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Metal T

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Posts posted by Metal T

  1. Van Halen-Live 9/27/2007 Charlotte


    I got this Boot on-line last night and for an Audience Rip it is Fantastic sounding.

    Okay so how do they sound?


    ROTH-His Voice has never sounded better...I heard he has really been

    working on his singing and it shows. He sings ALL the lyrics to each song

    and is always in key!! MAD Props to DLR!!!! He is Leading these guys into Battle..


    EDDIE-All I can say is Dave and the boys have lit a HUGE Fire under his ass,

    as his Playing Is UNFUCKING Believable..He plays like there is NO tomorrow!!

    Every Solo and Rhythm is Spot on...and his timing, phrasing and chops are

    Top Notch!!!He is still the KING!!!


    ALEX-DAMN There must be sumpin in da water these guys are drinking...

    The biggest over all improvement is right here...Alex no longer takes

    a back seat to Ed...His bass kick work is Stunning...He is now the machine

    that moves the band!!!


    WOLFIE-Well His Dad and Uncle have a lot to keep up with here cause he is

    without a doubt SMOKIN!!! This KID Can PLAY!! The only complaint is his sound

    is a little weak..but hey this is a boot so that is probably the reason...


    BACKGROUND VOCALS-STUNNING!!! Is it live or Memorex...I dunno but

    they are GREAT...


    The overall feeling I get is that the band has NEVER EVER Sounded tighter

    or Stronger...No doubt that they have/are putting all they have into this..

    they truely sound and act like they are having a BLAST!!! This Shit Is KILLER!!

    Damn I wsih I could see them live!!!!!!!!


    Nice ! The way you describe it...sounds like the next best thing to being there.

    VH with DLR ... :headbanger:




    ...after several spins it really sounds like PF are trying to widen their fanbase (why? $?) The lame duet (upon further listening this sucks) with the Epica' gal and all the modern sounds :orchestral parts,loops and synths (being proof) f**king drives me nuts! Doing this they're without a doubt going to alienate some of their already established fanbase of metalheads who have paid their damn bills for several years now."Seven Seals" was alot better...Too much experimentation here.I started listening to Primal Fear back in 98' because they were a METAL band,not a clusterf**k of modern noise and assorted sh*t.That said-It does have 3 good songs on there so that makes NR worth getting.By the way they do in fact kill live' :headbanger: (thats really what matters) PF,might however want to at least attempt to actually play some US dates again sometime...

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