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Posts posted by metaltrekman

  1. 8 hours ago, Crazysam said:

    I always got more of a Zeppelin vibe from early Fastway, but the songs that I recall having more instrumental sections are "Heft!" and "Far Far From Home" 

    No it wasnt either of those songs. :(

  2. Coming to work tonight I was listening to Ozzy's Boneyard on SiriusXM. I heard a Fastway song, but I cant freaking remember the title. It seemed to be mostly instrumental (I could be wrong) And it sounded a lot like a Rush song. At least the music part did. Its driving me nutz trying to remember. I went to Spotify and they only have 4 Fastway CDs there and I clicked on each song for a snippet, and none of them sounded like it. Anyone have a clue? :)

  3. I always enjoy the "Superhero" movies. BOTH DC & Marvel. Of course some better than others. I watched Black Panther last weekend and thought it was pretty good. AND.. I watched "Hostiles" w/Christian Bale. I enjoyed this one very much. I thought it was a very good story. Would definitely recommend it. :D

  4. I dont know if many of you watch YouTube for other than Music Videos. I do. I watch a Lot of YouTube. I watch a lot of regular (daily/weekly) vloggers. And of course I have favorites and some that I really love to watch. A couple years ago One of those vloggers, Shay Butler (The Shaytards) contacted Morgan Spurlock who makes documentary's best known for "Supersize Me" where he ate Only McDonalds for 30 days.  And asked him to help him make a Vlogumentary about YouTubers. And this is the result. I have been follwing several of the vloggers for years and this is actually a very good documentary about the life they have making YouTube videos. I liked it a lot. :Dhttps://watchfree.es/watch-vlogumentary-2016-hd-1080p-quality-movie-online-free-watchfree/watching.html image.png.dc9da63fcda7a40c6449b9ac7ed6e87c.png Its Free, You dont have to join YouTube Red to watch it. ;)

  5. It was a different time. Many here are to young to remember or know David Cassidy. And many arent from the USA so they arent familiar with him either. He was a huge pop star in the 70s. And a television actor that had a huge fan following. He sold out stadiums and arenas and the women went wild for him. I was a fan of his and his "Partridge Family" back then in the 70s.( some of the best years of my life) But when I started getting into real rock I stopped listening. And even though I liked his music up thru the 80s and today, never really payed attention to it or listened to it much. It just wasnt my type any longer.

    But David Cassidy was a "icon" back then and a cool guy. (I always want hair like his) LOL ;) His personal demons were his downfall, its too bad they were his ending. He will be missed by many. R.I.P. David thanks for the music & the memories.

  6. Just finished watching "Transformers The Last Knight". Im not big on the transformer movies, but Ive seen them all. This one was pretty good. Always Lots of CGI/Special Effects.

    War For The Planets Of The Apes. Really enjoyed this one. I think its my favorite of all the ones Ive seen. And For Anyone that is old enough to have seen/watched the originals or the TV show there were hints/references to those old ones. Or clues to things that went on in them.

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