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Posts posted by RockinSockinRobots

  1. https://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B0046B8E0C/ref=sr_1_2_olp?ie=UTF8&qid=1505382008&sr=8-2&keywords=vanity+kills


    Its also over $2500 on Amazon.


    This should be impossible in this age. I bought this album digitally on eMusic a few years back for $5 (it's not there anymore.. just checked ), so there was a proper MP3 release. Why is there ever a reason for a mp3 release to go away? It's not like Amazon or iTunes would charge to keep the album in their store (would they?) so any sales would be gravy


    What am I missing?

  2. I love Frontiers.. I think that outside of Frontiers, Escape, and AOR Heaven, I barely buy anything else these days.


    That said, their releases end to have little staying power - usually after a week or so, they go off of rotation and never come back..



    I then get really excited for the next releases - wash, rinse, repeat


    I wish Frontiers would have a subscription program where you could buy all of their releases for the year (mp3 would be fine for me) - I'd be happy to pay up in advance..

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