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Jacob M.

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Posts posted by Jacob M.

  1. https://www.officialcharts.com/chart-news/the-official-top-40-biggest-cassette-albums-of-2022-so-far__35739/

    I'm not sure how many people have been paying attention. Cassettes are making a comeback. Anyone going to be buying any? I basically left cassettes behind 10+ years ago. I kept most of my collection though. I bought a Sting cassette just to see how good the quality is. I will likely be buying a few more as time goes on. As long as it's reasonably priced. The new Megadeth is $23. Which seems a bit steep.

  2. 4 hours ago, whiplash1972 said:

    Real name George W. Miller

    Couldn't find anything on HH or Brutal Metal for "Rollo Tomassi" or "George Miller" that fit the bill, but there is a Rollo Tomassi in this band: Trial of Ascension

    Is that him on the left? 

    That does look like Rollo. It would appear that once he started the manosphere work he completely dropped his real name. That is some good detective work whiplash.

    • Thanks 1

    I stumbled onto this clip a while back. I even ask Leykis about it. I am very curious to know what band Rollo was in. It sounds like he was part of the LA glam scene back in the day. No idea what band it was. They must have had a sizeable following though. It could be a challenge to figure out. Rollo Tomassi is just a pen name. Any help figuring this out would be much appreciated.

  4. https://smile.amazon.com/Flytrap-Whitecross/dp/B0001Y21G6/ref=sr_1_15?crid=1Z0ASLXA4GDAC&keywords=whitecross&qid=1646353074&s=music&sprefix=whitecross%2Cpopular%2C113&sr=1-15


    For those of you who have read my review of Whitecross's 1995 album "Equilibrium", you will know that I was introduced to Whitecross by a Christian girl back in 1996 (who had an autographed copy of the album from some Whitecross event she had gone too). The girl turned me onto their music, and I couldn't wait to hear more. So I went to the local Christian book/music store (the same ones that sold those Christian themed unlicensed NES games from Wisdom Tree) and promptly laid down my hard earned dough from mowing lawns on two Whitecross albums: "High Gear" and "To the Limit: The Best of Whitecross". The first was a regular studio album. The second obviously is a greatest hits record. I figured at least I would be safe with the Greatest Hits disk - after all, it's a best of, so SURELY there's some great hard rock/alternative material I was hearing on "Equilibrium" would be on that disk album.

    How wrong I was. None of this stuff sounded like what I loved so much in the first place - the alternative band that had mixed Christianity with their music. This was all cheesy hair-metal 1980s songwriting. Disappointing, to say the least. Other than "Equilibrium", "High Gear", and "To the Limit", I didn't listen to any other Whitecross material back in the 1990s, and the last two turned me off to further exploring their discography, because, after all, it was alternative I was wanting.

    I stumbled onto this review a while back. I had purchased a copy of Whitecross- Flytrap and wanted to know more about it. Looking at the year of release I knew it was likely going to be a "crappy" alternative album. So this review (which I only quoted a small part) caught me off guard. I'm used to seeing people be upset by 80's metal bands abandoning that sound and releasing alternative albums in the 90's. This guy is upset that his beloved 90's alternative band Whitecross in the past had, "cheesy hair-metal 1980s songwriting."

    So there are fans of the alternative/grunge releases. People who prefer those releases to those that we would call good. Something to think about.

    • Haha 2
  5. On 12/28/2021 at 10:49 AM, martinsane said:

    Never did the Betamax, probably should have but I did have a snazzy Laserdisc player (wish I wouldn't have succumbed to the non logic of a not so positive influencer and sold it along with too many other regrettable items).


    And since you and I are neighbors, spread some of that "seller practically giving away their CD's". ;)

    Laserdisc is a neat format, but much like vinyl it's not very practical unless you have a lot of space. I wouldn't mind having one at some point in the future. Right now I am building my Betamax collection. Getting into Video8 as well.

    There was a local Goodwill that had a boatload of hard rock/metal cds appear one day. $2 a piece. So I bought 38 CDs that day. That Goodwill no longer exists. :(  Then there are the sales at sites like Perris Records. They had a sale not that long ago with CDs as low as 50 cents. So I bought a lot regardless of whether or not I knew exactly what I was buying. And it looks like the Perris sale is back.

  6. 1 hour ago, martinsane said:

    I have a spotify, its nice when your mowing the yard and don't want to think about anything and like Pandora it kinda just plays stuff like the couple songs you previous played/liked.

    That said NOTHING will replace or displace physical media. NOTHING compares to the look, feel, taste, aesthetic, of an album, cassette, cd or Betamax tape.

    'Nuff said.

    Fixed it for you. Nothing quite like a Betamax tape. Anyway, I have amassed an insane amount of CDs over the last few years. Some I have bought even though I probably shouldn't have. It's hard to pass up a sale when the seller is practically giving the CDs away. I believe I am at 700+ CDs at this point.

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