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Posts posted by Jeff

  1. Oh dear I just listened to the song.


    Well my 8 year old daughter quite liked it....I think I'll pass though....its pleasant enough but just sounds like something from Hannah Montana. Lol


    Yeah, seems a bit more pop rock than hard rock. I've enjoyed some of her songs from her other albums but I don't think this song will be one of them.

  2. Great thread idea, I'll be checking in here.


    As for the Rock Candy, don't they remaster what they are releasing as well? If so, I reckon it's not all about bonus content but improving the sound quality. I do agree though, I would be more interested in some rare OOP stuff than a lot of what they reissue.


    I like Sunset Runaway a lot, good stuff. And great news on the CD release! And a surprise somewhat because I had messaged the band in December on Facebook asking where I could their CD's and this was the response:


    Hey Jeff, unfortunately you can't! Our first album was sold out a while ago and we're not printing the second album yet. Too expensive and even though we'd not like to sound like assholes but we have to turn this into a working business.


    Take care and wish you all the best!!


    - Sami Pilve


    You're in for a treat my friend... ;)



    Keep me posted if you get the skinny on the CD release since you are right in the thick of things there bud! :headbanger:

  4. I like Sunset Runaway a lot, good stuff. And great news on the CD release! And a surprise somewhat because I had messaged the band in December on Facebook asking where I could their CD's and this was the response:


    Hey Jeff, unfortunately you can't! Our first album was sold out a while ago and we're not printing the second album yet. Too expensive and even though we'd not like to sound like assholes but we have to turn this into a working business.

    Take care and wish you all the best!!

    - Sami Pilve

  5. You bought from the biggest douche on Ebay. He is arrogant and a jackass. Beware of his cds that say "sealed new". He shrink wraps his used cds that he thinks will pass as new.


    Be careful bro...


    +1 here....the dude is an absolute cross wired prick.


    He sent me a CD that was all beat up, I asked for a refund, got a rant about he will do the refund but I can never buy from him again because he was blocking me. Good!



    The opening two tracks on this CD are the best two first songs on any CD released so far in 2014. Killer opening. The 3rd track is so out of place it's very stupid. The song is absolute shit and could have been a real momentum killer. Thankfully, it's the only of it's kind and the rest of the CD goes on to be awesome.


    I think this is a lot better than the debut and unexpectedly, a really strong album. If I offered up an "it's awesome but..." criticism, it would be that you could argue that the style and vibe of most of the choruses is very similar. There are a lot of lyrics in the choruses and some similar deliveries. They just sound "busy" at times. But that's only a minor point. I do think this is a great disc and it'll rate accordingly.


    Third track is 'Beware The Candyman', isn't it ?

    wow can't believe you think it's filler, I love that and I think it's a solid 9/10 my man :D



    You are joking, aren't you? Please tell me you are. That is the song I'm talking about and it is pure, and utter shit. If you seriously rated that 9/10 I could never look at you the same. :(


    Most misplaced song of 2014.


    Oh, and I don't think it's a filler. Trust me, mate, it's the definition of a filler. Even Jesus knows it's a filler.



    I'll give this the 2014 award for "Most Ridiculous Statement to Illustrate Your (incorrect) Opinion"


    It's not the best tune on the CD but it's a good one, fits just fine on the CD.

  7. Let's forget who f'd who and how bad. I can see where Josh felt screwed and of course Peter got screwed, as even Josh admits. Griping and forum members taking sides doesn't get to the solution. Both of you need to take a breath, and say to yourself, you will feel better, sleep better making this right with each other. I'm sure you won't be best buddies and visiting each other on holidays or anything but maybe, in this thread, we can work out a solution where this gets put to rest.

    But the first question is....


    Josh, you did the final "screwing" so to speak, yours was the greatest advantage monetary wise. Are you willing to work it out here in this thread to put this to rest or are you dead set on having "won" this battle of the screwing?

    We don't know what the solution will be yet but I hope you will consider this, $750 is a lot of coin dude! :)


    Peter, I am going to assume since you were hit hardest, that you are willing to work it out?



    And now it's starting to get ugly.


    I hate being scammed and know how that feels. A cdr for $750??? I would have to kick somebody's ass.


    If someone sent me CDs in FUCKING SHIT condition, I'd feel the same way.



    So... receiving subpar condition CDs in a trade makes you feel justified in deliberately committing fraud to the tune of $750 (I don't care what you ended up refunding, your original intent was to get Peter for 750 large).


    Got it.



    I'd say they BOTH committed fraud.

  9. Like others here on the board I can completely empathize with Josh over what happened & completely understand him getting pissed over receiving subpar condition cd's. Insert condition is a huge pet peeve of mine...scratches can be buffed out, but damaged inserts...you're stuck with them forever. And I honestly don't fault him for wanting to "get even". I just take issue with how he chose to do it. If he had instead sent an original Fire Dept cd, but ripped off the spines & taped them back on, I'd say the other guy had it coming, assuming what he's said about the stuff he received is true. Just my two cents.


    Yep, that is a good assessment. Plus, if you are a CD collector selling to a CD collector (heck even selling to a non-collector) then you know sending inserts that are taped or have writing on them without telling the buyer ahead of time is absolute bullshit. Every one of you on here knows you would be absolutely fucking steamed if that happened to you whether you care to admit it or not. Shit, see some of you bitch about a lot of things on this board from Ebay fees, postage and handling to cracked jewel cases. And that's fine, but don't act like you don't understand how this went down and why.


    Now, on the flip side I would not rip off the seller to the tune $750 either. I'd try to work something out and if it wasn't quite in my favor I would cut my losses and never trade with that seller again. That's just me. Karma is a bitch, gents.

  10. I have this one.

    The songs are Miss Crazy style and are good, but not as good as Grip (which was excellent IMO).

    At times the vocals seem to get lost in the music. I would interested to know if anyone else feels that way or if it just my ears.

    The packaging is non-existent. Single fold over "booklet", no lyrics, just a band photo inside. Even the font and overall design is very cheap.


    The other thing that sorta bothered me is I get an email from Shellrock Records saying "Limited Edition 15 copies, numbered and signed by the whole band, only 15 of them, hurry!". So being a MC fan I ordered mine, got #14 out of 15 and they signed the CD...cool. A few days later, I see on FB or somewhere, "Due to the overwhelming demand, we are doing more than 15 copies!". I'm paraphrasing but it was something like they were now gonna do 16-30 or something like that. Is that sorta BS or am I just being too critical? I understand that these bands gotta make money but that is almost like bait and switch or false advertising.


    Anyway, don't wanna turn this into a gripe thread. The tunes are good, but not Grip good. The rest...well that is up to you on what you expect for $19.

  11. yeah, Great White's Once Bitten Twice Shy cassette single (the one with Waysted Rock Ranger) was loaned out to a co-worker during a summer factory job I had, summer of 1990 (or maybe '89) and even though I asked many a time in the weeks leading up to me heading back to school....never saw it again.

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