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jason (FA-Q)

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Everything posted by jason (FA-Q)

  1. Not that Saraya was ever that good but, her second album "When The Blackbird Sings" has nothing on it that I can listen to. Another disappointment was the "Stayin' Alive" album by Jackyl. It has some cover songs and some live stuff on it but, the new studio songs suck really bad!
  2. Oh really, you are getting whipped? By who?.......... What's his name?.................. I'm fuckin' with ya! I got to go, see ya!
  3. Good night TIM. I will come up with some other good jokes for you to use. See Ya!
  4. so TIM, what the hell is "enoough" anyway? You Dumb Ass!
  5. I see that I'm not the only one who has been drinking tonight.
  6. Take a look at yours, Jackass!! Enoough?????????????? What the hell is that????????????
  7. HEY TIM! You totally re-edited your comment!!!!! I see how it is... You can even keep up with a brain like me I'm so good
  8. Who, me? Oh, I'm fine with it. You need all the help you can get and I'm gonna give you a hand, bro.
  9. Nice try TIM but mine were more funny. It's too bad that you aren't that smart. I mean, you have to use my own jokes against me. The next thing you know, TIM will want to use my condoms when I am done with them!
  10. NO I'm not! He just needs a shower!
  11. HEY! Remember this one?.............
  12. HEY! Question like these need to be on the "Music Trivia" page. I can't think of this one?
  13. I've never known a cat to have a fork tongue?
  14. What's everyone being so fuckin' nice for? Remember, this is called FLAMEFEST! (Let The Shit Fly). Kat! Have you ever got a finger poked in those "eyes" of yours? Well how about my whole fuckin' hand?!! Really though, I don't want to get things out of control here. Everyone else already has their jaws on the desk now that they know what that piture really is. Kat, this is what they call your "15 minutes of fame." ENJOY IT!
  15. So, I take it that picture is painted on your chest?
  16. Great to see that you liked that! It's all in good fun. I can't get to hard on TIM because he can get a bit grumpy about things.
  17. TIM is right! I am here to edge him out with all the crap I can come up with! HEY!! He knows me well enough to "laugh out loud" about it all. It's all in good fun, if you ask me. Eventhough TIM is a bit of a dork! I'm havin' fun with the little puke! Oh Yeah! By the way, at this point. I have had my fill of booze!................ Tim will get a kick out of that bit of news.
  18. = TIM, most days of the week. = TIM, when his mother tickles his privet parts. = TIM, the look on his face when his father caught him wackin' it. = TIM, the look on his face when his father asked to join him. = TIM, a very ornery drunk. = TIM, can't figure out why one ball hangs lower than the other. = TIM, standing next to you at the urinals.
  19. "Can't take the heat?"......... I made the fire, you stupid fuckin' shit for brain's! You aren't that smart, are you? Dumb Ass!!
  20. You know Reno?........ I gave you a load of crap about all those pages you have started around here and you didn't even give me any shit back? This is the place to do it. You know me to well........
  21. Just a dime, Baby! Just a dime........
  22. Hey Reno! (jackass), Do you really have to open up another topic ever time you visit this site? Can't you just put some of this stupid shit of yours on the same pages, rather than having a boat load pages for everyone to go through!? Maybe you just don't get it? Gee, I know! maybe you could open a new page for every fuckin' word that comes out of your god damn mouth! AND! Quit typing all the shit you read in the news paper on to this site. If I want the joke of the day then I'll read the variety section. Thanks anyway!!
  23. Well I have to say................. I was just at the Beautiful Creatures page and noticed that the ranking has been reset. That is cool! It needed it because there was no way that the ranking it had before was right. ------- guess which one is me!
  24. I sure would like to know who the little fucker was that sabotaged the ranking on the Nazareth - No Mean City page. It had a pretty good raking of about 9.6 and now it's at 6.6 or so. You can't EVER go by those damn rank numbers because there is always some asshole who doesn't think an album is worthy enough. SO, the fucker will sit there and give it a 1.0 over and over until the album is down and out. Really though, if you look around this website you will see that there are way too many albums with a ranking of +9.00. It's a bunch of bullshit!! Just like the page for the band Beautiful Creatures. Over 300 people have ranked this album and it sits at a three point something? This is another album that has been sabotaged. Again, BULLSHIT!!!!
  25. Now see, there you go! Purrfect Cat has it right!!!!!! This has been my piont all along! It is just like she said, I am having alot of fun here and some people (like you, TIM) get to involved in the "fine lines" of it all. In other words, you read too much in to it. Relax, fuck face!
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