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The F*%K Thread


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Man... those fucking Ravens had me fucking sweating that game yesterday. What a fucking pitiful offense we have. Our fucking offensive line is... well, fucking offensive!! But we still fucking snuck the fuck out of Cleveland with a fucking W. Fucking 3-0 with the red fucking hot Chargers coming to fucking Baltimore this fucking Sunday!! FUCK!!

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Man... those fucking Ravens had me fucking sweating that game yesterday. What a fucking pitiful offense we have. Our fucking offensive line is... well, fucking offensive!! But we still fucking snuck the fuck out of Cleveland with a fucking W. Fucking 3-0 with the red fucking hot Chargers coming to fucking Baltimore this fucking Sunday!! FUCK!!




I was suprised that they had that hard of time with the fucking Browns.

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Man... those fucking Ravens had me fucking sweating that game yesterday. What a fucking pitiful offense we have. Our fucking offensive line is... well, fucking offensive!! But we still fucking snuck the fuck out of Cleveland with a fucking W. Fucking 3-0 with the red fucking hot Chargers coming to fucking Baltimore this fucking Sunday!! FUCK!!




I was suprised that they had that hard of time with the fucking Browns.

Problem is our offensive line. They are fucking too big and too fucking fat and not nearly fucking athletic enough. They are one dimensional. They aren't athletic enough to do any stunts or anything. It's been a weakness not addressed by Ozzie Newsome in years. We had a big weight advantage with our offensive line and their fucking defensive line, and they still pushed our guys around.

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Man... those fucking Ravens had me fucking sweating that game yesterday. What a fucking pitiful offense we have. Our fucking offensive line is... well, fucking offensive!! But we still fucking snuck the fuck out of Cleveland with a fucking W. Fucking 3-0 with the red fucking hot Chargers coming to fucking Baltimore this fucking Sunday!! FUCK!!




I was suprised that they had that hard of time with the fucking Browns.

Problem is our offensive line. They are fucking too big and too fucking fat and not nearly fucking athletic enough. They are one dimensional. They aren't athletic enough to do any stunts or anything. It's been a weakness not addressed by Ozzie Newsome in years. We had a big weight advantage with our offensive line and their fucking defensive line, and they still pushed our guys around.



They need to go with a smaller line but quick line like my Denver Broncos.

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Man... those fucking Ravens had me fucking sweating that game yesterday. What a fucking pitiful offense we have. Our fucking offensive line is... well, fucking offensive!! But we still fucking snuck the fuck out of Cleveland with a fucking W. Fucking 3-0 with the red fucking hot Chargers coming to fucking Baltimore this fucking Sunday!! FUCK!!




I was suprised that they had that hard of time with the fucking Browns.

Problem is our offensive line. They are fucking too big and too fucking fat and not nearly fucking athletic enough. They are one dimensional. They aren't athletic enough to do any stunts or anything. It's been a weakness not addressed by Ozzie Newsome in years. We had a big weight advantage with our offensive line and their fucking defensive line, and they still pushed our guys around.



They need to go with a smaller line but quick line like my Denver Broncos.

Exactly. Big doesn't fucking necessarily mean better in the NFL.

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Wes got so fuckin' wrapped up in talkin'bout fuckin' football that he forgot the magic fuckin' word

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I don't really have any reason to say 'fuck' yet, so I might just leave this fuckin' thread alone for the fuckin' moment.



Do you have to have a reason to say the word fuck?







shew.....that felt good....

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Yeah, fuck it. If you wanna say the fuckin' word, just let that fucker rip.


Cool......then I'll say it again......





ooooooooooh......now that was orgasmic! :lol:

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Yeah, fuck it. If you wanna say the fuckin' word, just let that fucker rip.


Cool......then I'll say it again......





ooooooooooh......now that was orgasmic! :lol:


I've been told I have that fuckin' effect on women... by me... as I sit alone in the corner of a dark room. :(

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Yeah, fuck it. If you wanna say the fuckin' word, just let that fucker rip.


Cool......then I'll say it again......





ooooooooooh......now that was orgasmic! :lol:


I've been told I have that fuckin' effect on women... by me... as I sit alone in the corner of a dark room. :(



why are you all alone Geoff where is the soon to be wife at? Was it that 'gay feeling' you were having in the uniteresting thread that fucking drove her away? :P

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Yeah, fuck it. If you wanna say the fuckin' word, just let that fucker rip.


Cool......then I'll say it again......





ooooooooooh......now that was orgasmic! :lol:


I've been told I have that fuckin' effect on women... by me... as I sit alone in the corner of a dark room. :(



why are you all alone Geoff where is the soon to be wife at? Was it that 'gay feeling' you were having in the uniteresting thread that fucking drove her away? :P


No Wes, the wife-to-be is busy playing with broken puppies and kittens and I'm in a fuckin' office, which feels like a dark lonely room, even though this place is lit up like a fuckin' christmas tree. She doesn't mind me being a fuckin' homosexual in my spare time though.

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Yeah, fuck it. If you wanna say the fuckin' word, just let that fucker rip.


Cool......then I'll say it again......





ooooooooooh......now that was orgasmic! :lol:


I've been told I have that fuckin' effect on women... by me... as I sit alone in the corner of a dark room. :(



why are you all alone Geoff where is the soon to be wife at? Was it that 'gay feeling' you were having in the uniteresting thread that fucking drove her away? :P


No Wes, the wife-to-be is busy playing with broken puppies and kittens and I'm in a fuckin' office, which feels like a dark lonely room, even though this place is lit up like a fuckin' christmas tree. She doesn't mind me being a fuckin' homosexual in my spare time though.



I'm glad to hear she condones your extra-curricular activities. It fucking sounds like she is a very understanding woman.

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Very understanding. She takes the good with the bad because I'm so fuckin' handsome.



Now if you could just fucking get her to listen to your music you'd have it made. :)


If that actually happened I'd even let her make love to me!
























How fuckin' cool would it be if I was seriously in that position? But yeah, I agree... it would be fuckin' awesome if she got some musical taste. She doesn't even like chocolate... I should have know then. :)

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Yeah, fuck it. If you wanna say the fuckin' word, just let that fucker rip.




I was at the fucking store today to get some fucking bread. I am fucking dressed in my normal fucking blue jeans and a fucking Hammerfall shirt on. So some fucking dweeb fucking comes over to me and fucking starts ragging on fucking Hammerfall, fucking calling them fucking fake metal. Needless to fucking say, this motherfucker's idea of great fucking bands was Marilyn Manson and Slipnot. It took every fucking thing in me not to fucking knock the fucking fucktard out. Fucking securoty chased the fucking fucktard out of the store. Fucking idiots.


Fucking fuck rant fucking over for the fucking time fucking being. We now fucking return to your fucking regular fucking programming. :gives:


FUCK!! :wtf:

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So some fucking dweeb fucking comes over to me and fucking starts ragging on fucking Hammerfall, fucking calling them fucking fake metal. Needless to fucking say, this motherfucker's idea of great fucking bands was Marilyn Manson and Slipnot. It took every fucking thing in me not to fucking knock the fucking fucktard out.


Fuckin' A, Rob, you are a stronger fucker than I am, I woulda laid that fuckin' punk ass kid out on the floor with one fuckin' punch... and when he woke up he woulda had his fucking Slipknot and Marilyn Fucking Manson CDs stuck so fuckin' far up his ass that he woulda needed extremely fuckin' painful extraction fuckin' surgery to get'em the fuck out! Fuck that fucking fucktard!

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