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Posts posted by TYG

  1. I awoke not much more then a few minutes or so to the weirdest dream I had had the entire night ......... I made it to the final question on "WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE" and I had already used all my lifeline's .

    The final question was " HOW MANY TEETH DOES A DUCK HAVE " .... I woke up to this amazingly uninteresting dream . and I cant help to ponder .. ' HOW MANY TEETH DOES A DUCK HAVE ' ? .....

  2. I'm afraid to say much more on the subject as to I think my computer line may or may not be tapped ... however I feel a sudden urgency to relay as much info back & forth as to compaire notes and such before anymore woodland creatures get involved ...... I too feel as if I am under a watchful eye ..... Not to try and put you under any added distress H&H my friend ... and this may just be going out on a limb much like they sometimes do ..but they possibly could be after our nutz .... Precede with C.A.U.T.I.O.N .....





    Ps. Sitting next to the 4th or 5th board on my frontyard fence is a Big Greyish in color Squirrel as I type this ...

    .. he looks as if hes waiting for reinforcements .... This may be my last transmission ...... God save the Queen

  3. I'm almost 92.4 percent sure now that Squirrels are monitoring our every movements and tracking down our daily routines ..... Tho highly unlikely they work for any known Worldly Goverment .... Did not suspect that If Alien Spys were the cuprits that they would taste so much like chicken ....

  4. To my knowledge .. I have never eaten a burnt frenchfry ... however ... on more then one occasion I have offered one to other passerbyers whilst in mid-feeding ....... My lifelong research has led me to believe that I am not alone when it comes to the natural impulse to shy away from such blackened & overabundantly overcrisped darkened fries . I can hardly begin to phathom the thought that one fine Burger establishment might gather up a entire order of burnt frys and offer them at even 50% off and have any takers .....


    Bottom line .... Burnt fries may or may not be the most discriminated object of interest on the friggin planet ...

    A shame no justice will be had this day as to the case of the overcrisped fries being too uninteresting and that strangely ... Ive gotten the uncrunchy munchies and must run to gather up some Eatery .





    Arnold Palmer

    David Letterman

    The Guy who Invited Juicy Fruit Gum

    Cristy Canyon

    Homer Simpson

    Joe Montana

    Magnum P.I

    David Hasselhoff & Kit

    Emo Williams

    Robert Sweet

    Michael Anthony Hall

    Benny Hill

  5. Watched 3 movies yeasterday .... Man time flys when ya do that .....


    V for Vendetta ..... didnt care much for it .... worth watching once I guess


    Shaggy Dog .... Same .. if ya seen one Tim Allen Movie you have seen em all


    Hustle & Flow - Actually liked this one .... I hate Rap with all my heart but like film for the fact it was a guy trying ta make it in the music biz .... Nice seeing Ludacris or whatever get his ass handed to him WoooHoOOo!



    Tonite : HONG KONG PHOOEY Entire series on DvD .... 31 episodes in all there Kung Fu Glory !

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