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Nick C

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Posts posted by Nick C

  1. Sigh...much as I like Transatlantic, and have all their albums (apart from the Morse demos) this is getting a tad predictable now.





    Bridge Across Forever



    The Whirlwind

    Whirld Tour - LIVE IN LONDON

    Too Much is Never Enough -LIVE MANCHESTER / TILBURG



    KALIVEOSCOPE - LIVE in some other godforsaken prog stronghold (that'll be Tilburg then!) 9 months after the studio release, oh yeah the same gig in Cologne is on here too.



    I dunno .... do you see a bit of a pattern here? Studio album - live album or in Whirlwinds case TWO live albums. How many will they release for Kaleidoscope ...3 live albums?



    Nope my gripe is the release schedule which is getting as predictable (and cynical? or is that clinical??) as their music somewhat these days...step back from the super long songs guys, your shorter songs say so much more and are tons better than your "epics" from the last two studio albums - which are all beginning to sound the same - just prog stodge, a real pea souper of boring endless predictable solos, passages that sweep and eventually reach that all important, inevitable climax towards the end of the song, with the expected highs and lows peppered throughout - you need to re-evaluate what your trying to say rather than do what is expected of you in 20-30-40-50-60 mins!


    Anyway back to the release schedules - there's the endless choice of formats and limited additions - Jeeeeeez they're getting nearly as good as Yes for recycling the same product (except the music falls far short of the bulk of the Yes catalogue - a couple of later/mid period albums excepted) and this recycling (good for the environment doancha know) isn't counting the Roine Stolt mixes of SMPTe (actually very nice I prefer them to the album) or the aforementioned Nel Morse Transatlantic demos.


    I can't argue with the price of the packages really - the basic Kaliveoscope £12 for 4 discs, the media book version 6 discs for £30 is pretty good value (although if I DO eventually decide to get it as it would look nice on the shelf...ah now that may be a giveaway right there, would I play it more than once?? Curse my completist ways! - I'll wait until the price drops) ....but it seems to me that quantity is taking precedence over quality. I've noticed a few reviews emerging saying the DVD is pretty badly edited and do I REALLY need the Kaleidoscope tracks live and on top of that pretty much the same concert in a different auditorium in the same package? One disc one concert might be nice for a change.


    Here's an idea - do a couple of studio albums, maybe 3 or 4 even and THEN release a live album - make it special rather than just the latest studio album released live intermingled with older tracks already released on earlier live albums!



    I know what your thinking...if you don't like it, then don't buy it... in this case I probably won't ... I'm not biting .... yet!

  2. Approaching with an open mind :whistle: .......listening to the tracks above....hmmm!

    Heh....I'm gonna say - one step away from Backstreet Boys with a bit more guitar - sounds like something off X Factor ....hahaha!!!! :devilgrin: I'm being un-necessarily cruel aren't I ? Don't beat me up guys...wha...wha you doing with those jump leads??????? ....hey HEY!!!!!!

  3. Coming up over the next few months the 1st gigs I've been to for a while.


    8th of October - Trojan Horse (supporting Tall Ships) at The Soup Kitchen

    15th November - Amplifier (supporting Kerbdog....plus a few other bands) The Ritz

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