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Posts posted by darin

  1. Very average, but a kinda good sound. Not sure about those vocals at all, though.


    Anyone ever hear an unsigned band from the 80's called Vaudeville? Man they had some great tunes.

    FNA is soon to be releasing their stuff.


    In regards to Villians Of Vaudville, their debut CD is now available over on their website.

  2. I will give just a broad hint. It has never been released, or leaked to blogs, or been circulating on any of the demo sites. Check back May 4th for who the band is.


    That broad hint is very vague (presumably by design). Is it a band that gets discussed a lot on this forum? Will people be excited?

    Would they be from Dallas, Chicago, or L.A. ?? I know of three bands soon to be released w/ FNA.
  3. Off their facebook page.





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