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Posts posted by nyoilers

  1. On ‎5‎/‎7‎/‎2020 at 2:23 AM, Leykis101 said:

    this came out on Revelation in 2000, an awesome disc, everything since ive thought fucking blows, he came on strong on Revelations after singing for Anthrax most of the 90's, he should go back to Anthrax, as I truly felt he was the perfect fit, and enjoyed those albums he was on immensely, I love Armored, he just had a chemistry with Anthrax, he's one of my top 10 fav vocalists ever, I truly enjoy his voice, and his writing, hope he puts out some good shit in the future, it's been a minute. (by him im speaking of John Bush of course)

    I liked him with Anthrax ,also.Lucky to see them play live

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  2. Trump's not doing anything right and I look forward to voting against him again.

    But the sad reality is that there's not much difference between the left and the right.

    The small difference is how does it affect me and my family.Everything else like immigration,abortion,climate change,etc... takes a back seat to what's important to me-my retirement ,which the republicans want to cut and healthcare,which is what I want the republicans to leave alone.

    The truth from Tony Montana-First you get the money and then you get the power.

    I don't have the money so I vote for who's gonna help me out.

  3. 5 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    I'm not so sure about him being a great negotiator...where is the evidence? Other than what he says about himself...

    His trade deals are bullshit.I'm for free trade-not what's going on now.

    If you mow my lawn and I give you $50 then we're both happy.

    I don't need to wash your car for $50 so we're monetarily even.

  4. On ‎4‎/‎20‎/‎2020 at 1:14 PM, tts42572 said:


    I feel the same.  I'm honestly kinda enjoying having my weekends free and just getting to relax for a bit.  

    However, I'm also starting to get irritated because I feel like many businesses could get back in operation as long as they keep being smart and keep doing common sense stuff like keeping social distance, maybe wearing masks if dealing with people in closer than 6 feet distances, etc.  I mean, my father passed away in February and I've been waiting for 2 months for a local judge to sign off on giving me administrator powers for his Estate but it can't happen because the local courts are closed except for "essential" business and apparently this isn't "essential".  In the meantime I also have somebody who wants to buy his house and I'm left having to pay bills personally for it while I wait.  So that part of it is getting frustrating as I feel like this court could be operating in some fashion like many other businesses that are working from home or whatever. 

    I guess I just question the blanket approach most of our government officials are taking.  I mean, I'm in NYS which is basically the worst place to be for this disease.  But I'm in Upstate NY and there are less than 100 cases of this disease in my County of about 60,000 people.   And it's similar for many of the Counties surrounding me.  So many people here are starting to get frustrated and are left struggling financially because we have to continue sitting idle and pay for what's going on in New York City.  And late last week the Governor just extended our lockdown 2 more weeks.  So many people are understandably starting to get frustrated, especially if this virus isn't overwhelming their local area.  

    Now don't get me wrong....I think the approaches taken have probably saved a lot of lives and probably should've been done sooner than they were.  But I also feel like we need to start slowly getting back to life in areas that aren't hard hit and trying to figure out how to do it smartly so that we keep this virus under control.

    The sad thing though is that people probably can't handle it.  I mean, look at what happened in Florida when restrictions were lifted and one of the beaches opened last weekend.  People flocked there like they've never been to a beach before like a bunch of idiots.  I guess it's why we need to just keep blanket lockdowns because we just can't trust people to be socially responsible and this virus would probably just explode again because people will travel all over and just start being stupid. 

    Sorry for the long winded rant :)

    I also live in upstate NY and I think on May 1 things are slightly going to start opening up.Not in NYC but other areas of NY.Probably by May 15 we'll have a better idea if the stay at home orders will continue.I work part time in a school district so I've been collecting unenjoyment.Until the school year is officially ended or if school restarts I'm basically in limbo because it makes no sense to get a job that I would quit if the schools reopen.

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