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Posts posted by GeorgeRendon

  1. I was listening to this CD the other day and just thought "Boy the production on this one is really bad!" While I've heard several remastering of several 70s/80s albums that are below average (the Rip Tide Records reissue of FATE's self titled comes to mind), I think Back to Babylon's CD reissue takes the cake. OR that is the intention of it all? A lo-fi hard rock? Is the sound of this album on vinyl this bad as much as it is on CD or is it really lo-fi. Some artist have made a career out of this like the 90s bands like Pavement and Eric's Trip?

  2. I love this album. And Reggie Wu was a great guitarist. When I first heard this, I thought that this band can go toe-to-toe against Racer X when it comes to shredding guitar. Well, I think it was only Wu who did all of the solos in their album unlike in Second Heat of Racer X where Paul GIlbert shared solo duties with Bruce Bouillet. Regardless, Wu didn't get the attention that he rightfully deserves. Great melodies, amazing musicianship, and good production - I can't ask anything more.



    Only Eddie Veder is left of the massive grunge vocalists of the early 90's.


    That intrigues me. How many were there, overall? And how did they all die? Was it all suicide?


    Confirmed as a suicide for Chris, what a dumb chicken shit thing to do. I don't know him or his issues but please. There are a lot of people worse off then he and certainly not independently wealthy and talented and such. But I digress. Hopefully he has come to terms with his demons.


    As for the others, I would think the top tier bands at the time were/are:

    Soundgarden/Chris Cornell/Dead,

    Alice N Chains/Layne Staley/Dead,

    Mother Love Bone/Andrew Wood/Dead,

    Nirvana/Kurt Cobain/Dead,

    Pearl Jam/Eddie Vedder/Alive.


    Sure there are a few others from that ilk but not to that level of success. MLB was on its way when Andy died and obviously was the catalyst for PJ.



    I was shocked this morning when I read the news but when I turned on my computer just a few minutes ago and read that it was suicide - well I agree that it was a "dumb chicken shit to do". Who among us doesn't have a problem?

  4. Agree with the guy above regarding the guitarists - they are really impressive. I, too won't be buying any of their CDs just because of one reason: TOO MUCH. I mean, I listen to power metal and love virtuoso playing but the thing about Dragonforce is that they're waaaaaayyyy over the top. They are just too much of everything that they sound too cartoony for me.

  5. WOW! Thanks for the replies. I never really thought about some of the different views you guys have written. Especially about those artists who tried writing a HIT. I was only thinking like what Nick C. wrote about that's why I started this post under the PROG ROCK AND METAL sub forum.


    And YES, Silverkin - PhDs and Physicists also love music. Some maybe listening to Pink Floyd or Dream Theatre while inside their laboratory.

  6. I don't know if this has been discussed here but, and since I'm new here I may as well start a topic on this word.


    I've been listening to RUSH lately and even saw the "Beyond The Lighted Stage" movie and there was a part there when Neil Peart used the word Pretentious as some people would describe their music or his lyrics. Now I LOVE Rush so I would be bias here and won't call their lyrics that way (well, maybe their 70s music). But I know there are tons of Prog Metal musicians out there that play multiple time signatures and never ending guitar, bass, keyboard and drum solos just to show off and use topics that only PhDs or Physicists can understand. So, where do you draw the line? I believe what Mike Portnoy said in Metal Evolution when he said that "there will always be a kid somewhere who would want to play a 50 piece drum set" just to know that he/she had achieved a high level of musicianship. But I've heard some do it and sacrificing the melody of the song. When can you tell that a particular band is just PRETENTIOUS in making music?


    Dream Theater?


    Whoever they are, it seems pretty lame to expect fans to foot the bill if they're not even gonna come up with new stuff...

    Totally agree. I would be more interested in some new materials rather than doing their old songs. Though it would be interesting to hear Rex Carroll doing the guitar solos on some Guardian songs, I just wish they won't re-do old Whitecross songs as they are soooo preachy. And I consider myself a christian.
  8. Hi, there all! George here. I've been around for maybe a month or two now. Like what is written on the Topic Title, I'm replacing a former member here. He's Nelson. The two CDs that I just submitted (Playground Fatalities and Wing N' A Prayer) were his. He was the one who recommended me to this site. I don't think he's into CD hunting anymore. I know he's into watches now. But I am just starting to get into this CD hunting craziness though I don't know if I can still find some good ones as of now, most pawnshop and 2nd hand CD stores don't have that much interesting titles anymore. Anyway, I'm glad that I was referred to this site. Happy to be here.


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