldn't be able to differentiate between them and Poison, D2, Kiss or the thousands of other double entendre heavy 80s hair bands.


    And suddenly you have just another band. Still cool to the few of us into this scene, but a veritable death wish for Steel Panther Enterprises who exist touring as a comedy routine recreating the glory years of 80s hair!


    Cure, I didn't mean to imply that you were a hater. I was merely stating haters are free to hate and SP fans can continue to sing their praises.


    I think they are funny as hell and catchy as hell. Can't wait for the new one.

  2. A very divisive band indeed.Two factions were going back and forth on melodicrock.com about SP just recently. I'm super fine with those who hate the band and those that love the band. I happen to think they are hilarious! Of course, every comedian has their patchy moments and SP are no exception.


    I just find those clamouring for the band to change their lyrics and put out a more mainstream album to be misguided in their wishes. They are a comedy act which is why their albums dot the comedy album charts and not the musical charts. Their ridiculously over the top lyrics are the basis for their comedy so it doesn't make a lick of sense for them to eliminate that part of their routine.


    Fanthers: Not long now for the new album!

    Haters: stick to what you know and like and avoid the Lower the Bar PR train.

  3. NIce lineup. Would love to have seen Wildstreet at one of your shows not to mention a M3 show. Unfortunately Maryland is a long way from central Canada. Would love to pick your brain on the ins and outs of promoting a local show like you've done for all the preparty shows in the past if you have a spare second some time.


    Enjoy the shows everyone.

  4. Three for three for me. Like everything I've heard so far and look forward to picking this one up. Nice Ratt riff and no mistaking who is on vocals. Uninspired? Not even close. Maybe slightly subdued but after all the wear and tear through the years no one can reasonably expect the pipes to sound identical to their debut. My 45 year old legs aren't logging a 4.5 40 time these days either. Hell, even Steve-O from Jackass has mellowed with age.

  5. Is there something going on in the crystal ball I'm missing? Otherwise I just see a slight variation of rock's most cliched image; the skull and cross bones.


    Jack still sounds great live so if his co writers are decent I expect this to be right in line with past efforts. I liked GW's last album with Ilous; just prefer Ilous in XYZ and Russell in GW that much more.

  6. Y'all


    If anyone in the Chicago area is interested I have two 3 day passes for what is sure to be a bombastic event. Unfortunately I have to bow out.


    I'll trade the two passes for one of the following cds from the show:


    Anthony Corder Rock N Roll Rodeo or PJ Farley Boutique Sound Frames


    PM me if you are interested and we can go over the details.



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