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Posts posted by sharatan

  1. You might want to check out Wishing Well Entertainment if you're looking to buy Suncity releases....the CDs are $16 and of course shipping is much cheaper....


    Damn I wish you would of told me that yesterday. :lol:


    Seriously though thanks for the heads up. :drink:



    no cruella d'ville there ... :crying:

  2. Just ordered from Jon(&then)


    Black Sabbath-Paranoid(Castle)

    Black Sabbath-Vol. 4(Castle)

    Black Sabbath-Sabbath Bloody Sabbath(Castle)

    Black Sabbath-Heaven And Hell(Castle)

    Black Sabbath-Mob Rules(Castle)



    You found 'em mate :tumbsup:


    With the 2 I have that'll give me 7 in the series so I still have a long way to go but it's a good start. :tumbsup:



    if you need some maiden dcds from emi holland lemme know...i need some capitalistic aussie cds.... :tumbsup:

  3. I was talking to the owner of a small indie music store and she was saying she could just go down to Walmart and buy several copies of AC/DC's Black Ice, sell it for less than her other regular priced cd's and still make a profit, but she didn't want to support AC/DC since they didn't want to support small music stores like hers.



    i want to know more about this mistress.... :tumbsup:

  4. don't support underground killer US metal steele! be a part of it! after some discussions etc etc etc the band sent copies of their cd(1993) to cd baby. they're selling faster than hot bread in omonoia square. grab now your copy and thus supporting the band, or be late and pay this for big $$$ from the usual "merchants" in the not so distant future....




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