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Posts posted by Gibbo




    I just turned 36, look about 30, and feel about dead! or at least around 60, some tough liven and wear and tear on my body, and my Sarcoidosis, pretty much has made it so I have to drug up before I can go play a double header softball game, fucking sucks, and I couldn't even board more then 3 hrs last winter, I feel better right now, so as soon as the snow hits im going to try, but this gets really old, oh and im hung like a teen, so theres plenty of variation for ya'll.


    Dude, you ain't far ahead of me, just turned 33 recently, and Geoff is around 34 I guess, don't know who else around 30-35 here ?


    Yeah I noticed most of the members on here are older, it's probably because of the music, ya know, most fans of our music are right in that age demo, the younger you find on here the more rare it is, obviously because when this kind of music was at it's peak, we were still playing with our pp's and going to daycare, think about it bro, we are basically the cut off, as this music was killed off when we were babys, so anyone younger then us, is merely a fan of music that was from a time they werent even born yet, they really have some catching up to do, but yeah I think that is the reason for such the varying age discrepancy on here.



    Sounds like we've got a few around fifty, a few in early forties, a few in mid-thirties and Karpet, who's about seven. ;)







    44 ... and 6' 2" ... weighing in at more than I should ... didn't manage my first gig until I was 17 ...




    I don't think rifling through her bins counts as "a gig"...




    Don't knock it until you've tried it :)


    Stoopid Restraining Order ....




    Didn't say I haven't tried it. Why do you think Kelly Brook keeps finding little 'presents' in her garden...?



    You're a classy fella, I've always said so ...


    I really liked 'When Dream And Day Unite', but lost interest when they changed singers ... can't really explain it, I guess his voice just isn't for me.


    I do enjoy a spot of Prog Metal, though ... oh, yes ...


    What a cop out! It's not down to the vocals, surely? We've discussed the band before and established that we both hate them. :anon:


    It's only personal taste of course and I know loads of people love DT, but I find the music massively boring and self-indulgent. I'm no prog fan, although I do love some Fates Warning and Pallas. DT are really not for me though.



    Nope, I've always stuck up for their debut album ... but I just can't get into anything else they've done ... it doesn't help that they're all 'musos musos' (I'm a man of simple tastes.) I have a mate who LOVES them, but then he IS a huge 'prog' fan, and listens to the most bizarre prog stuff I've heard in many a year :)


    I'll stick with Grey Lady Down, Pallas, IQ, Galahad, Arena, Marillion, Porcupine Tree .... etc.

  3. This sounds like a really solid Heavy Metal album to me. Not a band I'd heard of before, but this album seems like a winner. Some glowing reviews online:










    The cover is pretty rubbish though (although it looks like a deliberate attempt at a cheesy 80s metal album cover):




    Anyone else enjoying this one?


    You've had at least one Audrey Horne disc from darkest Rochford, you know ... ;)


    I think the difference between Classic Rock and Kerrang during its heyday is the fact that Classic Rock comes across as stiff and stuffy. Professionally written articles and layouts etc, whereas classic Kerrang was kind of a reflection of the music it represented. It was bright, brash, in your face and came across as a magazine made by fans who just happened to be journalists. It was more relaxed, less formal.

    There were in jokes. Bands could do interviews that were totally not serious. And even the letters pages were fans saying whatever they liked instead of pontificating or kissing arse (hell I remember them printing my letter about what a miserable bastard Richie Kotzen was at the Poison signing session at Tower Records, London).


    I think with the state the music industry is in these days, it would be impossible to capture that spirit in a magazine format that would sell to the masses. Kerrang really was a product of its time, and a true case of lightning in a bottle.


    Interesting view. Sounds like a challenge (to someone) and you're probably right. Until recently, I was an avid reader of Terrorizer and still rate it as the best metal publication, but they seem to have fewer reviews in there these days and the articles are a bit samey, so I only buy it when there are bands featured that I really like.


    It does lead me to wonder what a magazine could do to make me (for example) want to read it. I find these days that I enjoy the 'fun' articles, such as bands scoring points for guessing what tracks are from brief samples, naming their ideal mixtape, etc, far more entertaining than the usual interviews about the latest album. They all end being the same, i.e. "this is our best album yet", "we really feel we've matured as a band", blah blah blah. Maybe getting band members playing games, answering 'silly' questions, etc is the way to go...



    You'd buy anything that published naked photos of Tarja ... job done ...

  5. I bought hundreds of CDs based purely on reviews. Still do. :doh:


    It often ended badly, with lots of CDs I didn't really like, but there were some out and out successes, such as, to quote your list, 'Pyromania'. (I'd heard a few songs off 'Hysteria', but nothing off it's predecessor ... then I read somewhere that it was better than 'Hysteria' and found to my surprise that I completely agreed!)


    'White Sister', 'Pride' and 'Puressence' also spring to mind. I'd heard nothing at all by the bands, bought the albums and they still remain in my all-time top ten.


    Aside from being influenced by reviews, I also blame the late, great Tommy Vance and his Friday Rock Show on Radio 1 for introducing me to Metallica, Warrior Soul, Manowar, Slayer and Magnum ... among others ... one song by each of 'em and that was it, I was hooked!

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