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Posts posted by grissolm


    I think what I would like people to realise is that this is entirely homegrown, I wrote the songs, all the riffs, all the lyrics, melodies, arranged, recorded, organised, promoted, funded, designed all of this right down to the photographs and art, all with the distinct and accepted risk that nobody would be interested.
    There’s no sponsors or benefactors, it’s about as ‘real’ as it gets to the extent that while I’m able to, I am personally mailing CD’s from my local post shop.
    And i really fxckin’ like that, because that dynamic doesn’t exist in music much anymore.
    It’s organic.

    I think the CD sounds just find and rocks hard! I was pleasantly surprised by how much I liked it. I gotta admit that I had doubts when I heard you were coming with a solo CD. Didn't think much about it and only thought with reservations about it. But wow was I surprised (by the way have you sent one to Spain yet? haha!)

    I will definitely check out the next one you're on!


    I listened to this when it first came out a couple of years ago or so but I heard they broke up as soon as it came out or something like that. Don't know any details.

    Oh, you fancy, huh?


    I don't know if I fancied it. I think I thought it was ok at that time but I quickly forgot and I don't remember any of the songs. I just remember somebody in a another forum saying they had broke up.

  3. Grind Cat Grind (2016)


    01. Take Me To The Zoo
    02. Carpet Your Neighbors.
    03. Slide Action
    04. Servants In The Weather
    05. Pan Am
    06. Catherine Wheel
    07. The Mattress Always Knows
    08. I Have Seen Things (I Can't Unsee)
    09. Crack In My Head


  4. Let me be clear what I meant about sounding raw. I don't give a crap if people think it sounds muffled or not. I think it sounds great. I just tried to say that it sounded like it had more of an edge and less melodic and pop then New Religion. And in general I think the songs are better. period. New Religion is good but Riot Avenue is better.

  5. The Last Vegas is pretty good. They're coming out with a new one in March 2016. It's called Eat me.


    Track List for Eat Me:
    01. Bloodthirsty
    02. Here We Go Again
    03. Universe & You
    04. Hot Fudge
    05. Along For The Ride
    06. Voodoo Woman
    07. Love’s Got Nothing On Me
    08. Hard To Get Over (You’re So)
    09. To Be Treated
    10. Anything It Takes
    11. From Hell



  6. Chase The Ace - Hell Yeah!


    01. The Stalker
    02. Set You On Fire
    03. Hell Yeah!
    04. Fortunate Son
    05. Desert Rose
    06. Bad Seed
    07. Full Throttle
    08. Dead Man Rocking
    09. Out Of Reach
    10. Sharp Dressed Man
    11. Still Got It
    12. Prisoner In Paradise
    13. Running As Fast As I Can (with My Eyes Closed)


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