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Posts posted by Sick_Of_It_All

  1. Good luck actually getting a CD. I love Vain from back in the day. A couple years ago I ordered two of his CDs that I didn't have... after more than a month of email promises (supposedly from Davy Vain himself) I finally had to file a claim with paypal before my time was up. They finally ruled in my favor a few weeks later & gave me a refund. I was very disappointed.

  2. Am I the only one that thinks the front man looks like this guy?



    Seriously though I've caught these clips on Facebook. Looks like another badass album from Toxic Rose. Well maybe this will actually be a full album. It sucks they're saying it won't be done until 2017 ugh.


    I'm glad that I'm not the only one bothered by all of this. Sell and Sale getting mixed up drives me crazy as well. Like such & such for sell. Or can you sale this to me? Ugh! It's okay to write a post in public (where anyone can see it) like a complete retard but if you're bothered by the terrible grammar & mention it then you're chastised & called a grammar nazi.


    I was texting back when it was a new thing & we had to shorten words in order to keep the text amount down for cost, so I still have a bad habit of abbreviating words when texting. I at least try to spell like I have half a brain in my head when I'm typing comments on a public forum or on Facebook.

    What languitch of wich u spek in? we do not comprehnt, pleze clarify



  4. I'm glad that I'm not the only one bothered by all of this. Sell and Sale getting mixed up drives me crazy as well. Like such & such for sell. Or can you sale this to me? Ugh! It's okay to write a post in public (where anyone can see it) like a complete retard but if you're bothered by the terrible grammar & mention it then you're chastised & called a grammar nazi.


    I was texting back when it was a new thing & we had to shorten words in order to keep the text amount down for cost, so I still have a bad habit of abbreviating words when texting. I at least try to spell like I have half a brain in my head when I'm typing comments on a public forum or on Facebook.

  5. I just ordered 3 cds from them....mainly because it is 1cent shipping for 3 cds plus....


    Martina Edoff -S/T

    Seventh Veil - White Trash Attitude

    Wonderworld - S/T

    I saw that. Got on there to look up a cd I was watching on ebay. Ended up buying a few from the $5 bin. I love that site :)



    rhymeorreason_small.jpg Rhyme Or Reason


    tragicallysaid2_small.jpg White Elephant


    spiralcrush_small.jpg Spiral Crush


    stampedequeen_small.jpg Stampede Queen


    stampedequeen2_small.jpg Night at The Cockfights


    knownfelonsmusic_small.jpg Virus Of A New Age


    hadlock_small.jpg After Sunset

    bayonnebleeders_small.jpg Walk On


    axiommusic2_small.jpg A Means to an End


    malicious4_small.jpg Self-Titled (Lmtd Edition-Remastered) 2011


    itsrevenge_small.jpg Rock and Roll Retribution


  6. I have been screwing around on eBay a lot lately & found a few CDs from a seller that I won really cheap. Of course I try to look the bands up & listen to what I can before I try to buy a CD. Anyway, I ended up with a copy of Chunk - Slightly Different for $ .01 + $3 shipping. Man I friggin love this disc. Best 3 bucks I've spent in a long time. I did some searching & I found they have another album called Phil on CD Baby (which I also like) but it's only for download. And that's the only format I can find anywhere. Does anyone know if this was released on disc at all? If so could you give me a UPC or something to help try to find a copy?

  7. Man I've gotta agree with the majority on here. I can't make it all the way through any of those songs. They're all shit lol. But I have to admit I was never a true fan of Lynch Mob. The first 2 albums were ok, not great. I remember when he & Don split ways. I hated it until I heard Don's Up From The Ashes. I still really really like that album. As far as Lynch Mob... meh. I like both of the first albums but I don't love them. And I think Bog Cock was the best thing Robert Mason did but I hate having to stumble around the words of explaining to people about their albums. It's pretty easy to get tripped & say "I like Big Cock" lmao!

  8. Yeah, it's so weird. Because religious people are all such great people that do no wrong. ;)


    And how does anyone on this site not know that is a picture of KISS?! :lol: I feel like it's quite a famous photo of the band, yes?

    Because I have always thought Kiss completely sucked ass & never listened to anything they did. One of the most overrated bands of all time in my opinion. Only surpassed in overratedness by the Beatles & Aerosmith lol. But I honestly couldn't see that picture very well at all. It wouldn't enlarge so all I saw was a group of 4 dudes in black. With the blown up pic glam_junkie posted I can totally see it. Either way I appreciate the info. It looked hoakie to me but I was curious none the less.

  9. I kinda like the first two songs posted but to me that's more AOR than metal. That video posted by Stefen... I really thought I was gonna hear "It's the final countdown!!!" at first lol. I didn't dig that one at all. I've never heard the band before so I guess I'll go look up their older stuff. I see potential...

  10. Haha I'm pretty sure that's not KISS. But yeah I'd seen the pics on the discs weren't centered & the actual DVD label looks to be printed from a bubble jet printer on crappy paper. But did this set exist at all? I couldn't find anything. But I found very little of the Gillen singles/ promo videos set I was searching as well.

  11. I wasn't sure where to ask this. I've always been a fan of Badlands & Ray Gillen & have collected discs over the years but I don't always keep up with everything that was released by all of the bands I like. There are so friggin many lol. Anyway I stumbled across this because I'm in a group on Facebook for CD collectors & someone posted a pic of another box set just of Ray Gillen that I'd never seen & I was doing some searching on it. Of which it seems impossible to find. But this looks like a bootleg to me...



  12. A couple years ago a friend turned me onto a band called Habit Of Force that's metal similar to Pantera & Hell Yeah combined but in my opinion kicks both their asses ten fold. Since then I've become more of an expert on them than him because he's an internet illiterate & I have no life so I spend a lot of time searching lol. This band is very unique because they make available all of their music as a free download on their site BUT they remove older stuff as they do. I have found a couple of their EPs that are on disc on Amazon as time progressed. And also their latest compilation on CD Baby. BUT I have never been able to find their first album "Submission Denied" or their newest album (self titled) "Habit Of Force" on CD. Only as free downloads. Over the last year or so I have emailed them about CDs of those albums & got no satisfactory reply. So... tonight I messaged them on facebook & asked what gives. Are those albums actually even on CD. Within an hour one of them replied & asked for my mailing address. I was ecstatic! But I didn't want to get my hopes up too high (thinking that meant they were mailing me copies). Then an hour later I not only got a confirmation that they were mailing me a copy of each album on CD but they thanked me for my diligent effort of spreading the word of their band, acknowledging that I have been trying to pass the word about them everywhere. So if you like thrashy metal similar to what Pantera was but with more drive & real vocals look them up. If you like them please support them :)

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