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Posts posted by headbanger4life

  1. Foooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooook !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    I mean...Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Somebody's in a fucking mood today.

  2. Still sneak in a few CDs here and there due to the "do you really need any more of those" comments.


    Same here ! That sounds very familiar !! :drink:



    I do this everytime I hit the cd store. I'll hide them in the trunk (with the donut tire), under the seats or where ever else I can find a place. When she leaves the house I'll sneak them in and try to fit them in a stack so she won't realize it's gotten a little bit bigger.


    Sometimes it's like my wife knows where I'm at. She'll call me on the cell and ask where am I at (like she doesn't know from the music blasting in the background). It's no use trying to hide them when I get home.


    She just doesn't understand. That's why I don't give her shit when she buys that 181st pair of shoes that she likes. I'll even buy them for her. It's like my get out of jail free card! :tumbsup:

  3. There were some good labels over here in Japan that I really liked.


    ZERO - This was a good one back in the early through mid 90's. When grunge and alternative were ruling the radio waves in the states, this label was putting out some great AOR, HR, Metal and Prog.


    Bareknuckle - This one came out in the late 90's and had a lot of good stuff as well. They didn't last very long though.


    I also liked Long Island, MTM, and even some old Metal Blade stuff.

  4. There was a radio station here in Slc called Kber 101, (its still here) but back before it went corporate (94), they played so much shit you would probably shit!


    Dude, KBER was awesome. I remember in '94 I was on leave from the military and went visit some friends in Utah. When I was scanning through the radio stations, I came across 101 and couldn't believe. All my years driving around the states, I think that was one of the best stations I ever came across. It sucked as I was leaving Utah and couldn't pick up the station any more.

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