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2013 HH Donors
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Posts posted by Chris

  1. Alright, as usual we're WAY off topic...  :crazy:


    But seriously... trading is kind of sacred around here.  :angel:  The "regulars" tend to trade amongst themselves, because we trust each other and there's no pressure.  Most people here prefer to trade stuff that's long out of print and/or nearly impossible to find, because we want to support the bands and purchase originals whenever possible.  And we don't post responses to trades simply because most of us prefer to discuss it in PM's.  It's just easier that way and the whole world doesn't have to know your business.


    As far as getting to know people, don't hesitate to jump in and BS a little with us!  :lol:  That's how you build up friendships and trust in trading around here.  Yeah, we get a little combative and/or goofy sometimes, but it's all in fun (just look at the direction THIS thread took! :blink: ). 


    So stick around... we promise not to smack ya around too much!  ;)  :lol:

    That is true. Most of the people here are awesome (except 1) so just join in on the fun and make some friends. Even Wotty managed a few friends. :dance:

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