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Posts posted by sharatan

  1. Much better than the average of 10 cents an article I have been getting.


    Seems as though there is a certain fellow named Geoff who knows his stuff. Maybe he should do it.


    10 cents an article ?!?! Wow ! That seems like a rip-off to me .. !

    I've written some CD reviews myself (Target Records & MusicBuyMail), so I know you really have to spend some time and work on them to write something decent.


    But Geoff to review AOR and Westcoast CD's ?? Interesting proposal ...... ! ;)


    Ha, backed......can you imagine Geoff reviewing and rating AOR and West Coast discs. lol


    I doubt there would be a score above 15%.........

    If I was getting the CDs for free and they needed to be positive, trust me, there'd be plenty. I can dwell on the positives if I need too. ;)



    ha, i trust you matey. the whole music business was built exactly on what your wrote.on lies.

  2. You mean this one Matt?








    I've had a look around on some of my fav blogs and can't find a download for it anywhere. Must be quite rare.

    :lol: That is awesome. C'mon Justin, you just drew that then, in Microsoft Paint, didn't you?


    As bad as that cover is, it's 1000 times better than I could draw :D


    sorry but i don't agree. ok, it's not good, but it needed some determination and discipline in order to be done. not something that anybody sitting in front of a pc could do. and jaysus! we're talking 'bout a demotape from a small band 20+ years ago.(edit: the selling price was $2)

  3. You mean this one Matt?








    I've had a look around on some of my fav blogs and can't find a download for it anywhere. Must be quite rare.

    :lol: That is awesome. C'mon Justin, you just drew that then, in Microsoft Paint, didn't you?


    is this a trick question? i have ythe original demotape and has exactly the same cover. also that logo was used on their first t-shirts(grey and white colours) and i prefer it than the one they used later. don't know if paint was invented then, though...

  4. i bought griffin's 2nd edition of "australian metal guide". mostly for my collection, because i don't find it very much of my interest because there are no pictures of covers etc and too much crappy and uninteresting post 90's bands. but i have to confess that his sentence in the beginning of taramis' presentation brought tears to my eyes:" the godfathers of australian power and progressive metal..."


    now if only i had that prowler demo... which criminally isn't mentioned in the book... :lame:

  5. One of the best US metal cds of all time!!


    Begin with the all time classic "Silent Scream" :headbanger: :headbanger: :




    They had 4-5 demos apart from the full-length cd.



    what my buddy aristeides wrote! :headbanger:

  6. I really like TRIVIUM live. I actually thought they were better (certainly technically) than both Maiden and Metallica who I saw them support early on, and fared-well supporting both MACHINE HEAD and LAMB OF GOD (there are no 2 better bands on the live Metal circuit than these). I'm going again in mid-March to see them for the second time on this tour (the first was in Vegas in October) and my 7th time overall. To be fair it's as much to do with the quality bands they bring with them now their headliners, as their own live performance, but count me as a fan!


    Trivium were fighting an uphill battle opening for Maiden. The audience pretty much treated them as an obstacle to be tolerated until Maiden got onstage.



    bro, not that i care about trivium, m.head, LoG and other forgetable ones, but what did you expect from them? they're maiden fans... :axe:




    back on topic: crappy gigs were the ones that i had to pay full price ticket just to see the support groups(which in many cases don't have other chances to book a gig, at least back then).....for example: crush/armored saint, crush/holocaust(i wanted to see holocaust performing their immortal tunes, but mortimer was fekking drunk. so fekk him one thousand times. still of course he was better than listening to their hymn by kai hansen! even though he didn't sing anything when they played HMM for 3rd time in row...), spitfire/iron maiden(at least from that gig i still remember 10000+ people shouting like maniacs SPITFIRE!SPITFIRE!SPITFIRE!) etc etc etc....


    also having to suffer from sodom(even though probably the only thrash/pank band i can still listen to a couple of their agent orange tunes), immortal, r.christ in a row, just to listen to some crappy nowadays manowar was a traumatic experience. metal united my fekking arze.


    and then venom playing before virgin steele(hehehehe). these cronos' bass "solos"(lord give mercy on them) were enough a reason for delay that left VS without one encore. and emalaith/victory is mine were the ones i misssed, if memory serves me well...

  7. I know this is a very arguable topic, but im very interested, to me there really are very few cd's I can put on and listen to from start to finish, usually there is at least one filler, Im interested to know, what are some of your cd's that you enjoy every second of and wish it would never end? maybe even the bad songs are still better then the good songs on other cd's? i'll list mine below, no arguing(Geoff)im simply trying to find some more good cd's that are very good! and listneable all the way through!


    Def Leppard - High & Dry and Pyromania

    Bon Jovi - 7800 Farenhiet

    Blue Tears - S\T

    Sic Vikki - Kiss Me In French

    Melidian - Lost In The Wild

    Sundogs - Wild Season

    XYZ - S\T

    Breaker - Get Tough

    Chroming Rose - Pressure



    if ya wanna be selective then you should change to vinyl. cds killed music. :christmas::headbanger::party421:

  8. gun n roses :puke:





    the price you pay


    white which


    lizzy borden


    give'em the axe

    rod of iron





    ozzie boozie


    secret loser

    killer of giants

    over the mountain


    bonfire(cacumen was half my youth-the other was accept, so it's fekking difficult)

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