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Posts posted by whiplash1972

  1. From The Brave’s FB page:

    BraveNation. We hope everyone is doing well and blessed!  There’s no easy way to say this, but we regretfully announce that Fred is no longer in the band and will not be featured on our new album, Carnival of Sins.  We are obviously disappointed, but we wish nothing but the best for Fred and his family.  And with that news, we need more time to fill the void that we now have. So we are pushing the release date to August 30th, 2024.  We want to give you all our very best in this new record, thus we graciously ask for a little more time.  We appreciate your patience as we knock another one out of the park!  Thank you and we wish everyone an awesome summer!


    I honestly didn’t realize they had taken on a second guitarist (Fred Tierra); I thought they were still operating as a trio. 🤷‍♂️

  2. Back to regularly scheduled programming....

    The Effect Merch is available now for only a limited time! You have until June 4th to purchase limited edition items like 1st edition TE black T shirt, only 4 custom, bleached, vintage TE flannels that you see the fam wearing in the pic above (first come, first serve) Collectors item 5 song physical TE EP (EPs were printed before ex keyboardist SM left the band) which features the tracks Toxic Envy, Unwanted, Something Wrong, It Could Have Been You with Steve Perry and our Alternate Version of Unwanted. These are rare items and that’s why we only have a small window to get them to you. Hit the link https://linktr.ee/theeffectband to get yours now! 5 day countdown starts now 👕💿 #theeffect #merch #merchandise
    *The link to buy the EP is: Home | The Effect Merch (bigcartel.com)
    Looks like several of the clothing items are already sold out. :ninja:
    May be an image of 4 people and text
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    All reactions:
    Trev Lukather and 110 others
  3. Hmm, sounds like they’ve already got their replacement. I’m thinking Sebastian Bach 🤔 🤞

    - - - - - - -

    From the Vixen FB page:

    Hello Foxhead Nation! 🦊 First of all we want to extend a special thank you to Lorraine Lewis. We’re grateful for her contributions to Vixen and wish her all the best in her career moving forward. Secondly, thank you to everyone sending suggestions and to those who inquired about singing for us. We’re letting you all know that we have our new singer and we’re ready to Rev it Up! Wanna know who? Come find out! We’ll see you on the road! 💖🤘🦊                     

    6/21  Honda Center- Anaheim CA

    7/6  Mohegan Sun Wolf Den-Uncaseville CT

    7/13  Spirit Mountain Casino-Grand Ronde

    7/19  Promenade Park 80s Rock Invasion -Toledo Ohio

    7/20  Kewadin Casino 80s Rock invasion -St Ignace MI

    8/2  Honeywell Center- Fort Wayne IN

    8/3 Lynne Family Stadium -Louisville KY

    8/23 Arcada Theatre-St Charles IL

    8/25 Mountain Music Festival- Gatlinburg TN

    8/30 Rocklahoma-Pryor OK

    9/21 Devon Lakeshore Amphitheater- Decatur IL

    10/2 Riviera Theater-North Tonawanda NY

    10/26-11/2 High Seas Rally Cruise- Miami FL

    3/10-3/15/25 Monsters of Rock Cruise- Miami FL 
    #vixenband #ontour #keepingthelegacyalive #revitup

  4. 1 hour ago, Stefan said:

    I'm still waiting for my CD :(

    Mike, have you received your CD?

    I have not. I have seen a few people here and there stating that they’ve received theirs though, so hopefully soon. 🤞

  5. Former Autograph singer Steve Plunkett returns with a new solo album, set to be released via Cleopatra Records on July 19, 2024.

    Steve Plunkett - Straight Up (CD)
    The long awaited second solo album, his first since 1991, from lead vocalist and primary creative force behind '80s platinum hard rockers Autograph, Steve Plunkett!

    This album has everything you'd expect from Plunkett - high energy, razor sharp guitars, rock hooks galore and top quality production that will make you believe it's the '80s all over again!

    Plunkett has become one of rock's most in-demand songwriters with bands like The Go-Go's, Edgar Winter and Vixen recording his songs as well as production work with Cyndi Lauper and Graham Nash!

    1. Rock Machine
    2. Here We Go
    3. First Step
    4. Six String Hero
    5. Rock Star
    6. We're Gonna Jam
    7. Knock Out Punch
    8. On The Stage
    9. Gotta Jump
    10. Start It Up

    Pre-order at Cleopatra Records:


    • Thanks 1
  6. Very solid track 👆. I get a distinct Whitesnake vibe, and I’m all good with that! Barring any upcoming singles just dropping off a cliff quality wise, this is sounding like a definite pick up for me. 👍

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