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The F*%K Thread


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We drop into the mid 90's tomorrow, then back up to triple digits for the weekend.


Ehhh...someone fucking forgot to say the fuckin' magic word!


I fucked up.


Fuck man, it happens.

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We drop into the mid 90's tomorrow, then back up to triple digits for the weekend.


Ehhh...someone fucking forgot to say the fuckin' magic word!


I fucked up.



Just be fuckin' glad I caught ya and not Lisa... she gives fuckin' painful noogies.

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FUCK this heat......I can't even do fuckin yardwork at 7 fuckin 30 in the damn fucking morning. It was already a heat index of oh lets see.......a fuckin whopping 86 degrees it wasn't even 8 fucking o'clock in the morning yet. I hate it for all those poor bastards that have to work outside for a livin. Fuck it I need a cold one......later.

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Well..while allyall fuckin' complain about the heat, I'm headin' up to O HI O to check out the great city of Columbus!


I can't fuckin' wait!!!

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We'll be right fuckin' over, right Metalhead, Heaven&Hell, Blue Charvel, etc.? You better go out for a fuckin' beer run before we get there Lees, we're gonna be fuckin' thirsty after all that cross-country fuckin' traveling in this fuckin HEAT!



Are you driving Keith? I had all the fucking driving I could fucking handle last week. The change of weather does sound nice though.


I'll fuckin' drive, you're kinda on the fuckin' way anyway. Just wait outside by the fuckin' curb.


:yikes: Stay the fuck outta Ohio then, k???.........I know how you fuckin' drive!!! :lol:


:blink: Fuckin' Ow... Keith, Jay, somebody pull that fuckin' knife outta my back would ya? :lol:


Awwww.....just fuckin' kiddin' sweetie. Actually....I had a dream about you last night. You and the girls moved into the house right across the street from me. :banana: How COOL would that be?? Pool parties.....bar-b-ques......and KICK ASS fuckin' music in beautiful downtown Ludlow Falls..... :lol:

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Well..while allyall fuckin' complain about the heat, I'm headin' up to O HI O to check out the great city of Columbus!


I can't fuckin' wait!!!


Awesome!!!! Wave as ya go over Ludlow....k? :banana:


Have a safe trip......and be careful!!!



Oh yeah......fuck.

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I've been baaaad today :)   I snuck on my friend's fuckin computer here at work & I changed her 'new email' notification sound. Now, instead of the chime, it farts when she gets a fuckin email - really loud :lol:


That's fuckin' evil. I fuckin' love it.

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  • 2023 Gold Donors
I've been baaaad today :)   I snuck on my friend's fuckin computer here at work & I changed her 'new email' notification sound. Now, instead of the chime, it farts when she gets a fuckin email - really loud :lol:


shame, shame! :tsk: but what are friends fuckin' for? ;) I wonder what they'll fuckin' do to yer computer if they find out it was the "baaaaad" Lisa? Of course, I won't fuckin' tell! :whistle:

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I never get sick, but I started getting a really fucking sore throat last night. By the time I went to sleep it was pretty fuckin' sore, but managable. Woke up at 1:00am unable to fuckin' swallow, having fucked up "fever dreams" which at the time you think are necessary to life and it's purpose, but eventually you wake and think, 'What the fuck was that?' But I had them, I had pills, I couldn't sleep. I was sweating in the middle of the freezing night. It fuckin' sucked massive balls. Needless to say, I've fucking felt better.

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shame, shame! :tsk: but what are friends fuckin' for? ;) I wonder what they'll fuckin' do to yer computer if they find out it was the "baaaaad" Lisa? Of course, I won't fuckin' tell! :whistle:

Believe-you-me.... this kind of stuff fuckin goes on daily :) She knows *dern* well it was me :lol:

and she will fuckin get me back too :unsure:




I hope you feel fuckin better soon, Geoff :wub: Keep the fuckin tea with honey and lemon on tap!

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I hope you feel fuckin better soon, Geoff :wub: Keep the fuckin tea with honey and lemon on tap!


Thanks Lisa :wub:. That may just have been all the fuckin' medicine I needed. :)

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Thanks Lisa :wub:. That may just have been all the fuckin' medicine I needed. :)

you're fuckin welcome, Geoff :wub:



Fuck it has been a long time since I checked out this thread. Must be Lisa's fault for bustin' my ass for not using the word fuck. I guess I fuckin' showed her....

me thinks you were too busy fuckin pontooning (that word looks funny) and playing out in the summer heat to even give this thread a fuckin second thought.... but yeah - you showed me! I'll be watching ya twice as fuckin hard to make up for it :P



I am fucking 32 years old today. Happy fucking birthday to me. :dance:


Happy fuckin birfday, Wes!! :drink:

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