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Everything posted by PJ@KISSMYDISC.CA

  1. Frank... (and everyone else irate at the Russians....) Great post (above). Being a Canadian (of European descent), I don't follow basketball (we only follow pucks up there, heheheh), however... we too are far too familiar with the corrupt system of play Russian's have so often employed over the decades... many similar antics were displayed during the legendary 1972 Summit Series in hockey (a timeless moment in Canadian history, likely not quite as known in the USA)... but similiar things happened to our teams when faced the Russians... including bogus arrests while in Russia, etc... However, in the interest of being objective, fair, and unbiased- above all else... fightning fire with fire, only makes us like them. I'm referring to the Olympics in Greece. Very controversial decisions (one in particular) was made in favor of the American gymnast who won a gold medal, even after having fallen... anyway, I don't know much about gymanstics (guys, don't laugh at me for even bringin' up gymnastics... hehehe). However, the truth is- whether we want to admit it or not... there are many crooked/foul characters on both sides of the pond- in all nations... be it Russia, the USA, Canada, or any other nations. On the same token, there are many good people in all those nations. I find that these days, we far too seldom learn from our history- and recycle stereotypes, and prejudices... 200 years ago it was the blacks we persecuted... 100 years ago it was women who were deemed unequal... 50 years ago the Jews were persecuted... not long ago it was homosexuals... today it's virtually anyone with a middleastern background (instantly they all are somehow linked or at elast stand behind terrorism)... I'm not tryin' to get off topic here (not sure what this has to do with CDs....) but... I'm simply takin' a stand for mankind in general. I feel that after so many years of moral decay, we all should have learned more than we have as a whole. Bottom line is, especially today- with the world becoming more and more as one (via internet, ecommerce, Europe essentially working towards becoming one nation.... etc), we ought to cease stereotyping. Nothing can or will erase the countless fouls history unleashed upon us, however... little if any benefit will be generated if we embrace the future with a jaded heart. PJ
  2. Lap dances??? That's all it took to make friends here??? Damn... I wish I knew earlier... I would have thought twice before trading my pics for CDs, hehehehe. CDrs... as the local gang here so kindly pointed out, this really is the wrong place for cdr traders... most fans passionate about the music, collectors, etc, prefer not to have to wear fireproof gloves when handling new cds they just aquired... hehehehe. Poof! PJ PS... Christine... Full Monty? Boys of HH calendar? Just let me know where to sign, and what the grand prize is, hehehehe.
  3. Tony, My dear old friend... just one small correction... "Company"... doesn't that relate to a registered business? hehehehhehehe. I'm just fu**in' with ya champ. Thought I'd toss a bit o'friendly fire your way, hehehe. PJ
  4. ViciousRumorsFan... Well stated man... while the circumstances surrounding Metal Mayhem's hiatus from eBay are unknown to me, you do make a great point about being sick of eBay related BS. I had to spend the last 4 months, appealing an impotent/invalid decision by eBay to indefintely suspend both my accounts... their reasons were bogus, and unfounded. Yet... after dozens of emails, faxes, phonecalls, formal letters, legal documentation, even valid threats of legal action (I had a solid case)... my accounts were finally reinstated. Power corrupts... and absolute power, corrupts absolutely. eBay is in an absolute position of power. They have a monopoly over the online auction market. eBay has virutally no competition... hence, they show little if any regard to the individual. Cheers, PJ "Love is like a fire.... it can either warm your heart... or burn your entire house down".
  5. ANDY!!!! Dude... you are WORSE than an outcast from a Jerry Springer episode... dude- anything to get some press huh? hehehehe... Manny? Black? Involved with me? Kissmydisc? hehehehe... Ok, you asked for it... you've summoned, I'll reply. Yeah, many of us old timers (I'm a whoppin' 26 years of age- I feel old! hehehe), who were around in this online scene back in the heyday of eBay (remember when Freddy Curci - Dreamer's Road CDs were going for $160? hehehe)... back when Kissmydisc.com (now kissmydisc.ca) was known as Stainless Steel.com... back ion those days, it seemed that two names ruled the trading circles... Manny Comras, and Todd (forgot his last name)... Yeah- Manny screwed me ina few trades (discs never received, wrong titles, etc). The reputation he carved for himself won't die any time soon. Despite all this, I do owe the guy one tip of the hat... the very first trade I EVER made online- before I even knew how to send an email to someone, was with him. Pure chance/coincidence... found his site- with the help of a friend, looking for (what I thought at the time were the rarest cds in the world...) Helloise, Malice, Skagarack, White Sister, etc... he had some of these and I was floored... anyway, long story short, we ended up makin a few trades, some worked out, some didn't. However, resulting from him gettin' my feet wet and introducing me to the scene, showin' me the ropes... I eventually built the household brand name known across the globe as Kissmydisc. Manny never was involved in any direct (or indirect) manner with Kissmydisc, beyond a few trades we made. About 3 years ago or so, while on a trip to Florida (I used to reguarly clean out every state, every city/town, and village on the U.S. map), I contacted him- tellin' him I'll be cleanin' out his backyard. We arranged a meeting.... I bought a few more cds from him, we had a few beers (actually, a few too many- I admit, I was no match for him- he took me round after round in the chuggin' contest).. talked about the scene, other traders, etc- learned some more... by that time, I was on top of my game, while he was nothing more than a shamed "has-been" on his way out. He was beginning a career as a legal counsellor, just finishing school. As far as I know now, he is involved full time in the legal profession (he chuckled about this too when I met him, considering the reputation he had... then again, on second thought- it makes perfect sense, hehehe). I have not seen him nor heard from him since then. My bet, is he's out of the scene completely. Then again... who knows? Anything's possible these days. If someone can find dozens of "The Cauze" cds out of the blue, and offer them on a weekly basis, I guess anything's possible right? hehehe... sorry- had to toss that one in, I only read the vegasmetal - related post earlier today (never got a chance to read it when it was initially online). As for Andy (Australia... OZ... few posts above)... dude- you too, are one of the people who fed me when I was a toddler in this scene- teachin' me plenty (I'll give you credit for that)... and were a great friend for a very long time, but you know how irritating I find it when you randomly make up all these ridiculous Jerry Springer-style stories for shock value, or just for the sake of having someone listen to you... there was a time when all you had to do to get attention was list a few of the major pieces you had available for trade... you know the mighty have fallen when the only way you can get attention now, is by tossin' around stories like this.... .....ahhh it's good to be back. More to come... (wonder if anyone even bothered reading this far... heheheh). Cheers, PJ "Women who seek equality with men, clearly lack ambition"... -PJ (hey, gotta have a sense of humor guys)
  6. PJ here... back in action. Hey, took me a while to get back on track ( I cite personal issues. I must say, it's too bad I missed this thread. I have a lot of good insights into this issue, especially considering I visited Mr. Vegasmetal himself at his residence in Las Vegas earlier this year, and I saw his operation up close & personal. CD trading/selling these days is much like politics- every word you state can, and often will be used against you. Hence, the higher your profile, the more likely you are to be attacked for any statement you make. Tony said it best (although, he did use my line in sayin so.. hehehe)... As is the classic slogan in Vegas, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas"... the same should be applied to Russia. N'uff said. I'm not demoting my competion. I like competition. In fact, my competitors over the last 7 or 8 years are directly responsible for my relatively quick ascension to the top over the past few years. However, what I do object to... are those who intend on joining me at the top, via tainted avenues. Other bits of news... my new eMail address to all of you: PJ@KISSMYDISC.CA Stay tuned for MAJOR news comin' out of our camp THIS week. New auctions launching through our www-kissmydisc2-com accounts as well as www-kissmydisc-com accounts all throughout this week, as well as the long-anticipated return of our website, to be launched at a NEW location later this week: www.kissmydisc.ca Click on the links below, to check out our new auctions (more added daily): http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...me=STRK:MESO:IT and http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...me=STRK:MESE:IT Both our Canadian head office, and Arizona branches will begin launching simultaneous auctions throughout this week, and continue for months to come! Take care everyone, PJ
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