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Dark Star

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Posts posted by Dark Star

  1. Like Keith I grew up listening too His albums from the 60s and 70s and LOVING them.. Can probably quote a good 90% of his stuff to this day.... I HOPE this isn't true.. I really do.. But I admit it is really not looking good.....

  2. "Dumb & Dumber" (1994)



    Jim Carrey and Jeff Daniels are a pair of morons who set out on a cross country quest to return a "lost" briefcase to Carrey's dream girl (Lauren Holly), causing chaos and mayhem everywhere along the way. "D&D" is stupid as hell but it appeals to my inner 12 year old.

    Nothing like good stupid fun... I wanna see the actual sequel, Dumb and Dumber To.....Though I may wait for it to come on Netflix.... :rofl2:

  3. "Carrie" (2013)

    21st century update of the Stephen King story still packs a punch. Julianne Moore as Carrie's religious nut Mom is even scarier than Piper Laurie's potrayal of the same character in the 1976 version.

    A lot of remakes suck but this one was actually pretty damn good.


    I see this is on Netflix.. Been meaning to check it out, but have been a lil leery too as alot of remakes kinda suck.. But since You gave it your stamp of approval I shall be checking it out..... :tumbsup:

  4. It's my day off 'n' the weather sucks so Wifey and I fired up Netflix for a Schlock-Tober double feature:


    "Detention" (2011)

    A tiresome high school horror/comedy that wishes it was as clever as "Scream" but in the end is barely a cut above crap like the "Scary Movie" series. It's prom season and a psycho killer is stalking a high school full of annoyingly ironic hipster larva who constantly break the "4th wall" to make '90s pop culture references to the audience. It's somewhat funny for the first few minutes, starts getting mildly irritating by the halfway point and makes the leap to "totally random nonsense" by the end. Good for a few chuckles but that's about it.


    "Return to Horror High" (1987)

    A low budget film crew is shooting a horror flick at an abandoned high school that was the site of a famous mass murder...when naturally, a masked somebody-or-other starts picking off the cast and crew one by one. There's nothing here that you haven't seen in 1000 other slashers but "Horror High" is worth a look just for the cast, which includes the always welcome Alex Rocco as a sleazy producer, a young, then-unknown George Clooney (in his film debut) and Maureen "Marcia Brady" McCormick (who rubs her blood-covered breasts and drops an "F" bomb)!

    Marcia Brady shows her boobs?? Ok that's reason enough for Me to see this!!!! :tumbsup::tits::tits:

  5. "Baby's Day Out" (1994)

    In this slapstick "Home Alone" variant from John Hughes, a trio of dim witted crooks kidnap a wealthy couple's baby for ransom. However, their plan hits a snag when the kid crawls out of their hideout and heads off on an adventure through the streets of Chicago. Cartoonish mayhem ensues as they try to get him back, and get put thru the wringer in the process.

    My 7 year old LOVES this movie, he made me play the scene where Joe Mantegna's crotch catches fire - and his partners put it out by stomping on it repeatedly - three times. :rofl2:



    LOVE this movie!!!! Good stupid fun!!! :rofl2::rofl2::rofl2:

  6. "The Final" (2010)


    "Heathers" meets "Hostel" in this extremely dark, twisted horror/thriller. A group of high school bullies, Mean Girls and beautiful people are invited anonymously to a "party," which turns out to be orchestrated by the losers and misfits they usually prey on. Needless to say, these long suffering nerds have some rather creative revenge methods on their minds. Disturbing and effectively nasty stuff.


    This looks really twisted.. And it's on Netflix.. I may have to check it out soon..... :tumbsup:

  7. "Phantoms" (1998)

    Two sisters, a sheriff and a scientist battle an ancient evil demi-God thingy that's taken up residence under a small Colorado town in this sci-fi/horror thriller based on Dean Koontz's novel. A bit draggy in the middle, but I've seen worse.


    I gotta ask.. Was Affleck da bomb yo??????


    Kerosene Hat by Cracker has 99 songs.Songs 16-68 are in the 4-6 second region,totally blank.Then songs 70-87 are again in the 4 -6 second region and 89-98 as well.

    Overkill's W.F.O. disc is the same way ...the CD reads 99 (!) tracks... when the album proper ends, there's a bunch of 'empty" tracks that are only two or three seconds apiece. Eventually the "hidden" track comes on and it sounds like a live tape of a drunken jam session - sloppy covers of Priest's "The Ripper," Hendrix's "Voodoo Chile" and a few others.


    Yea I forgot Overkill did that.... First time I put it in I saw the 99 tracks and was like.. What the fuck!!????? :rofl2:

  9. "American Ninja" (1985) A U.S. Army private stationed in the Philippines uses his martial arts skills to battle a mercenary arms dealer and his private Ninja squadron. Mucho ass gets kicked in this enjoyably silly slab of 80s action cheez.



    Wow I haven't seen this movie in probably 20 years Myself.. May have to check it out on Netflix soon.. Good 80s cheezy action!!!! :tumbsup:


    Lesbian Vampire Killers .... Zombie Strippers is next on the list :)

    Zombie Strippers was god awful. Time has not been kind to Jenna Jameson, she looked like hell even BEFORE they turned her into a zombie! :rofl2:




    Last I saw Jenna Jameson she looked like about 5 miles of dirt road.... NOT good..... :rofl2:



    "Never Sleep Again: The Elm Street Legacy" (2010) an insanely in-depth (four hours!) documentary about the "Nightmare on Elm Street" series, from the 1984 Wes Craven original thru 2003's "Freddy Vs. Jason." Features lots of behind the scenes clips and interviews with virtually every cast member, director, special effects guy and studio exec that ever crossed paths with Freddy Krueger. A treasure trove of horror nerd trivia!




    Yea I Loved that too Man.. Just wish they would have explained exactly what happened with Patricia Arquette between parts 3 and 4.....I don't think anyone really knew, she just didn't want to play the character again.. or something like that....

    Patricia Arquette's career took off after "III"... she prob wasn't available, or wanted too much $$, take your pick.


    Yea probably.... Still. would have been nice if she agreed to do that doc though.... AH well it was still really well done.....

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