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Metal T

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Posts posted by Metal T

  1. And STFU with the  "people that aren't getting vaccinated are selfish"  bullsh!t -  it ain't gonna fly...especially when your POS president Biden continues to allow Covid and Delta + invaders to continue to pour into the country unvetted...and then is dumping them in the Midwest..so f**k the hell off with that hypocritical slop.

  2. 17 hours ago, Dead Planet said:

    Biden is not the greatest president ever that is for sure but when compared to the Republican party leader who is still called Trump, he looks pretty damn good to me....and yes the majority of politicians are idiots....

    You live in Canada no one gives a f__k what you think

    • Haha 1
  3. On 7/23/2021 at 5:24 AM, Geoff said:

    My new celebrity crush;


    Even if you don't watch the whole video, at least make sure you stay on long enough (it's in the first few mins) to see the comments from the chief health advisor in NSW, Kerry Chant. And keep in mind this woman is running our state now. Like I say absolute, fucking morons. Did everyone hear NSW was declared a state of national emergency today? If it wasn't ruining so many people's lives, I'd find this garbage comical. 

    Yep just another clueless,unelected bureaucrat...

  4. Its not bad for what it is...its decent...I can respect that this guy didn't choose a "safe" song to cover .You'll find that there really isn't a whole helluva lot of singers who are even going to attempt to cover a song like this...that said I revisited  "Tyr"..."Headless Cross" and "Cross Purposes"  a few years ago...i'll say that originally I didn't give Tony Martin a fair shake...the guy is definitely in the "underrated" category...some really good stuff on CP.

  5. The following quote is pretty relevant to today's times...


    "the nine most terrifying words in the English language are:  " Im from the government and Im here to help"


    -Ronald Regan

    • Like 2
  6. Meanwhile your liberal piece of sh!t president continues to allow hundreds of thousands of illegals into the country UNVETTED and many with C O V I D!  Nearly a million people have tried or succeeded getting in here since Jan 20,on Joe bobs watch...and the American citizen is being blamed for spreading Covid and shamed for not getting an unapproved Vaccine? :screwy:

  7. Yeah,i read an article about some of the crap the Australian gov't has pulled down there during all of this...and after hearing some of the complaints on the board from our many Aussie members....it seriously pissed me off.I hope it gets back to some kind of normal down there.

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  8. On 7/6/2021 at 4:53 PM, auslander said:

    Judas Priest's Turbo album is one of their best albums despite their "fans" hating it, and it features some great, melodic songs and deserves to be in any discussion around great hard rock albums of the 80s.


    images (6).jpeg

    'Reckless'....the last tune on  'Turbo' was awesome.


    I've heard JP nixed it being in the movie 'Top Gun'....given the success of that film along w/ the popularity of that soundtrack,they probably would have made a mint putting it on there.

    • Like 1
  9. On 7/6/2021 at 8:29 AM, KarpetRydOFunk said:

    Wow. You lot are playing it very safe.

    Warrant made some good music post Jani? Where's the controversy in that? And then, or course, everyone is immediately sidetracked when you so much as mention Van Halen, arguing over which era was better. 

    Here's an actual controversial statement: Harem Scarem's Voice of Reason is better than their debut. 


    IMO,Jani Lane was overrated......does that piss anyone off?

  10. 12 hours ago, Jez said:

    Take off Queen, Rush and maybe Bon Jovi (because of their first 4 albums)


    Then add:



    The Sex Pistols

    The Rolling Stones


    Green Day (And most of the other Pop Punk motherfuckers that damaged our hearing) 


    Korn (and most of the other Nu-Metal motherfuckers that damaged our hearing)





    Respect the talents of a 'Queen' and a 'Rush'...just not a big fan.The rest of those bands you mentioned - yep..

    'Green Day' are in the 'Rock Hall' but no Priest'....:wacko:

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