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In Memoriam... Those No Longer With Us
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Posts posted by TIM

  1. Custards last stand, huh? You do a great job of speaking English Kat- I just thought that was funny. I hardly remember my French since I never get to use it. Is your next icon going to be a full moon? You better not, a couple of the guys have creamed their jeans already- LOL. :D I think it is getting too deep around here for hip waders so I'm going to use the SCUBA suit. No snorkle of course. :lol:

  2. Yeah, that's the one. When you sent me that email Kat I thought you were referring to a pic on your website. I never pay much attention to the icons. I went back and looked after I left that last message for you though. Bad Kitty. :P

  3. No offence Razor, I thought Slik Toxik and Spread Eagle were overrated. Slik Toxik has a good tune with "Big Fuckin' Deal" but I thought that was it. Erotic Suicide's "Perserverance" is really good but stay away from their first cd "Abusement Park." Spread Eagle's debut is decent but not worth too much hype. I like the Tuff release you mentioned. Who do the Dirty Cowboys sound like? I've seen them on Ebay a couple of times. :)

  4. Hey Kat, I'm not mad. The only time I did get mad was the incident that led to the message board being set up. Reno invited people to start shit. I was wanting jason to come aboard. You can take a look back on the first page and verify it. I know how jason is so I'm not bothered in the least- I invited him to vent. And no, I don't regret it. Until someone else starts a fire I guess everyone will have to watch us. I do have to admit his facial icons were funny. I said the opposite earlier to get him riled. He takes a bit to get back with us though. Probably had to go get more beer. As long as he likes AC/DC he couldn't be too bad (well, he does blow goats). :)

  5. Poor little jason got his feelings hurt. Go drink some more beer so you can talk better shit. That idea with the faces was weak. Better luck next time you felching sob. If you'd quit trying to fuck your daddy up the ass while typing you might have better luck. :)

  6. Go right ahead, it doesn't bother me in the least. I knew the jason train, I mean bullshit would come. Oh well, they are synonomous anyhow. He was hiding and waiting until it was safe to come out. :ph34r: He was traumatized and lost sleep because he thought I was mad at him. One of the sadder stories I ever heard. :( :ph34r:

  7. I'm not into guys. You'll have to ask Nuno to kiss your ass. I knew you were not playing at some points but your spice was just playing around at points because you admitted it at some points. I knew you really hated Winger. I was messing with you about that. What I was saying is that I wasn't mad or hotheaded which you did imply. You also said you were joking and I took it persoanlly which my comments about returning shit were for. I was doing the same thing. I replied to the very words you uttered.

  8. Well, when you're as bright as me and Reno you feel obligated to pass the pearls of wisdom along to those less fortunate. I've got some ocean front property in Arizona too- LOL. I don't know what happened to the big letter I sent you , but anyways I wasn't trying to end the site. I had submitted 25 new bands and was about to enter another one when I saw the new important rule. I thought that was why my listings weren't there. Also, I sent Dan money to the address he gave me and it never showed up- it wasn't just $2. I promised to send an even larger amount after I got back from my vacations. I'd also sent several emails over the months that never got answered. It wasn't Dan's fault and I never thought he was lazy at all. I like Dan and this site. He just didn't have time and I've been there myself. I only got mad at you one time jason- the day I vented on the site. I thought you were trying to be a suck up (at that time because I wasn't real rational at that juncture). I was mad already and you just caught me at a bad time- Sorry! The other times I was just playing the same games you do. I had nothing against you. Because you didn't like what I said didn't mean I was being hotheaded. I was just rattling your chain so to speak. I know you were messin' with me, but I'm not like my dad. I did act exactly like him when I was younger. My dad didn't get in heated arguments though, he used the more physical approach if you get my drift. I'm not asking for sympathy whatsoever and I know you don't give it. I'm usually just talking shit even though I am fully capable of backing it up. Just like you I like to mess with people. At times, I thought you were a bit excessive toward others who didn't want to play the games though. I only directed my insults to those handing them out. T-Bone, Reno, David, Kim, etc.. kept their comments directed toward the music and didn't stray to far from that (when the subject is just about the music). If I rattled your chain you are not just going to sit there and eat what I put on the table- I don't either. I wasn't sulking, just returning the shit man :)

  9. I don't think that sounds too hotheaded. By the way, Nuno really is trying to cause you a problem. Not Reno, myself, or T-Bone. But if you're bored we are more than willing. I know Reno said he was bored this morning I don't know if he still is. :unsure:

  10. Last time, what you said sounded like a major brown-nosing attempt especially since you are more of a hothead than any of us. You've been pissed off more than once when I was messing with you-just like the first time we had met. Eventually you straigtened out. Whether you realize it or not, Dan's got after several people. He never expressed anger toward me until the last time. Several people of this site email me and they have said they griped to Dan about you. You may say you don't give a fuck, but don't assume he liked it either. You say I shouldn't have pissed him off and I was trying to end the site. No I wasn't. I had sent money to him by mail and it's only a couple of states away. I sent it to the address he'd given me months earlier. I made a copy so I know it was correct. It wasn't just $2 that I'd sent either. I sent him an email telling him it was sent and that I would sent a much larger amount when I got back from vacation. Since my other attempt didn't make it how was I supposed to feel. I'd also had a problem getting him by email for months, not weeks. I won't go into it any further since Dan and myself have discussed it. You were wrong in your accusation about me calling him lazy. He thought that too but that is not what I claimed. 25 or more of the cds I submitted are gone too. I accept his explanation though. I thought it was because of his new rule and not for the reasons he gave me. They aren't there because they are gone not because of lack of time. I was really excited about putting all them in. I like to find hard to find material that people on this site love. Even though I hate many of the bands I submitted, I put them on there for the people that do. I see people say they would like to see some band and I go and look for it. It is something new to me and it gives people something to enjoy to enjoy. Many of the guys you like I put there. I admit I got out of place the other day jason, but at least I admit it. I don't use my dad as an excuse. You need to get better about seeing yourself. Most people don't have the respect for you that you think they do. I don't know why you were bashing Reno and myself, we have no problem with you. We've been cool with every load of shit you handed down. We just brought it back to you and you couldn't handle the results. You may have had a smiley face on your last message jason but I was already mad, just not at you. That last statement wasn't a stab at you but it something that has been expressed often. You need to straighten yourself out before telling others how to conduct their life. We can call it a truce or you know I'd be more than glad to argue with you if you have the time and energy. Otherwise we can lift our beers and call it a day. :):unsure:

  11. Where you at jason? Ya lying hungover in a ditch somewhere? I figured you'd be the first one playing fire-breathing dragon. Did the Jagermeister smother the flames-LOL. By the way, I wasn't trying to do what you thought. There was just a misunderstanding. Well, happy drinkin'. :P

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