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Posts posted by headbanger4life

  1. What the fuck is going on all!!! I've been away for quite a fucking while now. Well I'm fucking back (hopefully).

    Good to have you fuckin' back.......


    Thanks Wotty, it's good to fuckin' be back.




    What the fuck is going on all!!! I've been away for quite a fucking while now. Well I'm fucking back (hopefully).


    H4L, where the fuck have you been dude?? I was just re-reading an old fuckin thread yesterday that had some fuckin posts in it from you and I actually said to myself "What the fuck ever happened to that fuckin guy? He was a cool fucker."


    Welcome the fuck back either way!!



    FF, thanks dude. I've fuckin' missed some of your hilarious post. Now I have to catch up on 70 fucking pages of posts. :yikes:




    What the fuck is going on all!!! I've been away for quite a fucking while now. Well I'm fucking back (hopefully).

    H4L..Fuck, good to see ya back!!!!!! :banger:



    Thanks dude, it's good to be fuckin' back.




    Welcome back Headbanger. I'm still metal.



    Geoff, thanks man. I'm assuming your also still claiming to be sexiest fuckin' man alive.




    What the fuck is going on all!!! I've been away for quite a fucking while now. Well I'm fucking back (hopefully).

    Welcome the fuck back, Scott!


    Friday just needs to fuckin get here.... then next Friday really needs to fuckin get here.... cuz then I start a 5-day weekend :woot:



    Thanks Lisa, well it's Friday fucking night here and I'm glad. I'm fucking looking forward to holiday weekend as well. Time off of work and alcohol always goes fuckin' good together.

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