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Posts posted by hardrockhaven

  1. I've been in contact with band member Toni over the past several months. He has finally gotten a paypal account set up to accept cd orders for their Hard Spirit "Walk The Wild" cd. He advised he just shipped my cd out and that I should receive it within 10 to 12 days. I told him that I probably had numerous people who might be interested in purchasing their cd. Toni advised it was ok if I gave out his e-mail address so that anyone interested in a copy can contact him. With the exchange rate, it cost me like $23 to have the cd shipped. Toni will send out a paypal request e-mail so that you don't have to do the conversion yourself. Toni's e-mail is aamboaje@hotmail.com


    P.S. Currently, this is the only way to purchase this cd that I know of. It is not available through their website or myspace page. The tiny little label Triple A Metal or whatever it was called that they are on has site error issues and you cannot confirm your order through them. Basically, this is already a hard gem to come by. Show 'em some love.

  2. Sadly it looks like you can only get this on ITunes and that's a pain in the ass, but did anyone look into this band at all? This is actually one of my favourite CDs at the moment. Excellent stuff, and essential for fans of the bands I mentioned above.

    I listened to a couple sound samples Geoff. I really wasn't feeling them though. I'd rather listen to the bands you compared them too than to actually listen this band. With a little help I think they could do a good album.

  3. I initially skipped over this thread the second my eyes perused the word Soundgarden in a reply a couple of weeks ago. However, my brother metalmaniac777 called me up yesterday to advise that I really needed to give these guys a shot. So, I did. I ran to best buy and got the last copy in stock.


    Verdict....There are some kickin' tunes on this disc! Songs like "Shine Down", "100 in a 55", "Stepping Stones" and "Jupiter In June" are some excellent modern melodic hard rock/metal tunes. Granted there is some filler material on this disc, but luckily there's 13 tracks to pick through. And, like Lennie said, there is a Shinedown vibe to them at times. There single "Hero" is nowhere near the best track on the album. Give these guys an honest listen and you will be pleasantly surprised. Ok, there's my two cents on the subject.

  4. PINEAPPLE EXPRESS--a lot of the cast from Superbad make an appearance in this somewhere. Pretty funny stuff but Superbad was still the funnier of the two films.


    ART OF WAR II--Wesley Snipes direct to dvd. While the first was no materpiece, at least it was in theatres. This pile of garbage had me hitting the fast forward button more than once. Poor Wesley. He needs another breakout hit....and soon.

  5. My tastes haven't changed, just expanded. My mission in music has always been to listen to the most melodic, biggest choruses, meatiest riffs and delicious hooks. I get it wherever I can. I used to think it could only be delivered through 80's hard rock/metal and was as tentative as ever when I tried out my first "modern" band in Marvelous 3 and then SR-71. But what do you know... they showed you didn't require a massive head of hair to create magic. And they opened the gateway to a mass of modern hard rock bands I now love alongside my beloved 80's "hair metal" bands.


    At the end of the day, though, I'm still just chasing those big melodies, big riffs and almost most importantly, passionately delivered music.

    Well put. Just gimme those anthemic choruses with massive backing vocals.

  6. I've spun this a few times and my final conclusion is that they sound like Kill Hannah, but Kill Hannah do it much better. Whereas this sounds depressing at times, Kill Hannah sounds atmospheric. Oh, and the songs are better. I do like this disc, especially towards the end, but as I say... just a little depressing at times.


    I'm also really curious to know how old these guys are as this is their 2nd album and based on the photos they must have been about 12 for the debut.

    I believe I read somewhere that they were all between 17 to 21.

  7. Bump. I'm finally back home and settled in again after being out of state for a month. I finally got a chance today to give the Beretta Jane disc a good spin. It's a damn shame this cd is only 5 songs as this is very good stuff for an indie band. Bravo. I hope they get signed with a decent label soon. For those who may not have purchased this yet, probably part of the reason the disc was so cheap was because there's no artwork with it. It's just the cd inside a cardboard sleeve with their name on it. They also threw in a small bumber sticker of their name as well. I'm not complaining by any means, just lettin' ya know. Definitely recommended hard rock here.

  8. Damn! I just finally got around to checking these guys out. This is kickin' modern melodic metal here! Great call once again Lennie. Anyone know where you can snag the 7 song EP that's floating around apparently? I want one.

  9. GET SMART--comedy which pretty much is a parody of the Bond movies. It's ok, but nothing inspired here.


    SMART WILDERNESS--comedy with a lot of familiar faces. They've got to find bigfoot before their tv show is cancelled for good. Numerous laugh out loud bits in this one. And definitely not one to watch with the kids.

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