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Joel Ellis

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Everything posted by Joel Ellis

  1. Hey man this is Joel Ellis if Cats In Boots, Heavy Bones, Merri Hoaxx, Ellis Island, Ellis and Angel .. anyways .. I wanna say I stumbled across your blog and I dig it, I was zoning out into some web noise at 4Am...tm, and your blog caught my eye so I started to read your thoughts you guys are sharing here and I want to say I’m amazed that you guys are intelligent and knowledgeable about your perspectives . Hey I’m down to talk with you guys about anything you want. I invite you to see the 80s, 70s, 60s .. through my eyes ok cool? Hit me up I’m here ... or if I’m not feel free to email me. First off thank you for the compliments and for standing up for me as a formidable artist. Dig that. Ive never blogged before so I’ll be on a bloggers learning curve if that’s ok. But I gotta say I’d love to be a part of your blogs and share my experiences of those years that you’re all so passionate about.. lets share. Let’s talk about everything, life, music, stories.. I think I have a lot to say, a good perspective.. lived in great eras. I’ve collected convictions and sought wisdom all of my life since I was a little boy and I carried that torch through my entire life as a recording artist. One of those convictions was to remain true to myself, no hair spray, spandex, choreography studded leather jumpsuits non of that shit. Always just wanted to Rock and keep it about the songs and the performances. Simple.. never jumped any bandwagons to be trendy, never pretended to be something I wasn’t and had a whole fuck load of fun doing it. I guess I should have cared more over the years about marketing and PR keeping up with interviews blah.like Brett Michaels lol (Brett’s a bud) But I’ve never stopped making music, songs, studio sessions playing my 33s .. really why I got into music. Y’know this JBJ thing is so petty to me that it really doesn’t matter to me what people think,, it’s all very true, end of story I’m not trying to gain anything by pointing out how’s he’s built his career and profited from it by lying and sterling from struggling artists who just might have something to say therefore robbing us all of acts that may have beeen around to touch our lives ., ya that’s the real crime, the people’s lives guys like him ruin. there’s no way you can compare his story to an innovative unimaginably creative artistic powerhouse like Led Zep who’s btw always payed homage to those old artists and classics they recorded in their own innovative style...please don’t mention Led Zep and BJ in the same sentence again ., please. Anyways I hope this will help you to all understand that he and his blatant bullshit are insignificant in my life and there’s a whole lot more music from me where that came from. Bobby Womack says the same thing about Ben E. King running away with a little song called Stand By Me,. when I think of the genius of Bobby Womack a law suit doesn’t come to mind ., that’s a true artist.. living for making your art. The entire time I devoted my life to music I’ve stood on convictions and not distorted ego. I experienced music in the 60s I felt the ways it changed my world on a daily basis and eventually defined the most progressive turn about in modern society to land us living with our opened minds today... and then music as art evolved to extraordinary heights of innovation, expression, intelligence, raw power and a way of life.. all itS own subculture .. music was forever a big of what our lives would be there were genius artists who made music as important to me as the air I breathed in the 70s .. and couldn’t have been in a better place at that exact time ., it was the 1970s in Cleveland Ohio .. Rock was as big as Jesus Christ .., and then it became my turn and the 80s roared into the halls for history in every uncontrollable form you can imagine .,, bam!! and I believe this is where you we’re dwelling when I dropped in. So what’s up for me next? Going slow to go fast .. This year I’m starting work with a new group of players.. pro guys with a lot talent some may know. but it’s just about creating and performing again., it’s gonna be killer new music and a great performances every night regardless of who’s songs were playing. , we have festivals being booked and we’re just doing festival worldwide to HAVE FUN. Maybe a record will follow who knows, .. yknow I love the studio for all it offers. So like always, life takes new meaning to me with every chapter lived.. but I’m coming back to my music and hopefully give you all something new to talk about I don’t give a fuck if it sells big, I just want it to move you big. Music .. it’s just about music ... music .... maybe you wanna know What am I doing now today? ., I have a company, don’t ask me how but I’m working with a few of the best.. mind blowing scientists making a drug that’s going to help ALS and Parkinsons victims from cannabis physiology. Alternative sciences and medicines there’s a whole lot in this world we haven’t begun to understand in natural medicinal sciences and botanicals.. I have a farm and research grow house, I’m working with research teams here and Israel. I’ll be free up to rock again soon, I spent 19 yrs raising my awesome son. and now I’m on this journey... soon I’ll be making music again in a big way... I won’t need anyone else’s resources and believe me there’s a fucking boat load of new music inside me waiting to come out ok? and we won’t skip a beat I promise. maybe this will help you understand.. re one major personal conviction has me doing what I am today, it was given to me by my good friend Bobby Womack. Bobby and I were sitting on his couch writing songs like we did a lot and he turned to me with his hand on my arm looked me in the eye and said “Joe..., (he always called me Joe).. there ain’t a blessing in this world no matter how great that’s worth a goddamn unless you go and give it back”... then there’s the universal type we should all get.. like 4 guys who were together for only 8 years ..57 years ago .. and still continue to be an influencing pillar in modern society.. the most resounding pop lyric ever written “Love is all you need” and ironically their very last and final words recorded together “the love you take is equal to the love you make”.. and they were named after insects .. but those lyrics didn’t just “happen”.. they were meant for us all to listen up and hear.. that’s as real as it gets, touching lives means more than record sales. What I’m saying is that it’s all got to be real and it’s got to be fun.. it’s a blessed journey to be so why the fuck would anyone want to spend it in negative bullshit like lawsuits over part of a song turned stolen hook to produce a song that made millions... when you could be making and performing music moving on to new things, new sounds and songs creatively focused on innovation touching lives with your art and rocking stages instead of .. the judicial system and bogus press comparisons to someone you ya e nothing in common with as an artist..I want to be known for the music do write and create under my own name... so even though ya the story is absolutely true in the eyes of God, it’s really not that uncommon or that important in fact, let’s talk about my song writing, my lyrics, the stories behind the songs, those great days and a zillion memories that feel good and rejoice in the times we live in 👍🏼 Fuck the thieves lmao 😂 more power to em. To quote David Bowie “there’s a huge difference between a musician and an artist” . ya it completely sucks but let’s look at the big picture and how much of it does not suck ? Thanks for letting me chime in 🤘🏽😎 Joe
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