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Retrospect Records

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Posts posted by Retrospect Records

  1. so about a dozen will buy more? wow , that'll really help Sam fork out the additional $1000 it takes for silver discs. Let's see... $20,000 for 20 silver cd's or $20,000 for 80 test pressings? Seems like a simple answer. A $250 risk is easier to swallow than a $1250 risk , wouldn't you say? Or maybe you guys just can't figure that out.


    See , it doesn't really matter what 25% of 50 people on H.H. think. It's the hundreds of others who buy from RR/VegasCds on a monthly basis who matter. You think he's able to release over 20 cd's a month because he's LOSING money?


    And if you think Sam is going to press 1,000 units of a 4-song Uzi Suite ep (for example) then you're smokin crack.


    XL is an original silver cd as are a few others on the site. Nothing 're-issued' about it.

  2. I believe SURFF is Burt out of Hawaii. One of the best and most respected collectors out there. My experiences have been nothing but positive as he's been very generous with his music, turning me on to many new bands that I wouldn't have otherwise heard. A total asset to the scene, if you want my opinion. Which is more than I can say about Aaron's post. Come on, recordjnky... you come across like a windbag, bashing Burt for several paragraphs, and then turn around and say you don't want to make enemies and  close with a "why can't we all get along?" group hug... HYPOCRISY at its finest, folks.  :lame:


    One of the "most respected" sellers out there? HAHA , why don't you ask around to certain people who got fucked over by him and see how 'respected' he really is....PHANTOM PARK ANYONE?


    Burt , like David , you , T-Bone , Zachary , Stormspell and David, is just another envious little prick who will try anything to bring down RR. Conveniently asking for original copies of the cd and then , when told it was being re-issued, does nothing but talk shit about a company he knows nothing about...kind of a re-hashed and tiresome theme held by about a half-dozen of you.


    And Tony , you are the LAST one to be spouting off about hypocrisy. :lame:


    Just accept the fact that RR will be around for a long time and there is nothing that you and your underhanded cohorts can do to change that.




    One more thing...for a company that is doing nothing but selling boots , isn't it amazing that VegasCDs has a better feedback record than KissmyDisc and EndangeredCds combined?


    You ought to smell your own shit once in a while Tony , it does actually stink. :butt:


    If you're so interested in making RR look good, you might want to consider a nice hot mug of STFU. I'm an outside observer, no ties to anyone and dude, you TOTALLY make me want to hate RR and everything about them.


    Just a tip, take it or leave it I couldn't care less.


    Why , because I speak the truth?


    I'm sure RR will go on just fine without you man.

  3. I believe SURFF is Burt out of Hawaii. One of the best and most respected collectors out there. My experiences have been nothing but positive as he's been very generous with his music, turning me on to many new bands that I wouldn't have otherwise heard. A total asset to the scene, if you want my opinion. Which is more than I can say about Aaron's post. Come on, recordjnky... you come across like a windbag, bashing Burt for several paragraphs, and then turn around and say you don't want to make enemies and  close with a "why can't we all get along?" group hug... HYPOCRISY at its finest, folks.  :lame:


    One of the "most respected" sellers out there? HAHA , why don't you ask around to certain people who got fucked over by him and see how 'respected' he really is....PHANTOM PARK ANYONE?


    Burt , like David , you , T-Bone , Zachary , Stormspell and David, is just another envious little prick who will try anything to bring down RR. Conveniently asking for original copies of the cd and then , when told it was being re-issued, does nothing but talk shit about a company he knows nothing about...kind of a re-hashed and tiresome theme held by about a half-dozen of you.


    And Tony , you are the LAST one to be spouting off about hypocrisy. :lame:


    Just accept the fact that RR will be around for a long time and there is nothing that you and your underhanded cohorts can do to change that.




    One more thing...for a company that is doing nothing but selling boots , isn't it amazing that VegasCDs has a better feedback record than KissmyDisc and EndangeredCds combined?


    You ought to smell your own shit once in a while Tony , it does actually stink. :butt:

  4. Auctioning bootlegged material?  Like what?


    Hahahah, those below are links to the current Russian and Greek bootlegs you have on eBay.


    I see you were dead serious when said you will stock on all upcoming Greek bootlegs, good job man! Seems you got them all, E-X-E, SABBAT, REALM, all "Ultra Rare" series...


    WOW, I even see you got the HEAVEN - Bent CD on Heatsink for which you jumped all over me calling me hypocrite - sweet!


    I hope this list will answer your question from above in plenty :)


    Yeah, I know, I'm going to shut the f*** up


















































































    Wow , Stormspell you just can't help yourself can you? One minute you are saying that you are going to stop posting about Sam and then you just keep coming back.


    I've said this before and I'll say it once again...


    It's the same 4 or 5 people who just can't help but being negative about Sam in any form.


    You people have issues and really need to see a shrink.


    So here's what we are going to see...


    Koogles , Stormspell , T-Bone and possibly Chocula and Zachary doing nothing but talk shit about Retrospect.


    So this will be the Retrospect-bashing forum hosted by the aforementioned names.


    Have fun.

  5. Hi again kids,


    I speak to these bands personally almost everyday.  I know the truth and that's what matters to me.  The rest of the people can believe what they want.  You don't hear me talking about other record label like this.  I have the up most respect for labels like Metal Mayhem, Perris Records, Z Records, MTM Records, etc.... 


    Sam may be kicking Suncity Record's arse in the number of releases he releases but I believe in quality not quantity and Sam knows that.


    Kind Regards


    Suncity Records


    You have serious issues if you have the upmost respect for those labels David and really shows your ignorance of the business.

    As I have explained , Metal Mayhem , MTM and Z Records have all had problems with their artists and do not pay them. If you respect that then I seriously believe you have flaws when it comes to your own label. Since you are so quick to announce that Blue Tears have sold 8,000 units , I think it's time to make a few calls and send a few emails. Darren Lazzari will back me up on that.


    It's time the cat became the mouse.

  6. David , you are the LAST one to be preaching about Sam's signings you underhanded backstabbing sack of shit. This is a guy who purposely goes out trying to steal contracts from under Sam and tells the artists that he has sold 8,000 units of Blue Tears and that he already has "preorders" for a disc he hasn't even got a contract for yet.


    So do us a favor David , shut the fuck up. Sam's kicking your ass in releases , in sales and NEVER lies about what the artist is going to get.


    Your piddly-ass $4 per disc (royalty) is a joke and will lose you a contract every time.


    You are a sorry excuse for a human being and you are clueless about the practices of Retrospect so do everyone a favor and concentrate on your own company.





  7. Now I KNOW that 80sMetalCollector is Sam. No one would get that bent out of shape if they didn't have a financial interest in the matters I discussed in my comments. And yes, I am who I say I am. I haven't answered the email you sent to the account on my new band's site because I have zero interest in dealing with you. I nor any of the other members of Kidd Wikkid want our CD's pressed on CD-R with shoddily-printed artwork (not to mention that your prices are beyond reason). And if I hear you've been boootlegging our CD, our lawyer will be on you so fast you won't know what hit you.


    And BTW, stop sending threatening emails to T-Bone. He has nothing to do with why we won't deal with you. I'm sorry that the truth hurts but he's in the right, I'm in the right and you have no reason to get pissy with either of us. You're wrong--face up to it, live with it, learn to deal with it. You still haven't explained to me what gives you the right to threaten people for calling you on your shady business practices. I'm waiting...


    Now as far as suing me for slander, bring it on. I've got all your threatening emails to T-Bone saved. I'll just forward them on to the proper authorities and you can explain to them why a grown man feels the need to act like a schoolground bully.



    HA! Thanks for proving that you are an imposter and that you are NOT Kevin from Kid Wikkid. This was a scam all along and you sickos should be ashamed of yourself. What a disgusting display of arrogance and hypocrisy.


    Dan , if you have any integrity at all , you should close and delete this thread immediately. This was nothing but a sick attempt for the Retrospect bashers to voice their clueless opinions once again.


    How obvious was it that T-Bone and his cronies had something to do with this?


    You should be ashamed of yourselves and I will be forwarding EVERY post here to Sam.


    Just another attempt to bring the Retrospect name down.


    Your kind make me sick.

  8. I've read this thread and am familiar with Sam and his product.  I have a few questions:  Why is Sam paying through the nose for some relatively unknown indie cds and demo tapes just weeks before releasing the same titles on his label?  Why not get the music from the band?  Why was Sam auctioning clearly bootlegged material, before forming his label?



    How do you think Sam finds the bands? You think the names just pop out of thin air? Auctioning bootlegged material? Like what?

  9. I'm going to add one more thing here , here's 2 quotes directly from Dan...


    "I wish Sam and Retrospect well, despite our differences of opinion in the past, and I've told him as much."




    "And if Sam is as legit is you keep claiming he is"


    With all due respect Dan , if you truly meant this then why do you let the trash-talking of Retrospect continue? Is it because you don't believe he's legit?


    You can't play the game on 2 sets of rules.

  10. HEAR HEAR LvKix , thanks for backing me up. I know a few others would too if they weren't afraid of being bounced.


    Dan , why are you allowing that particular remark from Wikkid1 to stand? Everyone trounces me for making statements I can't back up and yet when this guy says something that he doesn't back up you let it stand. I have asked one simple question.



    Why should I get 'bounced' for asking the question and asking Wikkid1 to back up that extremely bold and dangerous comment.


    Is there a conspiracy here?


    Wikkid1 has directly implicated Sam in illegal activities which is a SERIOUS charge and I want answers.


    What about the bands Metal Mayhem has ripped off? Raquel , Seven Ten ( I can name more if needed)


    What about the bands who aren't making a DIME off the Wounded Bird re-issues? (Henry Paul , Malice , Nantucket....need more?)


    The bands and writers who haven't seen jack from MTM (RPM , XYZ , Jeff Northrup for starters)


    The bands who are ripped off by SPV (Holy Mother , Metal Church , Carmine Appice)


    The bands who haven't seen diddly out of Shrapnel (Apocrypha , Steeler , Keel , Ravage , Trauma...)


    Need more? I got a whole list for ya...



    Nobody EVER talks about those companies and yet when a new company comes along and pays their artists more than any other , they get constantly criticized just because a select few have personal issues with Sam.


    Why don't you ask the following artists for starters about their royalty checks...


    Alyze , Bad Angels , Eric Steel , Pleezer , Spiced Ice , Defcon , Demure , Stranger , Heartless , Sally Steele


    Need more?


    This backstabbing needs to stop people , the allegations need to stop and the lies need to end.


    Dan , you can either support that or allow comments like the one Wikkid1 made to stand , unfounded.

  11. "Which is exactly what I did. And no one on this board tipped me off to Sam's previous "dealings", and I use that term loosely, with bands and collectors in the past. Sorry if that offends you Sam but you shouldn't have blatantly stolen other people's music for the sake of making a few bucks. It's a small world these days. Did you not think that the word would get out? F'n pisses me off how people think they can screw other people and not have to deal with the consequences...


    C'mon, it's a no-brainer--THE BANDS own their material, you didn't have jack shit to do with it. They wrote it, they recorded it, they put it out to the public, etc. You don't steal their hard work for your personal gain. It's that simple! And it cracks me up how indignant you get when someone catches you in the act. YOU'RE the one in the wrong and you think you have a right to get pissed at someone because they won't let you steal from them???? Tell me how that makes sense because I'd really like to know."


    I smell a rat. I don't believe for one minute you are Kevin from Kidd Wikkid. And why your post is still here is beyond me , like Jim says , if you got something to say you BETTER be prepared to back it up.

    Name ONE band that Sam has ripped off.


    I will personally recommend to Sam that he should re-issue Kidd Wikkid with or without your permission Wikkid1 , whoever you are , because with your attitude and slanderous remarks it'll cost you more to sue him than you made from that cd.

  12. Craig is right on the money. The guys in Metal Skool are the biggest fuckwads ever. I have spoke with those guys on a number of occasions and they are just downright egotistical pricks. They think they are bigger than what they actually are. They are lucky to pull 25 people at their shows and they think they deserve the same respect as Bon Jovi.


    Here's to you Metal Skool....



  13. If I may respond....





    "2. Sam has the ability to post here, so 80sMetalCollector, stop being his mouthpiece. I can think of 2 specific occurrences when you've said Retrospect was reissuing XXX in the "next few weeks" and have been wrong on both counts. Unless it is coming from Retrospect directly, I don't want you posting rumor."


    Fair enough , Sam told me that as far as he knew he was still banned from posting here , I'll let him know. I will refrain from posting certain things until factual.




    "When someone reportedly "in the know" associated with a label that has a "lively past" comes here and announces an iminent release when the band knows NOTHING about it, this is the result. An expected one at that. 80sMetalCollector, YOU have to take some responsibility in this, as you contributed directly to the situation at hand by incorrectly reporting the reissue as a done deal."


    Yes , it sounds like I goofed in making assumptions and I apologize. But , I don't feel that certain members here at HH should act like little schoolkids and tattletale on a legitimate company based upon 'their' assumptions either. I didn't have the facts and neither did they.




    "Like it or not, until Retrospect releases are factory pressed and are available through mainstream channels (not just on Ebay from Sam personally or only on his website), there is going to be suspicion and wariness. You can disagree with it, but that's the nature of the beast. Folks here have been bitten in the past and have long memories."


    Well , technically Dan , they are factory-pressed.



    "When Retrospect releases start showing up at NEH, AOR Heaven, etc. I'll buy them in spades, and so will most people here (I would surmise), but as long as the releases/reissues are done the way they have been, things are not going to change much. There's just too much potential for shadiness."


    Yes , unfortunately many consumers have been burned by 'fake' companies. Sam will never wholesale to American companies , but he already has done some deals overseas. The bands make quite a bit more $$ when purchased directly from the site and/or Ebay so it's really a question of supporting the bands so they can re-form and do another album. The success of Defcon has surprised the band and Sam and I think we should expect the same for bands like Mariah and Manila Thrills. Defcon and the other bands are seeing a nice cut of $15-$18 as opposed to a wholesale price of $6 , wouldn't you agree?



    "I wish Sam and Retrospect well, despite our differences of opinion in the past, and I've told him as much."


    That's cool and I respect your wishes Dan , I'm sure the press release will be in your mailbox within 7 days.


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