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Posts posted by surrf

  1. If you're looking for a great sounding new release, I highly recommend getting the new GX PROJECT - Bite Stick. It features X-Sinner Rex Scott and Canadian producer Glenn Thomas. Their style on this silver pressed CD is like a mix AC/DC, Cinderella and Rockarma. It's a killer if you like this sound. You can get it on Ebay, Amazon or on the band's website. Here's the band's site and they ship internationally too.




    I hope you like it as much as me. Keep Rockin'

  2. Shortly before his death, Robert (Kelly) had contacted me in later January about various cds. He seemed very nice and was trying to get a trade going. I never heard from him again. He did buy some cds from my auctions from time to time, even though I "think" selling cds for him was a possible source of income. To see a wife and child left behind breaks my heart. Death is so much more around us as we age. We are all here for such a short time, we gotta make the best of this time here. Someday, someplace we will have a posting about us too like this. Peace to all, rest in peace Robert.

  3. I just tried the mp3s on the site. They are not working right now but they were working not long ago. Regardless, it's one of the best indies you'll ever hear. Looks like cdrs are the best bet until Erich responds back. His Ebay name was the best way to contact him or the phone number. Good luck!

  4. Here's some info that may help you track the SOULSEEKER CD. I've had this cd for a long time and so do some of the top collectors. It's great you're discovering it now. The main man in the band is ERICH HEADRICK. This indie was released in 1995 in MD. It's a tough one to track but I've seen it on Ebay in the past. No bids too! ERICH is a member of Ebay and can be contacted though his Ebay name called themusicplan

    His website offers other e-mail addresses, phone numbers and even has MP3s of all the songs all the CD. His website is: http://www.ioffer.com/users/themusicplan


    There's a phone number too: 831-477-1234, e-mail is info@themusicplan.com (try his Ebay one too)


    He's in the Santa Cruz area these days. Other band member names are Scott Payne, Johnny Nitro and Noel Williams. With a little Google searching you'll find these guys and maybe a cd like some others. Metalmayhem is in discussion for a reissue and it looks good. Hope this helps. It's a great CD that all should be able to get someday soon!

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